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题型:语法填空-短文语填 难度:0.65 引用次数:61 题号:22811890

Learning Chinese calligraphy     1     (list) as one of the must-do things when I came to China. Now, I’m in the course of learning this unique art,     2     value is considered very high in China, even across East Asia today. It is not only     3     ancient artistic form of human language, but it also reflects Chinese traditions.

As someone who paints, draws, and loves all     4     (create) things, at first, I assumed I would be rather good at Chinese calligraphy. I was     5     (total) wrong. Using thick brush tips to produce awkward brush strokes (笔画) is very difficult for a     6     (begin). I have no idea about the different types of calligraphy and the meanings     7     (hide) behind each one. Also, I have to hold the paintbrush in a very specific way;     8     (like) a pen or pencil, the paintbrush is held upright in the hand. I need to be extra careful when     9     (change) the angle or direction of the brush, especially if I press too hard on the paper.

After taking the lesson, I now understand the difficulty of calligraphy and that it will take efforts and commitment     10     (master) this art form. Yet, I am grateful to learn such a special Chinese tradition.


语法填空-短文语填(约230词) | 适中 (0.65)
【推荐1】阅读下面短文,在空白处填入1 个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。

The core value of Chinese traditional culture is the concept of harmony. Harmony is, in fact, a complete cultural system that consists of not only     1     (value) but also a philosophy with its own world outlook. Harmony means “proper and balanced cooperation between things”.

    2     harmony at the heart, traditional Chinese principles suggest that there is a built-in dynamic in the universe that turns imbalance into balance. This concept, deeply     3     (mix) into the history of Chinese society, advocates for a balanced and     4     (peace) coexistence within the individual, between people, and between humanity and nature.

At the centre of Chinese cultural harmony is the belief in the interconnectedness of all things. It     5     (reflect) in various aspects of Chinese life, from the emphasis on family unity and social bond     6     the practice of traditional arts and the governance of the state.

The significance of harmony in Chinese culture cannot be overstated. It has shaped China’s approach to international relations,     7     (highlight) harmonious coexistence and shared benefit. In taking care of the environment,     8     inspires efforts to live according to natural cycles and to respect all forms of life. Moreover, the concept of harmony,     9     has enabled China to maintain social stability and cultural consistency despite the challenges of history, offers a model for settling conflicts and promoting a sense of community and belonging. As the world becomes     10     (steady) interconnected, the principles of Chinese cultural harmony offer valuable insights for creating a more balanced and sustainable global society.

2024-06-17更新 | 177次组卷
语法填空-短文语填(约190词) | 适中 (0.65)

One important feature of classic literature is that it often reflects an author’s own experiences,     1     makes it more vivid and moving. This is one reason why the best works of literature still appeal to readers long after they     2     (write). Cao Xueqin’s A Dream of Red Mansions, also     3     (know) as The Story of the Stone, is a good example of this. The novel is     4     (wide) acknowledged to be one of the pinnacle (巅峰) of Chinese fiction.     5     (it) storyline follows the fall of a large wealthy family much like the author’s own.     6    (draw) on his own experiences, Cao Xueqin gives a detailed     7     (describe) of what life was like at that time. The novel contains a great number of     8     (detail) such as what the upper class wore and ate. It also describes the social relations in 18th-century China. As a result, readers are capable of understanding     9     gap between rich and poor, men and women, the learned and the uneducated in the historical context. Cultural and historical elements like these make A Dream of Red Mansions a timeless classic.     10     summary, we can learn much about a specific period in history from classic literature.

7日内更新 | 73次组卷
语法填空-短文语填(约170词) | 适中 (0.65)

Waking up at 7 in the morning, 25-year-old Fan Yupei cleans up,     1     (water) flowers in the courtyard, and then opens the door of her Jun porcelain (钧瓷) production studio, ready for a new day’s business.

Life in her hometown, Shenhou town, in Yuzhou City, is much     2     (happy) for Fan, who quit her job in Beijing and started her own studio with her husband. Jun porcelain is one of the top five Chinese porcelains,     3     (date) back to the Song Dynasty,     4     is famous for its change of colors when heated in kilns. Now it     5     (list) as a state-level intangible culture heritage (非物质文化遗产).

Shenhou town is home     6     Jun porcelains. Recently, the local government of Yuzhou city has made a series of measures     7     (promote) such production. Now Fan’s husband is in charge of Jun porcelain making while she is responsible for sales. Both of     8     (they) have combined Jun porcelain production with modern art and often share     9     (thought) about designs together. With more and more tourists visiting Shenhou every day, Fan has the     10     (confident) that Jun porcelain will gain greater popularity in the future.

2021-01-08更新 | 135次组卷
共计 平均难度:一般