组卷网 > 高中英语综合库 > 主题 > 人与自我 > 哲理感悟
题型:书面表达-读后续写 难度:0.65 引用次数:31 题号:22922256

Bill is a retired oil field engineer. His hands are thick, and his fingers branch out in all directions. He moved back to America late in his career. His wife died of a serious disease so he had to raise his three daughters on his own. In my parents’ eyes, Bill is hardworking and helpful.

Every day, when I pass by his yard to go to school in the morning, I often see him standing in his front door, smiling at me. But in my heart, Bill is the last person I am willing to talk with in the world. When I was 7 years old, I picked fruits in his garden without his permission. He scolded (责骂) me severely and let me apologize to him in front of my parents. I hated him and swore (发誓) not to talk with him any more. What’s more, there is a scar (伤疤) on his face, which makes me more afraid to get close to him.

Recently, Bill, in his seventies, invited my friends in our neighborhood to his house to spend weekends. Of course, Bill also invited me several times but I turned him down.

My friends told me that they were surprised to find Bill was also experienced in playing basketball, and they invited Bill to teach them to play basketball on weekends. Besides, Bill often offered them sodas. It’s rare to see a bond that bridges generations. But I didn’t care all of these any longer.

One week ago, my friends came to my home and expected me to join their basketball team to have a match with the team from another neighborhood. I like playing basketball and I am good at it so I agreed immediately. But when I was told Bill would give us guidance and it was he that let my friends invite me to join the team, I hesitated. Eventually, I was persuaded to have a try.

The match started. Because I wanted to prove myself, I tried my best to shoot every time I caught the ball. I didn’t pass the ball to my teammates. Ten minutes passed and our team didn’t win one point.


I felt at a loss when Bill called time out.


When each player in our team was celebrating our winning the game, I came up to Bill.



书面表达-读后续写 | 适中 (0.65)

It was a bright, sunny day and Amelia was on the way to the grocery store that was not far from her house.

Suddenly, she saw an old man holding a cardboard sign (纸牌) near a street crossing. Although some stores hired (雇佣) people to hold signs around, attracting business, this man was sitting on the ground, so Amelia thought he was homeless and asking for money. Luckily, she had some bills in her wallet and decided to give him some.     

As she got closer, she offered him a $5 bill. To her complete shock, the man refused it. “No, madam. I don’t need money. What I really need is a job,” the old man said.   

Amelia walked a few steps more to get a good look at his cardboard sign. It read: “A shoemaker is looking for work. I can repair any kind of footwear!” She realized the man was actually not a homeless man begging for money. “Oh! You’re a shoemaker. I think many factories out there will offer you some jobs,” she told the man, finally noticing some of his tools around him.

“No, miss. At my age, no one wants to hire me anymore, so I’m trying to find some work this way. If you know someone who needs shoe repair, please let them know about me,” the man said.

Amelia nodded, thinking about a few pairs of shoes at home that needed repairing. Generally, she would donate them and buy new ones, but if this man could repair them, she could keep using them. “What’s your name, sir?” Amelia asked.

“I’m Martin, young lady,” he said and smiled at her. “OK, sir. I have to go shopping now, but I’ll return with a few pairs of shoes that need some fixing,” Amelia told him with a smile and then walked towards the store. After she finished her shopping, she went back home.

Paragraph 1:   Then Amelia returned to Martin and gave him her shoes for repair.
Paragraph 2:   That night, she posted Martin’s story online along with the picture.
2023-02-10更新 | 108次组卷
书面表达-读后续写 | 适中 (0.65)

Rick, a ten-year-old boy, was constantly angry at everything around him. He always fought in school with the other kids. Once he had an outburst in school. Upset by something a classmate said to him, he pushed the boy, and a fight happened. When the teacher stepped in to break it up, Rick went crazy, throwing papers and books around the classroom and rushing out. His teachers couldn’t say anything that would comfort the kid. And the parents of his schoolmates were getting concerned. Rick was earning quite the reputation. After talking with school officials, Rick’s mom tried everything she could to calm Rick down.

She tried different methods until one day she came home with a canvas (画布) and paint. “What’s this?”, Rick asked. Rick’s mom handed over the painting equipment and said, “Whenever you feel angry, paint whatever you’re angry about instead of bursting out.” Rick wasn’t that happy about it but he gave it a try anyway. Over the next few weeks, the young boy created several artworks. They mostly showed disturbing images though. So his mom took all of the paintings and called Rick over so that they could talk about them. “Tell me, Rick. What are these paintings about?”

“Well, the first painting is about how some of the kids show off their new clothes and pencil cases. The next painting is about my teacher who keeps telling me about how I’m doing things wrong. And the last painting is about how one of my schoolmate’s father suggested that I change my attitude. All of them make me so angry.” Rick’s mom, in a calm voice, took Rick by her side and told him: “Don’t you see it, Rick?” “See what?” Rick asked. “You’re so angry at all of these things but not once did you try to understand why you’re getting so angry. What have all these people done to you, really?”


Rick was lost in thought.


Rick knew it was time to change.

2023-02-01更新 | 378次组卷
书面表达-读后续写 | 适中 (0.65)

Once there was a businessman who was engaged in leather business, but his business failed because of his poor management, which made him lack of confidence to continue to do his business. Even worse, he owed a lot of money to others and could see no way out.

Today, it was just Christmas Day, he should have dinner with his family, but he was walking alone in the park because of business failure in order that he could relieve his sense of failure. He sat on the park bench, wondering if anything could save his company. Suddenly one of his old friends appeared in front of him.

“Oh, dear, long time no see! Merry Christmas! You look so bad, aren’t you? You must be encountering some troubles,” his old friend asked in a worrying tone.

“Merry Christmas! Well, I just encountered a big failure in my business and owed a lot of money to others. I don’t know how to continue to do my business,” the businessman replied in a low voice.

After listening to his problem, to the businessman’s surprise, his old friend took out a check, passed it to him and said, “Take this money. Meet me here exactly one year from today, and you can pay me back at that time.” Then he turned and disappeared.

The businessman with a big surprising expression on his face saw the check in his hand for $500? 000! The money was more than enough to save his business. However, he didn’t plan to use it, he decided to put the check in his safe.

With the check, he was full of confidence and planned to continue to do his business again. He worked hard day by day and slowly his business began to breathe. The businessman was making money once again.

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One year later, the businessman decided to meet his old friend on Christmas Day.


He realized it was his newfound confidence that changed his life.

2023-02-22更新 | 109次组卷
共计 平均难度:一般