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题型:阅读理解-七选五 难度:0.85 引用次数:61 题号:22764968

Have you ever considered buying or moving to a farm? Did you know that children farming and raising animals builds character?     1    .

Physical activity

You needn’t worry about your child spending all day inside playing video games.     2     When physical activity is an essential part of a child’s life from the start, it keeps them at a health y weight while making them less likely to become fat as an adult.

Compassion (同情) and understanding

When a child grows up on a farm, they learn the responsibility of caring for crops or animals. They discover how to understand and feel compassionate toward something that can’t communicate its feelings.     3    . On top of the animals or plants they care for, your child will also learn to appreciate and protect the environment.

Discipline (自制力) and hard work

By growing up on a farm, your child learns about responsibility. They learn that they have duty and that they can enjoy their free time when those jobs are done.     4    . When they see a beautiful harvest, they see that all those early mornings and long days were worth the reward. This attitude of self-discipline and putting in the work to see the results will benefit them for their entire life.


Kids who grow up on a farm have a good knowledge of their environment in a way most others never will. They learn how to grow plants and raise animals. They can diagnose problems and come up with solutions. They understand how to use farming equipment and how to work with the weather instead of against it. Those skills open the door to allowing your child to live and thrive anywhere they want.

A.Survival skills
B.The value of teamwork
C.Here are some benefits of raising children on a farm
D.This is a quality that will help them in any social situation
E.And they get the opportunity to see the fruits of their labor
F.It’s never too early to start thinking about your child’s future
G.Instead, your child will be out on the farm working with plants or animals


阅读理解-七选五(约290词) | 较易 (0.85)

【推荐1】Steps to Take to Become a Morning Person

Seek out as much natural light as possible.

The secret to becoming a morning person is exposure to bright light, says Jennifer Martin, president of the board of directors for the American Academy of Sleep Medicine. That’s because light suppresses melatonin, a hormone that plays an important role in circadian rhythm.     1    

Ease in gradually.

    2     You could force yourself to get up at your desired time every day, knowing that you’ll feel tired during the transition but will naturally start falling asleep earlier within a few weeks. But for some people — like those who need to drive long distances — those first few days of exhaustion from switching to a new schedule aren’t safe. In that case, Martin recommends gradually easing into the early-bird life. “What I’ll suggest to people is to shift half an hour, wait a few days, shift another half an hour, wait a few days, and then shift another half an hour,” she says.


A consistent bedtime isn’t as crucial as sticking to the same wake up time every day, but it’s still important to make sure you’re getting enough sleep. Most people should aim for at least seven hours a night — so you’ll probably need to inch your bedtime forward as you transition to a new schedule. Starting at least an hour before you hit the sack, cut back on how much exposure to bright light you’re getting, experts advise.     4    

Plan something to look forward to.

    5       “Now is the time to go buy your favorite coffee or pick up some pastries to have when your alarm goes off at 5 a. m.,” she says. “You’re not dreading it if you think of that.”

A.Reschedule your bedtime.
B.Wind down in the evenings.
C.The sun is the driver of our internal clock.
D.There are two ways to approach your journey to early rising.
E.To tempt you out of bed, Martin suggests treating yourself to something special.
F.Being exposed to artificial light in the late evening could interfere with your ability to fall asleep.
G.They also recommend rethinking the curtains you might use to foster a very dark sleeping environment.
2023-02-06更新 | 319次组卷
阅读理解-七选五(约270词) | 较易 (0.85)

【推荐2】Best Ways to Get Rid of a Bad Habit

Everyone has a bad habit or two. Getting rid of habits is a very hard thing to do. Even if you have a great deal of self-discipline, bad habits can be very hard to get rid of.    1    The same is true of breaking a bad habit; it takes about three weeks to really get past it.

Tell a friend about your efforts. This will make you more responsible because it is easy to make excuses to yourself, but not as easy to make excuses when your friend asks how it is going. The more people you tell, the more responsibility there is.    2    The same people that are there to keep you responsible should also be there when you need some support. You should tell people who you can call when your resolve is faltering (衰退).

    3    If you want to get rid of a bad habit, you need to replace it with something else. If you watch too much television, you can replace it with a healthy habit such as reading a book or exercising. It might also be a time to start something that you have been planning to do for a long time. Maybe you can start working on a dream project you have been delaying for so long.    4    

·Set futuristic goals. You should imagine a future that involves a life without your bad habit. Whatever the habit you are looking to getting rid of, you should visualize how better your life would become when you get rid of it.    5    By setting goals for the future, you can motivate yourself and adopt a lifestyle that helps you achieve those goals.

A.Adopt a new habit.
B.Get proper help.
C.This also means that you can get more support.
D.Habits take about three weeks to really come into your mind.
E.Think of all the opportunities you missed because of bad habits.
F.Bad habits can prevent a person from making any progress in life.
G.Anything that offers a change in schedule can be very beneficial for you.
2023-04-11更新 | 99次组卷
阅读理解-阅读单选(约360词) | 较易 (0.85)

【推荐3】Encouraging early reading skills can build a path to a lifelong love of reading and can help your child get a head start in school. While reading to your child is still the most important thing you can do to build reading skills, there are many techniques that can help.

Make reading fun. Play games with your child as you read. Many traditional children’s games can be adapted to encourage reading skills. While reading or during play, tell your child, “I spy with my little eye, something that begins with the letter ‘b’.” Help the child find something on the page or in the room that begins with that letter. For example, “I see a barn.” This can also be used to teach beginning letter sounds. “I spy with my little eye, something that begins with the sound‘s’.” Help the child find a word that begins with the “s” sound.

In this variation(变化) on the popular game, instruct the child that, “Simon says, ‘point to something that starts with the letter ‘n’.’” The child can then find an object in the room or a body part, such as the nose, that starts with the letter presented. This can also be used to teach beginning sounds.

Make a game out of rhyming (押韵) words by making up silly words to rhyme with the child’s name or favorite toys. This sets the stage for rhyming real words by showing the child the similarities of sounds. As the child masters making up the words, begin rhyming real words to one another.

Tips to raise a successful reader:

Put books in places where the child plays. If books are easily accessible, children are more likely to pick them up.

Let children “read to you” by looking at pictures. Making up stories to go along with illustrations helps children discover how words relate to pictures.

Take books along on trips or even short visits to the doctor’s office or grocery store.

Have children help you shop. Reading grocery lists and looking for specific items help build vocabulary.

1. Which of the following statements is TRUE?
A.A good reading habit can benefit your child at school.
B.Computer games help children develop reading skills.
C.You should be careful as for what books to read.
D.Children enjoy reading poems to their parents.
2. What can we conclude from the text?
A.The most important thing is to make reading funny.
B.Children have a preference for stories with pictures.
C.Rhyming games should begin only with real words.
D.Children tend to read more if books are at hand.
3. What message does the author deliver in the passage?
A.Interest is the best teacher
B.Practice makes perfect
C.Good methods are half done
D.Failure teaches success
4. What are the intended readers of the text?
D.People in general.
2018-10-06更新 | 84次组卷
共计 平均难度:一般