组卷网 > 高中英语综合库 > 主题 > 人与自我 > 哲理感悟
题型:阅读理解-阅读表达 难度:0.65 引用次数:40 题号:22735851

Once upon a time, in a little village called Charmington, there lived a shy and unconfident girl named Lily. Lily was a kind-hearted soul, but her lack of self-assurance often led her to doubt her own beauty and worth.

One sunny day, as Lily wandered through the streets of Charmington, she came across a charming little shop filled with shining hair accessories (配饰). Among the treasures, her eyes were attracted by a lovely bow (蝴蝶结) that seemed to callout to her. Despite her hesitation, something inside Lily told her to take a small act of self-expression and pay for the bow. She bought it and gently put it in her hair. At that very moment, a magical transformation took place. Lily felt a burst of confidence, as if the bow had given her a newfound confidence and charm.

Excited about her new accessory, Lily confidently walked down the busy streets of Charmington, unaware that the bow had slipped and dropped unnoticed from her hair. Her newfound confidence made her feel beautiful inside and out. As Lily walked, something amazing began to happen. People passing by couldn’t help but notice her beauty, the warmth that shined from herself. Strangers smiled at her, complimenting her on her look and bright smile.

Confused by their compliments, Lily touched her hair, only to realize that the bow was missing. Instead of feeling embarrassed or disheartened, she couldn’t help but be amazed by the power of her own confidence. Lily began to understand that true beauty lies not in outside decorations but in self-assurance and grace. It was her confidence that had caught the attention and admiration of those around her.

1. What was the biggest challenge for Lily? (No more than 15 words.)
2. What happened to Lily’s new bow?(No more than 10 words.)
3. What does the underlined word “complimenting” probably mean? (Only 1 word.)
4. According to the passage, what is the true beauty? (No more than 15 words.)
5. In your opinion, how to build your own confidence? (No more than 20 words.)
【知识点】 哲理感悟 生活故事


阅读理解-阅读单选(约260词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐1】If you could have one superpower, what would it be?

Dreaming about whether you would want to read minds, see through walls, or have superhuman strength may sound silly, but it actually gets to the heart of what really maters in your life.

Every day in our work, we are inspired by the people we meet doing extraordinary things to improve the world.

They have a different kind of superpower that all of us possess: the power to make a difference in the lives of others.

We’re not saying that everyone needs to contribute their lives to the poor. Your lives are busy enough doing homework, playing sports, making friends, seeking after your dreams. But we do think that you can live a more powerful life when you devote some of your time and energy to something much larger than yourself, find an issue you are interested in and learn more. Volunteer or, if you can, contribute a little money to a cause. Whatever you do, don’t be a bystander. Get involved, You may have the opportunity to make your biggest difference when you’re older. But why not start now?

Our own experience working together on health, development, and energy in the last twenty years has been one of the most rewarding parts of our lives. It has changed who we are and continues to fuel our optimism about how much the lives of the poorest people will improve in the years ahead.

1. Why does the author say we are inspired every day?
A.They have different kinds of superpowers.
B.They have got the power to change the world.
C.some people around us are making the world better.
D.There are many powerful people in our life and work.
2. What does the author stress in Paragraph 5?
A.Learning more and contributing more to a cause.
B.Rising above self and acting to help others.
C.Working hard to get a bigger opportunity.
D.Trying your best to help the poor.
3. What can be inferred from the last paragraph?
A.The author believes the lives of the poorest will get better.
B.Much more progress will be made in the near future.
C.The work on health is the most valuable experience.
D.People’s efforts have been materially rewarded.
2021-10-11更新 | 48次组卷
阅读理解-阅读单选(约290词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐2】I think that the most basic and powerful way to connect to another person is to listen. Just listen, Perhaps the most important thing we ever give each other is our attention, and especially if it's given from the heart. When people are talking, there's no need to do anything but receive them. Just take them in. Listen to what they’re saying Care about it. Most times caring about it is even When we interrupt what someone is saying to let him know that we understand, we move the more important than understanding it.

When we interrupt what someone is saying to let him know that we understand, we move the focus of attention to ourselves. When we listen, he knows we care. Many people with cancer can talk about the relief of having someone just listen.

I have even leaned to respond to someone crying by just listening. In the old days I used to reach for the tissues(纸巾), until I realized that passing a person a tissue may be just another way to shut him down, to take him out of his experience of sadness and grief(悲痛,悲伤) Now I just listen. When they have cried all they need to cry, they find me there with them.

The simple thing has not been that easy to learn. It certainly went against everything I had been taught since I was very young. I thought people listened only because they were too timid to speak or did not know the answer. A loving silence often has far more power to heal and to connect than the well-intentioned(出于好心的) words.

1. When we communicate with others we had better_______.
A.listen moreB.understand more
C.speak moreD.look here and there
2. It is very difficult for us to learn to listen because_______.
A.we may know the answer.B.we have an interesting topic.
C.parents teach us to speak.D.it goes against what we have been taught.
3. What is probably the best title for this article?
A.Listening and talkingB.Listen, just listen
C.Listening is not easy to learnD.How to comfort others
2020-03-04更新 | 32次组卷
阅读理解-阅读单选(约300词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐3】Thinking is something you choose to do as a fish chooses to live in water. To be human is to think. But thinking may come naturally without your knowing how you do it. Thinking about thinking is the key to critical thinking. When you think critically, you take control of your thinking processes. Otherwise, you might be controlled by the ideas of others. Indeed, critical thinking is at the heart of education.

The word “critical” here has a special meaning. It does not mean taking one against another view, as when someone criticizes another person for doing something wrong. The nature of critical thinking is thinking beyond the easily seen-beyond the pictures on TV, the untrue reports in the newspapers, and the faulty reasoning.

Critical thinking is an attitude as much as an activity. If you are curious about life and desire to dig deeper into it, you are a critical thinker. If you find pleasure in deep thinking about different ideas, characters, and facts, you are a critical thinker.

Activities of the mind and higher-order reasoning are processes of deep and careful consideration. They take time, and do not go hand in hand with the fast speed in today’s world: fast foods, instant coffee, and self-developing film. If you are among the people who believe that speed is a measure of intelligence, you may learn something new from a story about Albert Einstein. The first time Banesh Hoffman, a scientist, was to discuss his work with Albert Einstein, Hoffman was too nervous to speak. But Einstein immediately put Hoffman at ease by saying, “Please go slowly. I don’t understand things quickly.”

1. Critical thinking is important to us because if we do not think critically, ________.
A.it will be hard for us to think naturally and fastB.we might be controlled by other people’s ideas
C.we will follow the ideas of others naturallyD.we might be fooled by other people’s ideas
2. If you are a critical thinker, you will ________.
A.think deeply about different ideasB.trust the reports in the newspapers
C.take one view against another viewD.criticize other people for their mistakes
3. In the last paragraph, “ something new” suggests that ________.
A.the smarter you are, the faster you do thingsB.the faster you do things, the smarter you become
C.speed can improve intelligenceD.intelligence is not decided by speed
4. What would be the best title for the passage?
A.Thinking and Critical ThinkingB.Understanding Critical Thinking
C.Thinking Is Natural and HumanD.Thinking Fast Means Intelligence
2021-06-16更新 | 59次组卷
共计 平均难度:一般