组卷网 > 高中英语综合库 > 主题 > 人与自我 > 方法/策略
题型:阅读理解-七选五 难度:0.65 引用次数:38 题号:22890378

Friendship provides support, joy, and sometimes, challenges.     1    . Here are tips on how to navigate and resolve friendship problems through communication.


Before delving into the heart of the matter, it’s crucial to choose the right place for conversation. Choose a neutral and comfortable setting where you both can speak freely without distractions.

Timing is also essential

Ensure that both of you have abundant time. That helps you both stay in a calm state of mind to discuss the issue at hand.

Converse with empathy (同理心)

    3    . This helps the speaker feel heard and supported. Express your concern for the friendship and your wilingness to work through the problem together. This sets a positive tone and encourages an open exchange.

Use “I” to frame problems

When discussing the issue, it’s important to communicate your feelings without blaming or ace using your friend. Use “I” statements to express how you feel and why you believe the situation is problematic. This sounds less accusatory, helping to prevent the other person from becoming defensive and keeping the focus on resolving the issue.    4    

Practice active listening

As your friend responds, practice active listening. This means not only hearing the words but also understanding the emotions and intentions behind them. Show that you are engaged by nodding, maintaining eye contact.    5    . Avoid interrupting, and allow your friend to finish his or her thoughts before you respond.

In conclusion, resolving friendship problems through an open art. By following these steps, you can transform challenges into opportunities for growth and deepen the bond that makes your friendship a cherished part of your life.

A.Set the stage for dialogue
B.Set aside your own judgments
C.Offer verbal affirmations like “I see” or “I understand”
D.For example, say “I felt hurt when...” instead of “You always...”
E.Empathetic conversations may take time when dealing with sensitive topics
F.Disagreements and misunderstandings can harm even the strongest of bonds
G.Approach the conversation with a genuine desire to understand your friend’s perspective
【知识点】 方法/策略 友谊


阅读理解-七选五(约190词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐1】Many of us have a dream that we would love to achieve. Having dreams is fine, but realizing those dreams is even better.     1    . We will need to work hard and not be afraid to fail. Self-motivation(自我激励)requires effort, and here are tips to help us stay motivated.

Set goals

The first step to achieving a dream is to turn it into a series of goals.     2    . Short-term and medium-term goals will be the stages on the road to the final goal.

Have self-belief

    3    . Remember that you have already overcome other difficulties. Believe in yourself and your abilities. You know you can solve the problem facing you because you have done it before.

Mistakes are not failures

Every mistake should be a lesson, and we should not see it as a bad thing. It enables us to learn, and by learning, we can do the work better another time.


You will already have drawn up your plan of action and the timetable for carrying it out. Keep this in mind at all times, and you will continue to be motivated. Your plan itself is a source of self-motivation.

At last, it is important not to worry about losing motivation.     5    .

A.Stick to the plan
B.Make use of mistakes
C.A long-term goal will be the eventual dream
D.When you are faced with a crisis, don’t just let it defeat you
E.Achieving dreams requires determination, courage and commitment
F.Work to get self-motivation again and get back on the road to success
G.As we gain experience and knowledge, we will become more confident
2023-10-13更新 | 22次组卷
阅读理解-阅读单选(约290词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐2】Ways to save the Earth as a family

These days the news about the planet can be overwhelming for kids and their parents. Actually, personal actions can make a difference.


Don't worry—we don't mean taking a break from your phone. We’re talking about the charger. Chargers that remain plugged into the wall can suck energy even when the device is turned off. Ask your kids to remind you to unplug chargers when they’re not in use, as well as switch off power plugs for TVs and lamps.


Buying seasonal, local food cuts down on the energy needed to grow and transport it. Before taking your children to the grocery store, ask them to look for fruits and vegetables in season.


Avoid souvenirs or other things made from animal parts like scales, teeth, feathers, seashells, and so on. Instead, take your kids to local markets where you can meet the artists and search for something made of materials like used cans, or magazine paper.


Instantly transform your kids into scientists by signing up for a citizen science project that identifies animals. Just taking a photo of an animal and uploading it to a site like iNaturalist can help biologists learn how the animal is adapting to a changing world.

It's true that sweeping collective action is needed to control climate change, but small adjustments by people help too. Plus, by taking action to protect the planet, you can help your children feel empowered in the face of these global problems. Start with these tips to get the whole family involved in protecting the Earth.

1. Which of the following can help save electricity at home?
2. What kind of souvenirs may the author suggest?
A.Hats decorated with beautiful bird feathers.B.Necklaces with seashells looking attractive.
C.Shopping bags made from some old clothesD.Any artist's works from the local markets.
3. What is the function of posting photos of animals on websites?
A.It enriches the website by adding more pictures.
B.It encourages kids to sign up for a science project.
C.It offers kids more chances to identify animals.
D.It can help scientists conduct scientific research
2022-01-30更新 | 79次组卷
阅读理解-阅读单选(约320词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐3】How does keeping things tidy change people psychologically? You gain greater confidence in yourself. Also, you become more optimistic and calmer in the mind than before. There are several reasons for these changes: your self-image improves as you start living in tidy beautiful rooms, and you gain decision-making skills as you continue to choose between which things to throw or give away and which to keep. The way we let go of things in the Kon Mari Method plays an important role as well.

The Kon Mari Method has a step where we give thanks to the things before we throw them away. Not only would you say “thank you for sparking joy in me" to a favorite piece of clothing that you wore till it was threadbare, you would also say to a piece of clothing you never wore once “thank you for teaching me that this color doesn't look good on me". You will appreciate the roles of all the things that have come to you and experience appreciation for all of them. Through this experience, you will rediscover the truth that you have been supported by so many things and you will deepen your gratitude for things you leave behind.

To share a personal example, I have always had little confidence in myself. When I get nervous before a large speaking assignment, I think to myself that I'll be fine because

these clothes are protecting me and these shoes are supporting me, and that calms me down. Once you start feeling constant gratitude for your things and your home through tidying up, you will start feeling relief and calm as if you are always protected by something larger than you.
1. What psychological change may tidiness bring to people?
A.They will become more confident.B.Their confidence will become less.
C.They will become less optimistic.D.Their self-image will be damaged.
2. What does the underlined word “threadbare" mean in the second paragraph?
C.out of dateD.worn out
3. What should people show to clothes they have never worn in the Kon Mari Method?
4. Why does the author mention his own experience in the last paragraph?
A.To show off his wonderful speaking skills.
B.To give an example of the benefit of tidiness.
C.To explain how he has become a confident person.
D.To show his special taste in choosing suitable clothes.
2020-01-29更新 | 234次组卷
共计 平均难度:一般