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Rome has a handful of bookshops with only English language titles. Here is our list of the main bookshops offering books in English, from old to new titles.

Almost Corner Bookshop

The Almost Corner Bookshop in Trastevere has a wide collection of fiction (小说) works and also carries books on Roman history, art, culture, poetry and many other subjects.

Via del Moro 45, tel.065836942.

Anglo American

Centrally located near the Spanish Steps, the Anglo American Bookshop only carries books in English but on request can order books in other languages. The shop has recently moved, just down the street.

Via della Vite 27, tel. 066795222.

Open Door

The Open Door Bookshop is a small shop that specialises in buying and selling quality second-hand and old books in English, Italian, French, German and Spanish, as well as some new books.

Via della Lungaretta 23, tel. 065896478.

The Little Reader

This children’s English bookshop in the Esquilino area of Rome collects books from babies to teens in English and Italian. It also has a local cafe (咖啡馆) and garden and offers a regular (定期的) programme of reading events and activities for children and their parents.

Via Conte Verde 66b, tel. 0687784678.

1. In which bookshop can you learn more about Roman history?
A.Almost Corner Bookshop.B.Anglo American.
C.Open Door.D.The Little Reader.
2. Which number should you call if you want to buy second-hand books?
3. What can readers do in The Little Reader bookshop?
A.Eat Spanish food.B.Read books in French.
C.Enjoy reading activities.D.Take Italian language courses.


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文章大意:本文为一篇应用文。文章介绍了牛津大学自然历史博物馆的后面的免费开放的Pitt Rivers博物馆的位置、开放时间、停车指南以及给残障游人提供的泊车位预约服务项目。

【推荐1】Pitt Rivers Museum

Visiting the Museum

Admission free

Opening Hours

10:00——16:30 Tuesday to Sunday


The Pitt Rivers Museum will remain open throughout 2021via the normal entrance while there are the building works in the Oxford University Museum Natural History(OUMNH)


The entrance to the Pitt Rivers Muscum is just behind the OUMNH on Parks Road, Oxford, OX13Pw. Walking across the ground floor of OUMNH, visitors can reach it.


Sorry the Museum cannot offer parking facilities . Vehicles parking in the University's Science Area without a permit are likely to be locked in wheels. We suggest that you look for parking space in either the side streets around the Museum or at the multi-storey car park. There are also five Park and Ride car parks nearby at the bottom of the Abingdon Road. There is a park for only buses on Oxpens Road. The walk distance is about half an hour .

Access for disabled visitors

To help make the most of your visit to the Pitt Rivers Museum, please download the access information for visitors with disabilities. Wheelchair access

There is a platform lift at the main entrance from the OUMNH for wheelchair and pushchair users, but due to technical difficulties this lift is out of operation at present. There is also level access into the Museum via the South door on Robinson Close. A disabled parking space ( close to this entrance) can be booked in advance on a first come first served basis. Tel.01865 270927.

1. What can we infer from the passage?
A.A new entrance is being made for the OUMNH
B.Parking is not available due to the building works.
C.The OUMNH is very close to the Pitt Rivers Museum
D.The Pitt Rivers Museum opens at 10:00 every Monday
2. Where is the text probably taken from ?
A.A travel storyB.A lifestyle magazine.
C.A geography textbook.D.A website of a muscum
3. Why is it convenient for the disabled to visit the museum now ?
A.Facilities are available at a small charge
B.Parking space is specially provided for them
C.They can use the platform lift of the museum freely.
D.Wheelchairs can easily pass through the main entrance.
2022-04-01更新 | 49次组卷
阅读理解-阅读单选 | 较易 (0.85)

【推荐2】The Louvre is the world’s largest and most visited museum now. drawing nearly 10 million people each year. It is a museum about education whose main aim is to protect and pass on our heritage to future generations.

As a royal palace in the past, the Louvre shows the history of France for about eight centuries. Divided among eight departments, the collections feature works admired throughout the globe, including the Mona Lisa, the Winged Victory of Samothrace and the Venus de Milo.

The special feature

In keeping with France’s 2005 disability law, the Louvre aims to make sure all visitors can access the museum safely and comfortably. Special attention is given to the disabled throughout the museum. More importantly, Louvre’s Touch Gallery has a space specially designed for members of the public with disabilities, inviting them to gain artistic knowledge by touch with the help of technology.

Practical information

Buying tickets online is a good way to get into the museum in less than 30 minutes. Tours of the Louvre are conducted by guides from the French national museum network. Download or rent an audio guide and choose your visit! Explore the Louvre on your own, guided by the museum’s experts. The Louvre is open every day, except Tuesdays, from 9 a. m. to 6 p. m. Night opening until 9: 45 p. m. on Wednesdays and Fridays. Closed on the following holidays: January 1, May 1, May 8, December 25. Tel: +33(0) 140205317.

1. What do we know about the Louvre now?
A.It is the most popular museum.
B.It is aimed to protect paintings.
C.It has more than eight departments.
D.It shows the life of French common families.
2. Where does the Louvre’s special feature lies in?
A.Its good service and kind guides.
B.Its discounted tickets online.
C.Its audio guides for free.
D.Its convenience to the disabled.
3. When is suitable for you to visit the Louvre?
A.At 10: 00 a. m. on Tuesday.B.At 9: 00 p. m. on Friday.
C.At 7: 00 p. m. on the weekend.D.On December 25.
2022-07-19更新 | 166次组卷
阅读理解-阅读单选 | 较易 (0.85)


Counseling Services is a place on campus where you can find someone to talk when you're feeling hopeless, lonely, depressed, confused, upset over a relationship, or just anxious. If you or anyone you know has been disturbed by recent events,please come to Counseling Services,which can provide a safe and comfortable environment for all students.

Service Time

Counseling Services will be closed from Monday. December 21st 2020 through the beginning of Spring Term 2021. But we will continue to provide Tele-health services by phone and email Monday through Friday from 8:00 .AM to 4:30 PM. We will be fully closed on the following dates: December 24th. 25th. 30th. 31st. January 1st. 2021.


To make an appointment, call (715) S36-552I during our business hours: Monday-Friday S:00 AM-12:00 PM. 1:00 PM to 4:30 PM. We are open 8:00 .AM to 6:00 PM on Wednesdays.

What You Can Get

In addition to services on phones or on line. you can now check out our Attacking .Anxiety and Depression Workshop Videos, or see what our office is up to on Instagram and Facebook. We have also been collecting COVID-19 specific online resources.

If you want to know more, please click here.

1. Who may need Counseling Services?
A.Anyone living alone.
B.Pupils wanting to live comfortably.
C.Students suffering from anxiety.
D.Students feeling hopeful.
2. On which day can we make an appointment at 5 PM?
3. Where is this text most likely from?
A.A textbook.B.A guidebook.
C.A magazine.D.A website
2021-02-05更新 | 86次组卷
共计 平均难度:一般