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题型:阅读理解-阅读单选 难度:0.65 引用次数:121 题号:3191242
In order to help customers to find what they want quickly,it’s important to keep the thou- sands of titles in the Main Street Movies store organized properly.This section of the Employee Handbook will tell you how to organize videos.

Each Main Street Movies store has three main sections:
1.New Releases Wall.
2.Film library.
3.Video Games.
New Releases Wall.A1most 70 percent of movie rentals are new releases,and that is the first place where most customers go when they enter the store.The center section of shelves on this wall holds Hottest Hits.When new titles come into the store,place them on this wall in alphabetical order.The shelves beside Hottest Hits are called Recent Releases.The New Releases Wall,including the Hottest Hits and Recent Releases shelves,holds about 350 titles.
Film Library.The thousands of tides in the Film Library are organized into categories.     The films within each category are displayed alphabetically.Here are the categories and their       two-letter computer codes:
*Foreign Language tides include films that were originally made in a foreign language   and films with foreign language subtitles.A sticker on the back of each box tells which type of   film it is.
Video Game.All the video games in Main Street Movies are arranged in alphabetical order.Although video games represent only a small percentage of our inventory(库存),they are stolen more often than any other type of goods in our store.Therefore,video games are never displayed on the shelves. Shelves in the Video Game section hold cardboard with pictures and information about each game.When a customer wants to rent a particular game,you can find the game from the locked case behind the counter.
1. Whom do you think this passage is most probably written for?
A.The readers in the store.
B.The manager of the store.
C.The customers in the store.
D.The salespersons of the store.
2. How can a customer find a film with foreign language subtitles?
A.Check the computer.
B.Cheek the center section.
C.Look at the back of the box.
D.Watch a few minutes of the film.
3. Why can’t video games be seen on the shelves?
A.Because they’ve been sold out.
B.Because they’re in the storehouse.
C.Because they’re in a locked case behind the counter.
D.Because they represent a small percentage of the inventory.


阅读理解-阅读单选(约340词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐1】There is no point destroying your peace of mind and happiness by taking the wrong job. Society may pressure you into grabbing (抓住) whatever you can get. If you do not have a set path that must be taken, then you have the opportunity to choose something you will not only be paid for doing, but enjoy.

One of the best ways of finding a suitable career is to determine your personality type. It may seem obvious that the creative (创造性的) type does not really find much pleasure in a job as a butcher (屠夫) or dry cleaning assistant (助手), and that weak character may not find happiness in a career based on teaching or leading a team.

To find the best job for your personality type, the first step is to know what and who you really are. If you already know your style, you can search for suitable employment; however, if you are uncertain, there are ways that will help you discover who and what you are. For example, an employment centre, a career adviser or an online quiz can help you.

Taking my own situation for example, am definitely (明确地) a creative type. Besides, I prefer to be my own boss or, if I cannot, at least I want to rely on a boss I truly both respect and admire. I do not like telling people what to do, or being told what to do. I do not relate well to regular 9-5 hours. I do not feel satisfied being paid a high wage for a bad job. I feel much happier at home. Combining my creativity, independence, and desire to stay at home, my ideal (理想的) career would be running home-operated- business involving (涉及) creativity. I actually happen to have chosen this solution; I am a writer, poet, author and publisher. I have suited my career to my personality type.

1. The first paragraph is used as a(n) ________.
2. The author thinks in order to find the right job we should first know about ________.
A.something about employment centreB.online job markets
C.our personality typesD.the economic situation
3. Which of the following statements about the author is TRUE?
A.He prefers to rely on his colleagues.
B.He dislikes home-operated businesses.
C.He likes giving orders to others and doesn’t like facing orders.
D.He doesn’t like the usual way of doing things.
4. What is the main idea of the passage?
A.Creativity and chances of success.
B.Jobs and your peace of mind.
C.Following the set path and making life easier.
D.Finding the right job for your personality type.
2020-09-18更新 | 33次组卷
阅读理解-阅读单选(约350词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐2】Today, people all over the world are moving out of small villages in the country to go and live in big, noisy cities. They are moving from the peaceful hills, mountains, fields, rivers and streams of the countryside to the busy world of streets, buildings, traffic and crowds. This movement from rural areas to urban areas has been going on for over two hundred years.

In many countries, the main reason people come to live in towns and cities is work. After one or two large factories have been built in or near a town, people come to find work, and soon an industrial area begins to grow. There is usually a residential area nearby, too. The families of these workers need schools, hospitals and shops, so many people come to live in the area to provide these services and a city grows.

In every major city in the world, there is a business district where the big companies have their main offices. In the United States, this area is usually in the city center downtown. It is here that you can see many huge skyscrapers(摩天大楼)and office blocks. The people who work here often travel a long way to work each day. Many of them live in the suburbs of the city, far away from the industrial area and the city center. Some suburbs are very pleasant, with nice houses and big gardens. There are usually parks for children to play in and large department stores where you can buy all you need.

But what is the future of the big cities? Will they continue to get bigger and bigger? Perhaps not. Some major cities have actually become smaller in the last ten years, and it is quite possible that one day we will see people moving out of the major cities and back into smaller towns and villages.

1. Why do people move to live in cities or towns?
A.Because they can live more comfortably there.
B.Because they like noisy life better than peaceful life.
C.Because they mainly want to find work there.
D.Because they are sure of having a better life there.
2. Which of the following statement is NOT true about the business district?
A.Big companies usually have their main offices in the business district.
B.People usually work and live in the business district.
C.A business district usually lies in the city center downtown.
D.Nearly every major city has its own business district.
3. In the United States, many people work in the center of a big city________.
A.and live there
B.but live in the suburbs of the city
C.and live in another city
D.but live in rural areas
4. We can infer that this movement from rural to urban areas ________.
A.has been going on for more than 2,000 years
B.will surely continue in the future
C.may not continue in the future
D.has now stopped already
2020-09-23更新 | 34次组卷
阅读理解-阅读单选(约320词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐3】Many people fear that robots will destroy jobs. A paper in 2013 by economists at Oxford University was widely misinterpreted as meaning that 47% of American jobs were at risk of being automated.

The concern about mass unemployment is overblown. Actually, robots will be ultimately beneficial for labour markets. A Yale University study that looked at Japanese manufacturing between 1978 and 2017 found that an increase of one robot unit per 1,000 workers boosted a company’s employment by 2.2%. Research from the Bank of Korea found that robotisation moved jobs away from manufacturing into other sectors, but that there was no decrease in overall vacancies. Another study, by researchers at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, looked at Finnish firms and concluded that their use of advanced technologies led to increases in hiring.

For all that, the march of the robots will bring big changes to workplaces. The skills and firms that are rewarded will shift, too. One supposed example of “bad automation” is self-service checkouts in supermarkets, because they replace human workers. Robots could perform work that is unpleasant, such as butchering. Checkout staff who retrain to help customers pick items from aisles may well find that dealing with people in need is more rewarding than spending all day swiping barcodes in front of lasers.

Inevitably, some people will be on the losing end of change even as the robots make society as a whole better off. One lesson from the freewheeling globalisation of the 1990s and 2000s is that the growth in trade that was overwhelmingly beneficial triggered a political backlash (反对), because the losers felt left behind. That is one more reason why firms and governments would do well to recognize the value of retraining and lifelong learning. As jobs change, workers should be helped to acquire new skills.

1. Why does the author mention “Japanese manufacturing” in paragraph 2?
A.To explain a rule.B.To show a trend.
C.To support an idea.D.To make a prediction.
2. How might checkout staff feel about assisting customers directly?
3. What can we infer from the last paragraph?
A.Robots may cause mass unemployment.
B.People should be ready to learn and adapt.
C.Everyone will benefit equally from robots.
D.Workers should be encouraged to find new employment.
4. What may be the best title for the text?
A.Change the Control of RobotsB.More Robots
C.Welcome the Rise of RobotsD.Better Robots
2024-01-01更新 | 96次组卷
共计 平均难度:一般