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题型:阅读理解-阅读单选 难度:0.65 引用次数:39 题号:22883855

After skating, skiing or shoveling snow, nothing warms you up better than a cup of hot cocoa. Though today it will be topped with marshmallows (棉花软糖) or stuff like that, you may not know that chocolate was first consumed in liquid form by the Olmec people of northwestern Central America around 1500 B.C.

However, the Olmec people didn’t serve their cocoa hot. And since sugar had not yet arrived from Europe back then, the drink was often flavoured with peppers and spices. After the Spanish arrived in the Americas in the 1500s, liquid chocolate made its way across the pond, where wealthy Europeans added sugar and drank it warm. According to Chocolate: History, Culture and Heritage, hot chocolate became “the drink of the aristocracy (贵族)”, as sugar was still a luxury.

Soon enough, though, hot chocolate caught on with the masses. Chocolate houses started springing up around 17th-century Europe. In these lively places, hot chocolate was poured from pots into elegant cups. But by the end of the 18th century, chocolate houses had mostly died off, because the input of chocolate was much dearer than that of coffee or tea.

Marshmallows first came into the picture in 1917, when the company Angelus Marshmallows published a recipe for hot cocoa topped with their product. Instant cocoa is another American invention, created in the late 1950s when dairy company owner Charles Sanna faced an oversupply of powdered coffee creamer. His solution was mixing the creamer sugar and cocoa powder together, thus creating a formula (配方) favored by many.

Taking a tour of international cups of cocoa, you can try cioccolata calda, a thick, pudding-like version in Italy. In Colombia and Ecuador, chocolate is served with a teaspoon of soft farmer cheese, and Filipino hot chocolate, sikwate, is served with mango chunks.

However, you choose to jazz up your own cup, the simple pleasure of drinking a warm, chocolaty drink is one that hasn’t gotten old for thousands of years.

1. Which of the following is unlikely to happen in the 1500s?
A.Angie used sugar to add flavour to hot chocolate.
B.Eva enjoyed drinking hot cocoa during breakfast.
C.Barton consumed hot cocoa at a chocolate house.
D.Leo couldn’t afford to put much sugar in the cocoa.
2. What led to the disappearance of chocolate houses?
A.Public health awareness.B.High cost of material.
C.Policy reform of the time.D.Changing drinks’ trend.
3. What can we learn from Charles Sanna’s story?
A.A man can do no more he can.
B.One good turn deserves another.
C.Constant dripping wears away a stone.
D.Innovation unlocks the door of success.
4. Which of the following is the best title for the text?
A.A Journey To A Cup Of Comfort
B.An Accidental Invention Of A Drink
C.Hot Cocoa: A Combination Of Global Cultures
D.Hot Cocoa: From The Aristocracy To The Public
【知识点】 食物与饮料 说明文


阅读理解-阅读单选(约330词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐1】There is more of a connection between food and culture than you may think. On an individual level, we grow up eating the food of our culture. It becomes a part of who we are. Many associate food from our childhood with warm feelings and good memories and it ties us to our families, holding a special and personal value for us. Food from our family often becomes the comfort food we seek as adults in times of frustration and stress.

On a large scale, traditional food is an important part of culture. It also operates as an expression of culture identity. Immigrants (移民)bring it wherever they go, and it is a symbol of pride for their culture and means of coping with homesickness.

Many immigrants open their own restaurants and serve traditional dishes. However, the food does not remain exactly the same. Some materials needed to make traditional dishes may not be readily available, so the taste and flavor can be different from what they would prepare in their home countries. Additionally, immigrants do not only sell dishes to people from the same countries as them, but to people from different countries. Therefore, they have to make small changes about the original dishes to cater to a wider range of customers. Those changes can create new flavors that still keep the cultural significance of the dishes.

We should embrace our heritage(传统)through our culture’s food but also become more informed about other cultures by trying their food. It is important to remember that each dish has a special place in the culture to which it belongs, and is special to those who prepare it. Food is a window into culture, and it should be treated as such.

1. What’s the function of food mentioned in the article?
A.To help motivate homesickness.B.To show national identity.
C.To reflect a country’s history.D.To show a community’s superiority.
2. Which of the following is not true according to the article?
A.All of the immigrants open their own restaurants.
B.Traditional food is a symbol of pride
C.We often connect food from our childhood with warmth.
D.All of the dishes have their own special places of belonging..
3. Why do some immigrants have to change the original dishes in their restaurant?
A.To attach cultural importance to their dishes.
B.To announce the beginning of their life on foreign soil.
C.To make the dishes popular among customers.
D.To present their own food culture in a new way.
4. What’s the author’s attitude towards different food cultures?
2021-11-04更新 | 51次组卷
阅读理解-阅读单选(约450词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐2】Growing up in England with a British father and a Chinese mother, I’ve enjoyed food from both countries ever since I was able to hold a knife and fork — and chopsticks!

Mum has sweet memories of the food from her hometown in Sichuan, and often cooks spicy dishes. On account of this, Dad has come to love hot pot! But there are still some dishes that Dad dare not try even after many years of marriage to my mother. He once told me he was surprised by what he saw on the table when he first visited my mother’s parents in China. He was even shocked at their wedding when he saw how the Chinese ate almost every part of an animal. Even today, he still does not easily take to eating things like chicken feet.

But I enjoy that sort of food myself. Last week, I went to the butcher’s and asked, “Do you have pigs’ ears?” “No,” the butcher (屠夫) said, pulling at his own ears, “just these ordinary ones.” He must have thought I was joking.

Dad can cook a super “full English breakfast” of bacon, eggs, beans, sausages and toast with butter. Mum and I just have to find a way to get him into the kitchen! He also does a typical Sunday roast. We all love roast beef and vegetables, but Mum says we’d better not eat too much roast food as it may make us suffer from heat inside our bodies, according to traditional Chinese medicine.

I’ll never forget my visit to China. Mum encouraged me to try different kinds of food, and I did! I loved everything. But just when I thought I could deal with all Chinese food, I came across stinky tofu, a terrible grey thing that looked and smelt like a burnt sports shoe. “You needn’t try it if you don’t want to,” Mum said, but I gathered all my courage to take a bite and was amazed to find it wasn’t that bad. It reminded me of blue cheese, a similarly strong smelling type of food you either love or hate. Maybe I’ll fall in love with stinky tofu someday.

People say that one man’s meat is another man’s poison, but I feel at home with different food from both China and Britain. To me, there’s nothing better than a cross-cultural afternoon tea of English biscuits and a cup of Chinese oolong tea in a fine china cup!

1. What do you know about the author’s taste for food?
A.He prefers British food to Chinese food.
B.He has tried but cannot stand Chinese food.
C.He will never get used to some Chinese food.
D.He enjoys British food as well as Chinese food.
2. What can we infer from the paragraph 2 and 3?
A.The author just played a trick on the butcher.
B.Almost no people in England eat pigs’ ears.
C.Pigs’ ears are popular in Britain.
D.The butcher was interested in pigs’ ears.
3. What does the underlined sentence mean?
A.People have different tastes for food.
B.Some food can be harmful to health.
C.A good diet can build up one’s health.
D.People ought to digest different food.
4. How does the author feel about the cross-cultural food?
2022-01-21更新 | 49次组卷
阅读理解-七选五(约210词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐3】Most people are told to drink 8 glasses of water daily, However, how much water you should drink each day can depend on how big you are.     1     For example, if you weigh 150 pounds, you should drink 75 ounces of water daily. Besides, other factors can also affect how much water you should drink daily.

    2     If you are active in sports or the weather is warm where you live, you should drink more water. This is because your body will lose fluids as you sweat. Drinking sufficient amounts of water will top up the fluid level in your body.

People who are suffering from some illnesses and those with special needs typically should drink more water daily. Increasing water intake not only tops up the body's fluids, but it also helps the body flush(冲走)out unwanted substances.     3     Drinking more water daily will help remove them.

    4     It is often said that a person needs to drink less water daily if he or she consumes watery foods, such as soups or melons. Others believe that drinking other beverages(饮料)will reduce the amount of water that a person needs to drink daily.

It is possible to overdose(过量)on water.     5     Drinking too much water can cause many types of symptoms like headaches and confusion. Therefore, we should drink the proper amount of water based on our physical condition.

A.Sometimes, drinking too much water can harm our health.
B.Water with lemons may help a person consume more water.
C.How much water a person should drink daily depends on many factors.
D.Other types of fluids can be included in a person's daily intake of water.
E.For example, burning fat to lose weight creates some waste products in the body.
F.Some health experts recommend drinking half an ounce per 1 pound of body weight.
G.Your level of physical activity and the climate of the place where you live are important factors.
2021-12-21更新 | 137次组卷
共计 平均难度:一般