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题型:阅读理解-阅读单选 难度:0.65 引用次数:64 题号:22924715

The miniskirt is a fashion product that has become closely connected with youthful liberation (解放). Its fascinating history reflects changing social standards and shifts in the world of fashion.

The miniskirt, as we know it today, owes much of its popularity to the British fashion designer Mary Quant. In the early 1960s, Quant challenged the traditional fashion of the time. She introduced the world to the miniskirt, a daringly short skirt that stopped several inches above the knee. The miniskirt, named after Quant’s favourite car, the Mini, allowed women to move, jump and run for the bus if need be.

The miniskirt also reflected the changing social landscape of the 1960s. The youth culture was booming, and young people were eager to express their newfound freedom and independence. It became a symbol of this liberation, and quickly gained popularity around the world.

On the other hand, it also faced some criticism. Some feminist critics argued that it objectified (物化) women, strengthening traditional gender roles. However, ultimately many feminists saw the miniskirt as a form of self-expression. Women were choosing to wear it because they liked it, not because they were pressured to satisfy social expectations.

As the 1970s rolled around, hemlines (下摆) dropped, and more conservative styles came into style. However, the miniskirt didn’t disappear entirely. It made occasional comebacks, and its influence could still be seen in various forms of fashion, from disco dresses to punk rock outfits.

The miniskirt remains popular even today, since it remains a multifunctional and enduring fashion statement, continually adjusting itself to fitting the trends of the moment. Designers have experimented with materials, patterns, and lengths, offering a wide range of options to suit various tastes.

Whether as a symbol of liberation, equality, or self-expression, the miniskirt continues to inspire and influence fashion today. As it has for decades, the miniskirt will likely continue to develop and surprise us with its ever-changing forms.

1. What is the text mainly about?
A.The development of miniskirt.
B.An introduction to Mary Quant.
C.The significance of miniskirt for women.
D.The influence of fashion on the young generation.
2. What can we infer about Mary Quant from Paragraph 2?
A.She was influenced by social expectations.
B.She dared to challenge the traditional style.
C.She invented the miniskirt to win more popularity.
D.She suggested the miniskirt reflect social standards.
3. Why is miniskirt still popular today?
A.Because it is a form of self-expression.
B.Because it is favored by the young generation.
C.Because it is a big part of British youth culture.
D.Because it fits the current trends through self-adjustment.
4. What is the author’s attitude toward the miniskirt?
【知识点】 服饰穿戴 说明文


阅读理解-阅读单选(约200词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐1】One day, Mr. Smith went to a dinner party. He was wearing very old clothes. He came into the room. But people in the room didn't look at him. They didn't ask him to sit at the table. He wasn't happy. But he said nothing. Mr. Smith went home quickly and put on his best clothes. He went back to the party. Everyone in the room stood up and looked at him. They gave him good food to eat. Mr. Smith took off his coat, and put it on the food and said, "Eat, coat!" The other people were surprised and asked, "What are you doing? Why do you do that?" Mr. Smith answered, "I am asking my coat to eat food. When I wore old clothes, you didn't look at me. You didn't ask me to sit down. Now I am wearing these nice clothes. And you give me good food. Now I see, you give the food to my coat, not to me."

1. One day, Mr. Smith went to ________.
A.a birthday partyB.a dinner party
C.an English partyD.a movie
2. When he came into the room, the people didn't look at him. Why?
A.Because Mr. Smith wore old clothes.
B.Because the people didn't ask him to come.
C.Because Mr. Smith didn't say hello to them first.
D.Because it was night, they didn't see him.
3. Why did he go home quickly?
A.Because he didn't want to stay here.
B.Because he went home for his best clothes.
C.Because the people there asked him to leave.
D.Because he didn't like the food there.
4. What's the meaning of "surprised" in Chinese?
5. Which statement is right?
A.A person in good clothes should eat good food.
B.A good coat should eat good food.
C.We can't judge (判断) a man by his clothes.
D.Mr. Smith is stupid (愚蠢的).
2017-07-18更新 | 64次组卷
阅读理解-阅读单选(约350词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐2】It is hardly surprising that clothing manufacturers (生产商) follow certain uniform standards for different features of clothes. What seems strange, however, is that the standard used for women is the opposite of the one for men. Take a look at the way your clothes button. Men’s clothes tend to button from the right, and women’s from the left. Considering most of the world’s population — men and women — are right-handed, the men’s standard would appear to make more sense (更有道理) for women. So why do women’s clothes button from the left?

History really seems to matter here. Buttons first appeared only on the clothes of the rich in the 17th century, when rich women were dressed by servants. For the mostly right-handed servants, having women’s shirts button from the left would be easier. On the other hand, having men’s shirts button from the right made sense, too. Most men dressed themselves, and a sword (剑) drawn from the left with the right hand would be less likely to get caught in the shirt.

Today women are seldom dressed by servants, but buttoning from the left is still the standard for them. Is it interesting? Actually, a standard, once it is set, resists change. At a time when all women’s shirts buttoned from the left, it would have been risky for any single manufacturer to offer women’s shirts that buttoned from the right. After all, women had grown so used to shirts which buttoned from the left and would have to develop new habits and skills to switch. Besides, some women might have found it socially awkward to appear in public wearing shirts that buttoned from the right, since anyone who noticed that would believe they were wearing men’s shirts.

1. What is surprising about the standard of the clothing industry?
A.It has been followed by the industry for over 400 years.
B.It is different for men’s clothing and women’s.
C.It woks better with men than with women.
D.It fails to consider right-handed people.
2. What do we know about the rich men in the 17th century?
A.They tended to wear clothes without buttons.
B.They drew their swords from the left.
C.They were mostly dressed by servants.
D.They were interested in the historical matters.
3. Women’s clothes still button from the left today because         .
A.customs are hard to change
B.manufacturers should follow standards
C.modern women dress themselves
D.using men’s style is improper for women
4. The passage is mainly developed by          .
A.analyzing causesB.making comparisons
C.examining differencesD.following the time order
2017-11-19更新 | 88次组卷
阅读理解-阅读单选(约320词) | 适中 (0.65)
【推荐3】In Eastern Europe, blue jeans symbolize (象征) American culture and “the good life”. In Spain they are known as “cowboys”. In China, jeans are known as “niuzaiku”, also, “cowboy trousers”, which means they are connected with the American West cowboy culture and outdoor work.
Jeans are usually made from denim (粗布), but may also be made from other materials. The earliest known cloth for jeans was a thick cotton cloth from the Indians. At first they were working clothes. They became popular among teenagers in the 1950s. Today jeans are a very popular form of casual wear around the world and come in many styles and colors.
Jeans were first made in Genoa in Italy. The trousers were made for the Genoese navy (海军) because they needed trousers which could be worn wet or dry, and whose legs could be easily rolled up while the men were cleaning the ships. These jeans would be washed by pulling them in large fishing nets behind the ship, and the sea water would make them white.
In the 1850s Levi Strauss, a business man living in San Francisco, was selling blue jeans under the “Levi’s” name to the coal workers of California.
During World War II, the coal workers liked jeans very much because they were strong and did not tear easily. In the 1950s, jeans became popular with young people in the United States. Wearing of blue jeans by teenagers was the symbol of rebels (反叛者) in TV programmes and movies. Some cinemas and restaurants refused to let people in if they wore blue jeans. In the 1980s, jeans finally became high fashion clothing, when famous designers started making their own styles of jeans, with their own labels on them. Sales of jeans went up and up.
1. From the first paragraph we know that ________.
A.cowboys wear jeans only
B.cowboys live a good life
C.American culture is cowboy culture
D.cowboy culture is usually related to the West of America
2. Jeans were first made in ______.
3. From Paragraph 4 we know that “Levi’s” was ____.
A.the name of a worker
B.the brand (名牌) of a kind of jeans
C.the name of a kind of cloth
D.the nickname of a businessman
4. Why the people who wore blue jeans were refused to go into the cinema in the 1950s?
A.Because jeans were made for workers.
B.Because jeans were made of denim.
C.Because it was during the time of war.
D.Because wearing jeans was the symbol of rebels.
2016-11-26更新 | 138次组卷
共计 平均难度:一般