组卷网 > 高中英语综合库 > 主题 > 人与社会 > 社会 > 社会问题与社会现象
题型:书面表达-开放性作文 难度:0.65 引用次数:126 题号:4741649
据调查,儿童每周要看30到35个小时的电视节目,远远超过在校学习时间。大量的不适合儿童观看的节目,对儿童造成了不利影响。请结合实际以“No Television Day Campaign”为标题呼吁家长们在星期天关上电视机,帮助儿童远离电视。
TV nowadays is very universal,and everyone has access to it. TV makes it possible to keep track of current events and the latest developments in the world. By watching TV, we can enrich our knowledge and broaden our horizons.
2016高一·全国·课时练习 查看更多[2]


书面表达-开放性作文 | 适中 (0.65)
【推荐1】Directions: Write an English composition in 120-150 words according to the instructions given below in Chinese.
现在年轻消费者在网上购物时十分迷恋网络直播节目(live streaming webcasts)。请就此现象背后的原因谈谈你的看法。
2022-04-21更新 | 70次组卷
书面表达-概要写作 | 适中 (0.65)
【推荐2】Directions: Read the following passage. Summarize the main idea and the main point(s) of the passage in no more than 60 words. Use your own words as far as possible.

The dangers of safety

Travelling by road is widely accepted as being the most dangerous way to travel with far more deaths per kilometer than rail, sea or air. In fact, while road traffic injuries represent about 25% of worldwide injury-related deaths, deaths on the road in the UK have been decreasing for some time. We take a look at why the number is decreasing, but why it seems impossible to avoid deaths completely.

Over the years, different methods of reducing the number of crashes have been tried. The Locomotive and Highways Act of 1865 introduced the idea of speed limits to the motoring world. Since then, more and more ways of controlling the behaviour of drivers have been introduced such as one-way streets and traffic signals as well as compulsory driver testing and licensing. These days, there are many more methods of enforcement, including speed cameras and fines for breaking motor laws.

Another solution is to make cars themselves safer in case of an accident. This means the main focus has been on passive safety or crash survival rather than active safety or avoiding crashes. There are many innovations by motor manufacturers, which have made cars safer, such as seat belts, anti-lock brakes and airbags. These improvements have tended to make the driver feel more in control and isolated him/her from the fast-moving and dangerous environment outside the car. It seems strange that as improvements have been made the number of crashes continues to increase.

Actually, it is wrong to talk about safe and dangerous cars in this way. The key to this problem is not actually the car, but the driver. In fact, making drivers feel safer is not the solution to the problem, but it is the cause of the problem. As drivers feel safer, it encourages them to drive aggressively and to ignore other road users and therefore increases the number of crashes


2022-07-05更新 | 96次组卷
书面表达-概要写作 | 适中 (0.65)
【推荐3】阅读下面短文,根据其内容写一篇 60 词左右的内容概要。
Children form opinions about drugs and alcohol at a very early age. Even four and five year olds have definite opinions about alcohol. Preschoolers, because of the commercials(商业广告) they see on TV, often think that alcohol helps people have more fun and be better athletes! Images of alcohol are everywhere in our society—consumption of alcohol is represented twice per hour in daytime shows, and three times in an average evening program. Also, posters about alcohol can be seen on buses, at underground stations, in streets and so on.
Despite the wide spread of alcohol in our society, and the problems that can be connected with it, many parents feel uncomfortable when talking about alcohol with their children, or are not sure when and how to start. Many parents believe that teenage drinking is something that their children would never be involved in.
Unfortunately, teenage drinking is very common in North Dakota. In a statewide survey of adolescents in junior and senior high school, only 24% claimed to have never consumed alcohol. When asked about their drinking in the past 30 days:
•61% adolescents reported drinking
•42% drank five or more drinks in a row
•17% reported binge(大吃大喝) drinking
•4.2% reported driving and drinking
Other research on rural youth in North Dakota has found that about 10% of a sample of fifth and sixth graders were engaged in frequent drinking. Teenagers who reported alcohol use (especially those who began use in late elementary school and junior high school) were more likely to be depressed, feel less positive about both their family and friends, and have poorer grades.
Research has found that children and even teenagers turn to their parents in making decisions about important things in their life. Decisions about using alcohol are undoubtedly something that parents will want to provide guidance about. So it’s high time that parents should talk to children about alcohol seriously.
2019-05-31更新 | 26次组卷
共计 平均难度:一般