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题型:阅读理解-阅读单选 难度:0.85 引用次数:145 题号:4088880
       In Vietnam, Tet-Trung-Thu, or the Mid-Autumn Festival, is one of the most popular family holidays. It is held on the 15th day of the 8th lunar month.
       Vietnamese families plan their activities around their children on this special day. In a Vietnamese folk story, parents were working so hard to prepare for the harvest that they left the children playing by themselves. To make up for that time, the parents would use the Mid-Autumn Festival as a chance to show their love and thanks for their children.
       As a result, the Mid-Autumn Festival is also called the Children’s Festival. In the United States, this tradition continues in many Vietnamese-American families. Activities are often centered on children and education. Parents buy lanterns for their children so that they can take part in a candle and lantern parade at dawn. Lanterns mean brightness, while the parade means success in school. Vietnamese markets sell a variety of lanterns, but the most popular children’s lantern is the star lantern. Other children’s activities include arts and crafts in which children make face masks and lanterns. Children also perform traditional Vietnamese dances for adults and take part in contests for prizes. Unicorn (麒麟) dancers are also very popular.
       Like Chinese people, Vietnamese parents tell their children folk stories and serve moon cakes and other special treats under the bright moon. A favorite folk story is about a carp (鲤鱼) that wanted to become a dragon. The carp worked and worked and finally changed itself into a dragon. Parents use this story to encourage their children to work hard so that they can become whatever they want to be.
1. We can learn from the passage that Tet-Trung-Thu is celebrated ________.
A.in China and other Asian countries
B.by Vietnamese-American families
C.all over the world except Vietnam
D.across the United States
2. In both Vietnam and China, during the Mid-Autumn Festival, people would ______.
A.eat moon cakesB.buy lanterns for children
C.take part in contestsD.buy a carp
3. What is the focus of the Mid-Autumn Festival in Vietnam?
A.Family get-togethers.
B.Children and education.
C.Relaxation and fun in the middle of the year.
D.Parents having more time with their children.
4. The parents tell their children folk stories because ______.
A.children like listening to them in the evening
B.they want to show their love for their children
C.they want to encourage their children to work hard
D.they want to make up for lost time


阅读理解-阅读单选(约250词) | 较易 (0.85)

【推荐1】We spoke to three students from around the world about different national holidays. There are different customs for each festival.

Tan Xiaodong, 15, Hong Kong, China

“It’ll soon be the Chinese New Year. Before it, we’ll clean the house and decorate (装饰) it for good luck. Every shop is going to close for a few days and we’ll go out a lot to celebrate on the streets. We might go and see the lion and dragon dances in the city center. I love this festival.”

Wendy, 16, Sydney, Australia

“Australia Day is on 26th January and it’s an important holiday here. We always have a Monday off, so we celebrate for three days. My parents and I go to the countryside for a picnic and friends always come over. Many people go to beach parties or street parties and there’s lots of music and dancing. What fun!”

Amy, 14, New York, the USA

“The first Thanksgiving was celebrated hundreds of years ago when Europeans who came to America thanked God for his help. It’s still a very important day for family members to be together. This year we’re going to visit my grandparents and we’ll eat a delicious meal of turkey. Thanksgiving Day is on the fourth Thursday in November every year.”

1. How many festivals are mentioned in the passage?
2. During the Chinese New Year, tourists might________according to the passage.
A.do a lot of shoppingB.eat turkey
C.go to beach partiesD.see lion and dragon dances
3. On Australia Day, Wendy and her parents often________.
A.have a picnic in the countryside
B.go to a swimming pool
C.have a party at school
D.clean the house and dance
4. What do you think “turkey” is in this passage?
A.A country.B.A festival.
C.A kind of food.D.A kind of drink.
5. From the passage, we can learn that________.
A.Amy is from Sydney, Australia
B.different festivals have different customs
C.many people go out for a picnic with friends before the Chinese New Year
D.Thanksgiving Day is on 26th January in the USA
2020-08-31更新 | 81次组卷
阅读理解-七选五(约250词) | 较易 (0.85)

【推荐2】Like many other holidays, Halloween has developed and changed throughout history. Over 2,000 years ago people called the Celts lived in what is now Ireland, the UK, and parts of Northern France.     1     They believed that the night before the New Year (October 31) was a time when the living and the dead came together.

More than a thousand years ago the Christian church named November 1 All Saints Day (also called All Hallows). This was a special day to honor the saints (圣人) and other people who died for their religion. The night before All Hallows was called Hallows Eve.    2    

Like the Celts, the Europeans of that time also believed that the spirits of the dead would visit the earth on Halloween.    3     So on that night people wore costumes that looked like ghosts or other evil (邪恶的) creatures.They thought if they dressed like that, the spirits would think they were also dead and not harm them.

The tradition of Halloween was carried to America by the immigrating (移民) Europeans. Some of the traditions changed a little, though. For example, on Halloween in Europe some people would carry lanterns made from turnips (芜菁).     4     So people began putting candles inside pumpkins and using them as lanterns. That is why you see Jack-O-Lanterns.

These days Halloween is not usually considered a religious holiday.     5     Children dress up in costumes like people did a thousand years ago. But instead of worrying about evil spirits, they go from house to house. They knock on doors and say“trick or treat". The owner of each house gives candy or something special to each trick-or-treater.

A.It is mainly a fun day for children.
B.The lanterns can look funny or scary.
C.November I was their New Year's Day.
D.Later the name was changed to Halloween.
E.In America, pumpkins were more common.
F.Wearing costumes was said to be a good way to defeat evils.
G They worried that evil spirits would cause problems or hurt them.
2020-12-19更新 | 132次组卷
阅读理解-阅读单选(约260词) | 较易 (0.85)
【推荐3】Unity Bow, Australia

An Australian wedding ceremony might feature the tradition of a Unity Bowl. Guests are given stones and asked to hold then during the ceremony. At the end, guests place the stones in a decorative bowl that the couple will keep and display afterwards, to remind them of the support and presence of their friends and family.

Blackening, Scotland

In this Scottish tradition, the bride, groom, or both are taken out on the day before their wedding, provided with alcohol, and covered in treacle(糖浆), ash, feathers, and flour by friends and family. The celebratory mess was originally cried out to avoid evil spirits and bring good luck.

A Goose for the Bride, Korea

According to Korean tradition, grooms once gave their mother-in-law wild geese or ducks; they are monogamous (一夫一妻制的) animals and represent the groom’s pure intentions and loyalty to his bride. In a more modern tradition, brides and grooms exchange wooden geese and ducks on their wedding day as a sign of their commitment.

Bridal Sedans and Red Umbrellas, China

A traditional Chinese wedding features a full procession, with the bride escorted to the ceremony in bridal sedan. Red is a powerful colour in Chinese weddings, symbolizing boldness, luck, and love. According to tradition, the bride wears a red veil to hide her face, and her mother or attendant holds a red umbrella over the bride’s head, a superstition (迷信) to encourage fertility (生有) and grow here own family.

1. In an Australian wedding ceremony, guests can often see ______.
A.red umbrellasB.bowls filled with stones
C.wild animalsD.a drunk newly-wedding couple
2. If you are interested in wedding cultures in Asia, you can visit ______.
A.Korea & ChinaB.Scotland & China
C.Australia & KoreaD.Australia & Scotland
3. What can be inferred according to the descriptions of the wedding ceremony?
A.Guests play tricks on the brides and the grooms.
B.The brides and the grooms exchange wedding rings.
C.Gusts give expensive presents to the brides and the grooms.
D.The brides and the grooms are blessed with best wishes and good luck.
2022-01-19更新 | 59次组卷
共计 平均难度:一般