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题型:语法填空-短文语填 难度:0.85 引用次数:71 题号:22885749

Since ancient times, phoenixes     1     (regard) by Chinese as birds that can bring happiness and good fortune. A male phoenix is called feng and a female one huang,     2     they are collectively called fenghuang (phoenix). Like the Chinese dragon, the phoenix is also viewed    3     a god or goddess. The phoenix is very beautiful, with the head of a     4     (gold) pheasant, the wings of a dapeng (a huge bird from Chinese legend) , the     5     (leg) of a crane, the beak of a parrot and the tail of a peacock, and is     6     king /queen of all birds, as well as a symbol of beauty, happiness and peace. Legend has it that when the state is in a state of peace and prosperity, the phoenix will descend from heaven     7     (live) on earth. When the phoenix appears, numerous birds will fly after it from all directions,     8     is called “birds paying homage to the phoenix”. In the feudal age, the phoenix was taken as a symbol of the     9     (noble) woman of the imperial court. The phoenix remains a popular image in Chinese folklore today,     10     (symbolize) good fortune, happiness and joy.

【知识点】 中国文化与节日


语法填空-短文语填(约200词) | 较易 (0.85)

    1     (admire) among youngsters brings China Chic (国潮) into sharp focus. According to a report released on Feb 3, 2021 by Bilibili, more than 177 million of the platform’s users were in favor of videos featuring traditional culture. The approval reflected the situation    2     the “China Chic” phenomenon     3     (embrace) by the younger generation in recent years.

During the 2022 Winter Olympic Games in Beijing, young athletes wore sports clothing     4     (bear) Chinese elements such as dragons, pandas and tigers, also competition venues like the Great Wall and auspicious (吉祥的) patterns     5     (include) in the design. China Chic could also be seen during the opening and closing ceremonies, and in the designs of gifts and medals.

A China Chic artist Yu Yang said, “China Chic represents a kind of pride and     6     (strong) in our culture. We used to follow the lifestyle promoted by the West, one     7     does ignore Chinese traditions and values. As China’s economy is becoming stronger, the young generation gradually get to know who they are and     8     they really want to follow.” However,     9     this trend can go on still hangs in the balance. “Some people just simply do ‘copy-and-paste’ jobs. That will hurt the consumers’ passion and    10     (ultimate) ruin the trend’s development. We have to deeply understand and love our culture first as designers,” Yu said.

2022-12-25更新 | 453次组卷
语法填空-短文语填(约210词) | 较易 (0.85)

The seventh day of the seventh lunar month is Qixi, widely     1     (regard) as China Valentine’s Day. But do you know the origin of this     2     (romance) festival?

The story goes that the Weaver Girl     3     (fall) in love with a cowherd. The Jade Emperor was strongly against the couple’s union and then separated them by the Milky Way, leaving them torn apart by the galaxy and only allowing them     4     (meet) once a year.

    5     that, the distance could not stop their love for one another and they looked forward to meeting once a year on the seventh day of the seventh lunar month.

However, with the development of high speed railways, the tragedy of the Cowherd and the Weaver Girl could not happen in modern China. A ride between Beijing and Shanghai on the high-speed rail only takes four hours. The     6     (efficient) of modern travel has shortened the”galactic distance“ between couples.

On Qixi, more and more young people are going on dates and exchanging gifts to express their affection,     7     are quite impressive. Love is in     8     air at the gate of the Civil Affairs Bureau(民政局), and long queues     9     (form) when couples rush to register for marriage. This is because Qixi carries     10     (it) a symbolic meaning: choose your own love and remain faithful to life.

2023-01-11更新 | 204次组卷
语法填空-短文语填(约190词) | 较易 (0.85)

March 12th is China's annually National Tree-planting Day. On this day, millions of Chinese, from all walks of life, will put their works at hands aside for     1     moment, take shovels and buckets as well as saplings, and trek out to green up their hometowns.

First     2    (create) by the US agriculturist Sterling Morton in 1872, Tree-planting Day was set in order to inspire people's passions for planting and protecting trees, and     3    (protect) and improve the     4    (nature) environment on which people depend on for their living.

China's Tree-planting Day could date back     5     a proposal made by Sun Yat-sen (1866-1925), a great China revolution leader, to Beiyang Government (1915-1927) in 1915 and then regulation was     6    (formal) publicized that Tomb-sweeping Festival (April 5th)     7    (adopt) as Tree-planting Day. However, April 5th was a late time for tree-planting in Southern China and so it was changed to March 12th by the Nanjing National Government (1927-1949) in order to memorize Sun Yat-sen,     8     passed away on March 12th.

In February 1979, the 5th National People's Congress of People Republic of China made a     9    (resolve) that March 12th would be taken as Chinese Tree-Planting Day, requiring the whole country to carry out tree-planting     10    (activity) on this day and support the construction of forestry.

2022-03-13更新 | 539次组卷
共计 平均难度:一般