组卷网 > 高中英语综合库 > 主题 > 人与自我 > 做人与做事 > 方法与哲理 > 方法/策略
题型:阅读理解-七选五 难度:0.65 引用次数:618 题号:5436138

Holidays with friends can be great fun and a good way of getting to know each other better.Once you are on holiday,the trip can be full of fantastic memories if it's planned correctly.

·Choose a destination

    1     Going abroad will cost more but be a more exciting experience.Going to a different place in your own country can also be fun and will be cheaper.

·Collect your friends

Find out how much interest there is from people to go on the trip,and work out your maximum and invite those who you get on well with.

·Meet up

Everyone will have their own idea of what the trip is to be like,so meet up at a local café or restaurant,and share your ideas and concerns.    2     Don't try to overpower others.Once you've all shared ideas you'll have a much better idea of how to start organizing the trip.

·Look for accommodation

    3     When you are searching for a place to stay in,read reviews and ratings(等级).Book it as soon as possible because leaving it too late is going to make things harder.

·Book transport

Once you have accommodation,you'll know the dates of your stay and be able to book transport,coach,bus,airplane,etc.    4    

·Choose things you want to do there

When you are on your trip it will be more relaxing if you have a good idea of what kind of things you want to do.Research the area on the Internet and book some activities you want to join in.    5     Don't book a load of things which you can't afford.

A.One person will naturally be the leader.
B.Check out if your idea is necessary.
C.The first step is to work out where you want to go.
D.Match the activities to your budget.
E.Booking transport well in advance lowers the cost greatly,so please do it soon.
F.Make sure that the trip to the foreign country is not too long.
G.Find out your hotel near to the place you want to visit.


阅读理解-七选五(约270词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐1】Getting into the right focus for serious studying can be difficult. With roommates or family, incoming messages, the internet, and so on, it’s easy to focus on other things, which can leave you unprepared for your tests.     1    . Use these tips to make a quiet place that allows for concentration.

If you are on campus, roommates and dormitory can be loud, and if you are studying online from home, you might have to deal with your family’s comings and goings.     2    . If you don’t care to study in silence, you could drown out the background noise of people talking around you. You could use earplugs when you need to concentrate deeply or download a white noise app on your phone.

Another easy way to get focused on your study plan is realizing you need something that you forgot outside your study space. For example, be sure to have all the pens, notebooks and textbooks you will need to complete your work.     3    . So having all the necessary things on hand will keep you focused. Besides, if you are doing work or reading on a laptop, make sure to bring your charger, as a failing battery may force you to stop studying.

    4    . Students with worksheets and practice problems would probably do better with a desk or a large table. Students with lots of reading may be more comfortable on a sofa or chair where they can get comfortable while they study.

These simple steps can create quiet and calm space for you to get to work. Putting time and effort into your studies is the most important part of attending college. So set yourself up with a study space that suits you now.     5    

A.It can lead to academic success.
B.Making sure the surrounding best for you is important.
C.In this case, you’d better create some background music.
D.Choosing the right way for you can help you do better in study.
E.Having the perfect study space can make it easier to focus on your study.
F.Wherever you are, study requires focus, so creating a quiet space is important.
G.Looking for any of these in the course of study may make it hard to truly focus.
2023-02-22更新 | 244次组卷
阅读理解-七选五(约240词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐2】Have you ever noticed how some people can effortlessly talk to anyone they meet, no matter how different their backgrounds are? Or have you seen that one person who always offends someone, no matter what the topic of conversation is? These two scenes show how we can differ in our abilities to interact, get along with, and relate to others around us.    1    

After years of academic research and development, this social competency is now commonly referred to as “social intelligence”. Do you want to improve your social intelligence? Here are great ideas with which to get started.

Listen well and pay attention

Practice active listening so that you can fully engage and communicate with others.     2     It is natural to want to respond to that text message that pops up on your phone immediately, even when you’re in the middle of a face-to-face conversation. Give people your full attention when speaking with them.     3    

Watch out for body language

    4     Even if they aren’t saying so, their feelings are truly revealed. Try to tune in to what the other person is saying “physically”. In the same way, be aware of your own body language and how you are presenting yourself. If you slouch and appear physically uninterested during a conversation, it may make the speakers lose confidence in what they are saying, resulting in a negative interaction.

Show that you care

If you sense that someone is upset, or if someone tells you they are going through some difficulties, show them you truly care.     5    

A.Life is often fast paced, with many digital distractions.
B.Often, people’s gestures will tell us a great deal about how they are feeling.
C.Sharing other people’s feelings can help you connect at a more meaningful level.
D.People like to feel heard, and it will help you develop worthwhile relationships.
E.The speaker fails to deliver a clear and objective message during his presentation.
F.Engaging in a meaningful conversation can reduce loneliness and help reconnect with others.
G.In the same way that we vary in traditional academic competencies, we can vary in how socially competent we are.
2024-03-17更新 | 163次组卷
阅读理解-七选五(约250词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐3】How to Activate Brain Cells

Scientists used to think that your brain stopped growing new cells once you reached adulthood. Happily, current research shows that it isn’t true! As you get older, you can continue to grow new brain cells.

Get regular aerobic(有氧的) exercise.

Research shows that regular aerobic exercise over a long period of time can better improve brain cells’ growth than other forms of exercise. Add aerobic activities such as swimming, power walking, and jogging, to your regular routine.     1    

Do stress-relieving activities.

Activities that reduce stress and give you a sense of well-being can encourage the growth of new brain cells.     2     You can do some yoga, read your favorite books, or listen to relaxing music.


Antioxidant-rich(富含抗氧化物的) foods can prevent damage to your current brain cells and promote the growth of new, healthy cells. Omega-3 fatty acids may also help improve your brain’s health. Add plenty of brain-boosting foods to your diet, such as vegetable oil, nuts, green tea, blueberries and fatty fish.

Maintain an active social life.

    4     It’s also good for your brain. Socializing helps keep your brain cells active, preventing some of the loss of brain function. If you can’t socialize in person, reach your friends over the phone or on social media.

Get plenty of good-quality sleep.

If you’re an adult, try to get 7-9 hours of sleep each night. If you’re a teen, aim for 8-10 hours. Your brain heals itself of the day’s stresses while you sleep.     5     You can improve your sleep by going to bed and waking up at the same time every day.

A.Spending time with friends isn’t just enjoyable.
B.Eat foods rich in substances that do good to brain cells.
C.Any kind of head injury may put you at risk of brain damage.
D.Try to do things that bring you pleasure and help you relax every day.
E.For example, you might aim for 30 minutes of jogging a day, 5 days a week.
F.Fortunately, there are treatments that can help you restore your brain’s health.
G.It also processes information you picked up during the day, helping you to learn and preserve new memories.
2023-04-07更新 | 76次组卷
共计 平均难度:一般