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题型:其他 难度:0.94 引用次数:13 题号:22514877

Eggs-perimenting with eggs

What can you do with eggs other than eat them?

Naked Eggs

What does an egg look like without its shell? You may be picturing the white and yolk in a bowl after cracking it, but that isn’t the only way to remove the shell.

Materials: an egg, white vinegar, a bowl, a spoon

Directions: Fill a bowl with one cup of vinegar. Add the egg to the bowl, and wait at least 24 hours. When you check it after a day, you’ll notice some bubbles on the egg and a residue (残留物) in the water. Use the spoon to gently remove the egg from the bowl. Dump out the old vinegar, and add a cup of fresh vinegar. Return the egg to the bowl, and wait another 24 hours. When you remove the egg this time, the shell should be completely dissolved. What remains will be the contents of the egg.

Walking on Eggshells

Can Eggs hold the weight of your entire body?

Materials: six cartons (硬纸盒) of eggs, a garbage bag

Directions: Place the garbage bag on the floor to make any necessary clean up easier. Place the cartons of eggs into two rows of three. Make sure all the eggs are pointing in the same direction— either all pointy end up or all rounded end up. Step onto the first carton of eggs carefully. Make sure your foot is as flat as possible and that you are distributing your weight evenly. If you’re careful, you will succeed. Eggs are actually incredibly strong. The arch shape at the top and the bottom of the egg allows pressure to be distributed evenly over the egg. If you were to place the eggs on their sides instead, you’d be likely to wind up with a gooey (胶粘的) mess.

What was the author’s purpose in writing this text?
A.To persuade readers to use eggs in new ways.
B.To entertain readers with funny use for eggs.
C.To tell readers some ways to experiment with eggs.
D.To inspire readers to conduct experiments carefully.
2023高三·全国·专题练习 查看更多[1]


其他 | 容易 (0.94)
【推荐1】When is the concert?


Day: Wednesday

Time: in the morning (10: 30-12: 00)

Place: People Theatre

Price: 38 yuan

Telephone: 89687255

A.On Thursday (18: 00-20: 00).B.On Saturday (10: 00-12: 00).
C.On Friday (15: 00-17: 00).D.On Wednesday (10: 30-12: 00).
2023-12-18更新 | 10次组卷
其他 | 容易 (0.94)

【推荐2】Value for money?

Yes. It’s not cheap but it’s a special experience that easily fills a day. Plus, it’s a valuable cause worth supporting. Adults£14, children 5-17 and students£6.50, under-4s free, family38 (two adults and two children) or£25 (one adult and three children).

How much would a couple with their 5-year-old twin sons pay for admission?
2024-03-28更新 | 21次组卷
其他 | 容易 (0.94)

【推荐3】Henry Raeburn (1756-1823)

The Exhibition

This exhibition of some sixty masterpieces celebrating the life and work of Scotland’s best loved painter, Sir Henry Raeburn, comes to London. Selected from collections throughout the world, it is the first major exhibition of his work to be held in over forty years.

Lecture Series

Scottish National Portrait (肖像画) Gallery presents a series of lectures for the general public. They are held in the Lecture Room. Admission to lectures is free.

An Introduction to Raeburn

Sunday 26 Oct., 15:00


Raeburn’s English Contemporaries

Thursday 30 Oct., 13:10


Characters and Characterisation in

Raeburn’s Portraits

Thursday 6 Nov., 13:10


Raeburn and Artist’s Training in the

18th Century

Thursday 13 Nov., 13:10


Exhibition Times

Monday-Saturday 10.00-17.45             Sunday 12.00-17.45

Last admission to the exhibition: 17.15. There is no re-admission.

Closed: 24-26 December and 1 January.


£4. Children under 12 years accompanied by an adult are admitted free.

Schools and Colleges

A special low entrance charge of £2 per person is available to all in full-time education, up to and including those at first degree level, in organised groups with teachers.

How much would a couple with two children under 12 pay for admission?

2024-03-31更新 | 4次组卷
共计 平均难度:一般