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题型:阅读理解-阅读单选 难度:0.65 引用次数:77 题号:22352121

The elderly residents in care homes in London are being given hens to look after to stop them feeling lonely.

The project was dreamed up by a local charity to reduce loneliness and improve elderly people's wellbeing. It is also being used to help patients suffering dementia, a serious illness of the mind. Staff in care homes have reported are duction in the use of medicine where hens are in use.

Among those taking part in the project is 80-year-old-Ruth Xavier. She said: "I used to keep hens when I was younger and had to prepare their breakfast each morning before I went to school.

“I like the project a lot. I am down there in my wheelchair in the morning letting the hens out and down there again at night to see they've gone to bed.

“It's good to have a different focus. People have been bringing their children in to se the hens and residents come and sit outside to watch them. I'm enjoying the creative activities, and it feels great to have done something useful.”

There are now 700 elderly people looking after hens in 20 care homes in the North East, and the charity has been given financial support to roll it out countrywide.

Wendy Wilson, extra care manager at 60 Penfold Street, one of the first to embark on the project, said: “Residents really welcome the idea of the project and the creative sessions. We are looking forward to the benefits and fun the project can bring to people here.”

Lynn Lewis, director of Noting Hill Pathways, said: “We are happy to be taking part in the project. It will really help connect our residents through a shared interest and creative activities.”

1. What is the purpose of the project?
A.To ensure harmony in care homes.B.To raise money for medical research.
C.To provide part-time jobs for the aged.D.To promote the elderly people's welfare.
2. How has the project affected Ruth Xavier?
A.She has developed a strong personality.B.She has gained a sense of achievement.
C.She has recovered her memory.D.She has learned new life skills.
3. Who was one of the first founders of the project?
A.Lynn Lewis.B.Wendy Wilson.C.Ruth Xavier.D.The elder.
4. What can we learn about the project from the last two paragraphs?
A.It is well received.B.It is highly profitable.
C.It needs to be more creative.D.It takes ages to see the results.


阅读理解-阅读单选(约350词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐1】When many of his peers (同龄人) dreamed of becoming professional footballers, firefighters or music stars, José Adolfo Quisocala, now 14, set his sights on the world of finance from an early age.

By the age of seven, attending a state school in the Peruvian city of Arequipa, he decided he wanted to create a bank for children. He was motivated by seeing his peers   skipping lunch because they had spent the little money they had on sweets or football cards. What drove him even more was the poverty he saw among children who were not attending his primary school.

The Bartselana student bank he founded now has more than 2,000 clients between the ages of 10 and 18. The children can withdraw money from the cashpoints of several banks using personal bank cards, which no one else can use, and monitor their balances online.

Seven years ago, José Adolfo managed to convince a handful of teachers and pupils that his idea could work. Then a student prize from his local town hall helped him get the support of a local cooperative to formally register his bank. Since then he has won awards nationally, then internationally.

The project of his student bank really took off when he came up with an innovative way for the children to earn money by collecting recyclable plastic or paper waste.

The children bring plastic bottles, used school exercise books and old newspapers to a kiosk (售货亭) at their school where it is weighed and their bank accounts are credited with the corresponding amount of money.

"He's making an incredible change in financial structuring and financial education that perhaps many adults could not have come up with," said Peru's environment minister, Lucía Ruiz.

"By joining that with recycling and the handling of waste, a serious problem in our country, he's scoring a double goal because he's not just designing a financial opportunity for children and teenagers but also helping to reduce the amount of waste in the country."

1. What mainly motivated José to create a bank for children?
A.The lunch his peers had in school.
B.The wish to help poor children.
C.His dream of becoming professional footballer.
D.No money to buy sweets and football cards.
2. What can we learn about José’s bank?
A.It employs children and teenagers.
B.It gains profits from a local cooperative.
C.It earns money by collecting recyclable waste.
D.It benefits both the children and the environment.
3. What is unique about Jose’s project?
A.It helps children attend school.
B.It joins banking with recycling of waste.
C.It allows clients to withdraw money.
D.It designs a financial opportunity for children.
4. Which of the following best describes José?
A.Creative and clever.B.Brave and heroic.
C.Adaptable and generous.D.Thoughtful and sensitive.
2022-03-19更新 | 79次组卷
阅读理解-阅读单选(约300词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐2】The last known eggs of the Great Bustard (鸨) were taken in 1832, and the bird was nearly extinct by the end of the 19th century, a victim of hunters. In 2004, the endangered species was reintroduced to Salisbury Plain, with the aim of establishing a self-sustaining population here.

The Great Bustard Group (GBG), the charity behind the release, was set up in 1997 and it has now been 16 years since the initial 10-year trial began. Long-term volunteers Fred and Rona Andrews have been involved from the start and, working as part of a team, have helped raise over 200 chicks from eggs sourced abroad.

“For the first week the chick needs to have food placed in its bill, so we use a feeding puppet to imitate the behavior of the parent,” explains Fred. “It is quite hard when the bustards are young because they need feeding every hour and it takes a long time to feed one.”

Great Bustards reach maturity at about five years old. “Seeing the first wild bred chick out on Salisbury Plain in 2009, shortly after it hatched, was a proud moment for me,” says Rona. On average, 12 chicks are released each year on to Salisbury Plain and in 2018 the survival rate was 100 percent.

“The aim has been to reach a population of 100 birds,” says GBG executive officer David Waters. “Now we have that number, and we are hoping the population will continue to grow by natural reproduction.”

“Being involved with the world’s heaviest bird alive today that can fly has given us both a greater knowledge of birds, conservation and farming,” states Rona. “We are contributing to an important conservation project that also benefits other species.”

1. Why did the GBG reintroduce Great Bustards to Salisbury Plain?
A.To test their chance of survival.
B.To increase species diversity there.
C.To help save the threatened species.
D.To help the local bustards raise chicks.
2. What does Fred say about feeding the young bustards?
A.It is dangerous.B.It is demanding.
C.It is interesting.D.It is fairly costly.
3. What does David Waters expect of Great Bustards?
A.They will survive on their own.
B.They will reach a population of 100.
C.They will hatch 12 chicks each year.
D.They will live in peace with other species.
2021-09-18更新 | 202次组卷
阅读理解-阅读单选(约390词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐3】A year after he died at 17, a young man’s love of helping others lives on through a foundation. The Benjamin Canlas Courage to be Kind Foundation gives away bikes to Filipinos who are struggling to hold on to jobs in a country undergoing difficult times.

Benjamin Canlas was always warm-hearted. One time, he saw a food seller riding an old bicycle. Its pedals were missing. To help, Benjamin let the man ride his bike and used his own savings to send the seller’s bike to a bicycle shop for restoration.

After Benjamin’s death, his parents George and Glennda Canlas created the foundation in memory of the young man and his kindness, seeing it as a way to connect donors with those in need. In the Philippines, many jobs have been lost this year. This has left thousands of Filipinos taking odd jobs. With restricted public transportation, many people have to walk for hours to do these jobs.

The Canlases had the idea to give away bikes to individuals nominated (提名) by their peers or loved ones. When the giveaway contest was announced on social media, they did not know how much interest there would be and planned to give away seven bicycles at first. But they received over 50 nominations. “We didn’t expect that, uncertain whether what we do is of any practical value,” said Glennda. “But now we’re determined.” One bike owner is Camilla, a mother of a 2-year-old. When her husband’s work was put on hold, she started selling and delivering food. Camilla said the bike was a big help and she was “so happy” that she didn’t have to walk so far anymore.

Even as the contest ended, nominations continued to pour in. The foundation said there are people still in need. Now it is working on launching more sustainable projects that will help more while also inspiring others to pay it forward. “We live in a world where it takes courage to be kind,” said Glennda. “Our goal would be from ‘courage to be kind’, and create a world where kindness does not require courage—it is simply the thing we all do.”

1. What did Benjamin do after seeing the seller riding an old bike?
A.He sent money to the seller.B.He had the old bike repaired.
C.He gave his own bike to the seller.D.He bought a new bike to the seller.
2. The Canlases set up the foundation to ______.
A.continue their son’s wishesB.memorize Benjamin Canlas
C.connect donors with the poorD.help the unemployed get jobs
3. Why does the author mention Camilla?
A.To show impacts of the country’s tough situation.B.To appeal for attention to the people in need.
C.To illustrate being kind does require courage.D.To state the difference made by the good deed.
4. What is the foundation aimed at now?
A.Providing more bikes to the people in need.B.Encouraging everyone to be courageous.
C.Initiating other sustainable organizations.D.Turning kindness into a usual thing.
2024-02-25更新 | 60次组卷
共计 平均难度:一般