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题型:语法填空-短文语填 难度:0.65 引用次数:91 题号:22851314

For centuries globalization was largely shaped by sea. While Western maritime (近海的) nations rapidly developed through colonial expansion, nations surrounded by land     1     (trap) in a cycle of exploitation and poverty. Over the past decade, a transformative initiative (倡议)     2     (begin) to break this cycle and is restoring the economies of inland countries. That is the Belt and Road Initiative,     3     (establish) in 2013.

These intercontinental railways have greatly reduced trade costs by providing a swift and cost-effective alternative to sea or air freight (货运), thereby driving the growth of global trade. According to the World Bank, the Belt and Road Initiative could reduce global trade costs     4     as much as 1.8 percent. China now has 86 freight train lines     5     are linked to more than 200 cities in 25 European countries and regions and more than 100 cities in Asia,     6     (cover) almost the entire landmass of Eurasia.

The Belt and Road Initiative has attracted the     7     (participate) of more than three-quarters of countries     8     (globe), substantially improving the lives of 30 percent of the world’s population. It should not be forgotten that China’s role in developing basic facilities in less well-off countries     9     (be) something their Western colonial masters never did. And contrary to     10     Western pessimists say, that help comes with no strings attached. For China, everything these countries gain from its help is a gain for the world.

【知识点】 交通与运输


语法填空-短文语填(约190词) | 适中 (0.65)

According to a report by South China Morning Post, China will launch a hyperloop (超级高铁), also known    1    a super-high speed pipeline maglev system by 2035. If the project goes as    2    (plan), the new train will be the world’s fastest ground-based transport.

In the past few days, the Chinese government officers    3    (announce) the approval of the country’s first hyperloop line. Its length will be 175 kilometers, and it will pass between Shanghai    4    Hangzhou. The distance between the two cities can be covered in about three hours by car or an hour by high-speed train. But the hyperloop can reach the speed of 1000 km/h,    5    means the route can be completed in just 15 minutes.

The project will make China one of the pioneers in hyperloop technology,    6    (allow) faster travel between several major cities. The hyperloop provides    7    high-security level with low energy consumption. The advanced technology will    8    (absolute) bring China to a higher position in transport.

A super-fast hyperloop train in China has completed    9    (it) first test runs. These consisted of three test runs at a superconducting maglev test line in Datong, Shanxi province. However, the current tube available for trials measures only 2km long. It    10    (expect) to be extended to 60 km in the near future.

2023-11-16更新 | 82次组卷
语法填空-短文语填(约200词) | 适中 (0.65)

The trade routes are of great importance. In march, the Suez Canal, one of the world's most important sea trade routes,     1     (block) by a ship, causing an epic maritime traffic jam of nearly 300 ships between Europe and Asia. Besides the Suez Canal, China's ancient Silk Road also played     2     important role in trade and cultural exchanges between China and Europe.

In early history, The Silk Road was the most important trade route,     3     (mark) the beginning of globalization. As the first route     4     introduced the Eastern world to the Western civilization, the Silk Road in China can date     5     the Han dynasty in ancient China. In the following years in history, many great figures had made significant     6     (contribute) to the development of the Silk Road.

Though the Silk Road was mainly a trading route, it was     7     (benefit) to each other in the first place. It     8     (actual) made great attraction to the development of the civilization of the world, opening long-distance political and economic communication between Europe and Asia. The ancient Silk Road is more like a historical textbook, enabling people from different cultures and regions     9     (comprehend) what happened during the ancient time. Up to now, the Silk Road in China     10     (bring) great attraction to the tourism in China even in the world.

2021-06-17更新 | 279次组卷
语法填空-短文语填(约170词) | 适中 (0.65)

Lying near mountains and Taihu Lake, Li yang    1    (consider) an important place in the Yangtze River Delta region with an    2    (impress) environment. But places with excellent natural scenery are often hard to reach due to geographical barriers (障碍). Therefore, Li yang No. 1 Road was built as a way for citizens and tourists to get close     3    nature.

The 365-kilometer road     4    (connect) 98 villages, over 220 rural tourist attractions, and seven neighbouring counties and cities.    5    (view) platforms, campgrounds, cafes and other facilities (设施) were built along the road to make it    6    better experience for tourists. In the first half of 2021, despite the effect of the COVID-19 pandemic, Li yang still received 4.8 million tourists and tourism revenue (收入) hit 5.7 billion yuan.

Li yang No. 1 Roadis also called “Rainbow Highway” because of the red, yellow and blue lines    7    (paint) in some sections,    8    is the first road in China with three colored dividing lines.

Not only has Li yang No. 1 Road helped with the     9    (grow) of tourism for local business owners and farmers, but     10    (it) iconic (标志性的) rainbow lines have made it an attraction in its own right.

2023-06-02更新 | 78次组卷
共计 平均难度:一般