组卷网 > 高中英语综合库 > 主题 > 人与自我 > 个人情况 > 个人经历
题型:书面表达-读后续写 难度:0.65 引用次数:17 题号:22924487

One summer vacation, I allowed my husband and our three sons to take me to go horse-riding. I’d never been on a horse in my life. Horses scare me. “It will be fun,” my kids said. “What if I fall off?” I wanted to add more, but I kept my mouth shut. I was trying to be a good sport.

When we arrived, the coach gave me his gentlest horse. “Nothing to worry about. And kick your feet on the horse’s side to make him go,” he said. I hoped the horse had heard that, too. The horse may look gentle, but he was very big and tall. How on earth was I going to get on this horse using only one little stirrup (马镫) on the side? Well, it took my husband and three sons to do it, but they got me on that horse!

Since the coach knew I had the gentlest horse, he placed me at the very end of the road. I was happy. If I looked silly sitting on this horse, everyone else would be in front of me and couldn’t watch me. We started out just fine. As we got into the woods, my horse was still very gentle. By the time all the other horses were out of the woods, my horse and I were still in the woods! I saw our youngest son waving to me in the distance. This seemed to be the longest ride with this boring horse and me.

Slowly, we got out of the woods and were in a bean field. Suddenly, my horse stopped. Then I remembered one important thing the coach had told me. He said, “Don’t let the horse stop to eat the beans, because then the horse won’t want to go back to the barn (畜棚).” I looked down, and the horse was eating the beans.


I tried to stop him, but he kept on eating.


Finally, the coach must have realized I was in trouble.

【知识点】 个人经历 生活故事


书面表达-读后续写 | 适中 (0.65)

That summer I turned 18. I was wild with excitement because I just took my driving license and my parents bought me a new perfect car. I was reminded repeatedly by my parents to drive cautiously. Along with this new privilege (特权) came new responsibilities. I would practice the same routine-call my parents and tell them where I was going, whom I was with and when I would be home. It became a typical cycle.

I had been working all day in the hot sun.I was exhausted and ready for a nap. But my stomach told me something different. So I called my friend Mike and made our way into town. After our meal, we never knew our day would soon change for the worse.

It takes only a moment to turn your life upside down. I recalled later that I was driving fast. Actually too fast. I reached the conclusion two years later that the mistake would be with me for the rest of my life.

Mike and I were driving down a dusty gravel (沙砾) road. I was driving a shiny black Saturn,which was the car I had admired for long. I was overflowing with excitement and pride to be driving it.It was perfect in my eyes. I could see the rolling hills in the distance. Tall pine trees traveled on both sides of the road.The music playing loudly, we both were in high spirits. Somehow, without realizing it, I sped up.

Enjoying ourselves in my car,we came across a loose spot of gravel. My tires were stuck in it and desperate to escape. My car started fishtailing (摆尾行驶). Terrified,I pressed hard on the brakes and all of a sudden the car lost control. I froze, my body was stiff, great panic holding me entirely in its power. Looking into the right, I took a glimpse of Mike, whose body had leaned towards me. His face went pale but he was trying to balance himself. The car was rushing left to right, coasting (惯性滑行) along the gravel as if it were ice. It was only seconds later that my car crashed head on into a big pine tree.

I heard a roaring sound of my car hitting the trees.
Fortunately enough, Mike and I were not seriously injured.
2023-12-11更新 | 36次组卷
书面表达-读后续写 | 适中 (0.65)


On the first day of high school after moving to St. Louis, Missouri this summer, I was really nervous. I had decided the night before that I would be much happier if I made friends that were so-called “popular”. I bought a new outfit (套装) regardless of the high price just so the first day would be perfect.

Scared, yet anxious, I walked up the stairs to the front door. My first class was math, but where was that? I was standing in the hall looking confused, when a short, blond girl wearing glasses came up and asked, “Are you new? You look lost. I’ll help you find your class. My name is Diane. What’s yours?” Even though she seemed a bit strange, definitely not the kind of person I wanted to be associated with, I decided to answer her anyway. I was, after all, lost.

When we reached my room she said, “Well, here you are. It was nice meeting you. I hope your day goes all right.” I said thanks and waved good-bye.

Once inside the classroom, I saw a guy in the middle of the class who was wearing a letter jacket. A group of people crowded around him. I decided this guy was popular. He was talking about wild and crazy things he had done in the summer. A few minutes later, the teacher came in and told everyone to find a seat. I managed to get one right next to the guy. I said, “Hi, my name is April and I’m new here.” He said, “Hi, I’m Johnny.”

That lass dragged on and on. Finally the bell rang. I turned to him and asked, “I’m not sure where my next class is. Could you help me find it?” “No!” he said, turned back to his friends, and walked out of the classroom. As they were walking out I heard him say, “Did you guys see that the new girl trying to get into our group? That outfit was way too strange.”

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They all laughed and some of them turned around and stared at me.


The next day before class started, someone came up behind me and said, “Hi, again. How was your first day?” I turned around to find Diane, the girl who had helped me on the first day. Surprised to see a friendly face, I hesitated before opening up about my disappointing experience. Diane listened attentively and then smiled reassuringly, “Don’t worry about those people. They’re not worth your time. There are plenty of great people here.” She invited me to sit with her and her friends during lunch, introducing me to a diverse group that valued kindness and acceptance over superficial popularity.

2024-03-31更新 | 23次组卷
书面表达-读后续写 | 适中 (0.65)

Saving the Galaxy

I pressed my face to the school-bus window as we passed the big movie screen. Galaxy Drive-In (银河汽车影院) one sign said. CLOSED said another.

I got off the bus at my stop and waved to Mom. I asked her about that drive-in down the street as we walked into the house. Mom told me that it had closed a couple years before.

But that night, I heard music coming through my window. When I looked out, I could see lights flashing on the drive-in’s screen. The thought of fear crossed my mind.

The next day, after breakfast Mom and I walked over to check things out. The place was like a big parking lot with weeds coming out through cracks. We were looking at an old movie poster when an old man got out of a car.

He introduced himself as Nick. “When my dad opened this place in 1957, we’d get 300 cars on a good night, but now I have to close it because I can’t afford a digital projector (放映机), which is very expensive.” Nick explained that all movie companies just provide digital movies instead of film (胶片) movies. Then Nick allowed us to look around and invited us to come by before dusk.

That night, Nick made an old movie come to life. As I sat next to Mom, I kept thinking about the excitement of seeing that big screen light up. Nick had looked so happy talking about the old days. If only he could get that projector.

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It was then that a big idea came to me.
With the collected money, Nick bought a digital projector.
2022-01-23更新 | 129次组卷
共计 平均难度:一般