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The best festivals in Europe

Whether they’re in the countryside or a post-industrial landscape, Europe’s yearly festival calendar means new events, old favourites, crazy people and great charm.

OFF Festival, Poland

A small festival in Katowice in south-west Poland, OFF has, over the past 10 years, built an international audience thanks to a challenging and interesting mix of acts. This year’s selection focuses on female artists: singer-songwriters Feist and PJ Harvey headline, while Swedish pop singer Anna von Hausswolff and classical composer turned electronic producer Anna Meredith are also on the bill. Meanwhile, the experimental poetry and performance project by Moor Mother will undoubtedly be an unmissable show.

·4~6 August, £55, off-festival.pl
Melt, Germany

What would Melt be without its “sleepless stage”--a non-stop music marathon that runs from Saturday morning to midday on Monday? The German festival for those who love an all-hours party takes place in Ferropolis, Gra fenhainichen. This year, the festival celebrates its 20th anniversary, bringing 20,000 people together. A party train from Cologne also serves as your weekend accommodation! A worthy summer alternative to a party weekend in Berlin.

·£140,14~16 July, melt festival.de
Primavera Sound, Portugal and Spain
A festival that has rapidly grown to attract visitors from across Europe with its electronic music, guitar-led acts and plenty of sunshine, Primavera Sound takes place in Barcelona and, since 2012, also in Porto, under the name NOS Primavera Sound. The Barcelona edition takes place across six days with an abundance of DJs on call to keep people dancing, while the smaller, three-day Porto festival has Bicep, Nicholas Jaar and Richie Hawtin, who will be doing a closing on the Friday night.
·Barcelona 31 May~4 June, £195; Porto 8~10 June, £110, primaverasound.com
1. When can people take part in OFF Festival in Poland?
A.On 5 AugustB.On 3 August
C.Before 3 AugustD.After 6 August
2. What can be learned about OFF Festival?
A.Only male artists can join in the festival
B.It’s a festival known all around the world
C.The festival is free of charge for all the people
D.Moor Mother’s poetry will be doubted by people
3. What can people do at Melt, Germany this year?
A.Run a marathon with other people
B.Take part in an all-hours party in Katowice
C.Enjoy music together with about 20,000 people
D.Take weekend accommodation in their own houses
4. What do the festival in the text have in common?
A.They all take place in Germany
B.Their participants are all females
C.They all take place in August
D.They are all concerned with music
【知识点】 外国文化与节日


阅读理解-阅读单选(约360词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐1】There are many traditions around the world that are interesting and fun, but there are also those that are bizarre (奇异的) and even a little cruel.

In Sweden it's common for parents to leave their babies outside to nap (小睡) even when the temperatures are below zero. Many of us would find this custom dangerous, but many Swedes actually consider it good for their babies. They believe that by exposing their young ones to their country's cold temperature they can help their babies to grow up healthily and protect them from diseases. They also believe doing so will help them sleep longer and better.

In Bali, Indonesia, babies are forbidden to touch the ground for three months. The reason is that during the baby's first months its connection to the “spirit” is still unbroken and clean and letting it touch the ground would defile it. For three months, the baby is constantly held in someone's arms―the father, mother, grandparents, brothers, sisters, uncles, aunts and even neighbours. After 105 days, a special ceremony called the Nyabutan is held where the baby touches Mother Earth for the first time.

In Guatemala, it's common to see babies being bathed with cold water. Maya mothers commonly practise this bizarre ritual (仪式) with the belief that it's beneficial to the baby's health. Bathing their babies with cold water is also an effective means to eliminate heat rashes, and this custom helps babies sleep better.

Some Indians allow their babies to be thrown from temple roofs as high as 50 feet. This strange custom started 500 years ago and continues to this day, though there's a movement to ban it for obvious reasons. However, Hindus believe that performing this ritual brings good luck and health to their babies. Below the roof is a bed sheet that's held tightly by several men. The baby lands safely on the sheet. The tradition's practitioners and believers strongly prove that it's safe, saying no babies have ever been injured.

1. What does the author think of the baby custom in Sweden?
A.It is interesting and fun.B.It is unique and thoughtful.
C.It is dangerous and a little cruel.D.It is beneficial and practical.
2. What does the underlined word “defile” in Paragraph 3 probably mean?
A.Make the best use of.B.Make something dirty or no longer pure.
C.Leave or break away from.D.Achieve or realise completely.
3. In Guatemala babies are bathed with cold water ________.
A.to get rid of their heat rashes and make them sleep better
B.to prevent them from feeling hot during summer
C.in order to stop them from getting all kinds of illnesses
D.in order to bring good luck and health to those babies
4. Why do some Indians ask the baby custom to be stopped?
A.It is a new custom and many people hate it.
B.They think the custom leads to babies' injuries.
C.They have no religious belief.
D.Lots of babies have been seen injured in the past years.
2021-11-20更新 | 103次组卷
阅读理解-阅读单选(约280词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐2】Sweetest Day is celebrated on the third Saturday in October. It is an occasion which offers all of us an opportunity to remember not only the sick, the aged, and children who have lost their parents, but also friends, workmates, relatives and neighbors whose helpfulness and kindness we have enjoyed.

Over 60 years ago, when a Cleveland man noticed that some people, such as children who lost their parents and patients who lay in bed, too often felt forgotten and neglected, he developed in his mind the idea of showing them that they were remembered. He did this by giving them small gifts. With the help of his friends and neighbors, he gave those people small gifts on a Saturday in October. During the years that followed, other Clevelanders began to take part in the celebration, which came to be called “Sweetest Day”. Over time, the Sweetest Day idea of spreading cheer to the poor, the sick and children who had lost their parents was broadened to everyone, and became an occasion for remembering others with a kind act or a small gift. Soon the idea spread to other cities all over the USA.

Sweetest Day is not based on any single group’s religious beliefs or on a family relationship. It is a reminder that a thoughtful word or deed enriches life and gives it meaning. Because for many people remembering takes the form of gift-giving, Sweetest Day offers us the opportunity to show others that we care, in a positive way.

1. What is Sweetest Day for?
A.To express love to our parents.B.To remind us of people in need of our help.
C.To draw people’s attention to disabled people.D.To keep the weak and nice people around us in mind.
2. What does the underlined word “neglected” mean in paragraph 2?
3. What does paragraph 2 mainly talk about?
A.The importance of Sweetest Day.B.The customs of Sweetest Day.
C.The development of Sweetest Day.D.The future of Sweetest Day.
4. How do most people celebrate Sweetest Day according to paragraph 3?
A.By giving gifts.B.By offering help to others.
C.By sending others reminders.D.By showing others their beliefs.
2022-07-20更新 | 121次组卷
阅读理解-阅读单选(约310词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐3】Edinburgh is the world’s festival city. There are 12 festivals throughout the year, half of which are celebrated during the months of July and August.

Hundreds of thousands of people visit the Scottish capital during the summer.

Here are some of the events:

The Edinburgh International Festival

This is the original Edinburgh festival, which began in 1947. Actors, musicians, dancers and opera singers from all over the world perform to huge audiences. You need tickets for most events which take place in theatres around the city.

The Edinburgh Festival Fringe

This is the largest arts festival in the world with thousands of shows taking place across the city. More than 20,000 artists take part, as the festival is open to anyone. Visitors can choose from a huge variety of acts.

Join thousands of visitors and locals at the Royal Mile, Edinburgh’s main street, to watch all kinds of performers and shows.

The Edinburgh International Book Festival

The largest book festival in the world began in 1983 and takes place every year in Charlotte Square Gardens, in the center of Edinburgh. There are more than 700 events for children and adults who love books. You can meet many authors, talk to them, ask them to sign a book or listen to them talk about their stories. Children can listen to stories and watch illustrators (插图作者) draw pictures.

The Edinburgh Jazz and Blues Festival

Music lovers come to this festival to enjoy music shows around the city. One of the highlights of this musical event is the street carnival (嘉年华), which is free to all. Artists perform street theatre, dance and circus shows in amazing costumes, and everyone can join in the dancing.

1. Which is true about Edinburgh?
A.It’s the Scottish capital city.
B.It’s the largest city in the world.
C.The festivals are celebrated every month.
D.Tourists around the world come to the city after winter.
2. What do we know about the Edinburgh International Festival from the article?
A.It’s free to Scottish people.
B.It’s held at the Royal Mile.
C.It takes place in July every year.
D.The artists mainly perform in theatres.
3. Which is the largest arts festival in the world?
A.The Edinburgh International Festival.
B.The Edinburgh Festival Fringe.
C.The Edinburgh International Book Festival.
D.The Edinburgh Jazz and Blues Festival.
4. What can visitors do at the Edinburgh Jazz and Blues Festival, according to the article?
A.They can try on different costumes.
B.They can join a singing competition.
C.They can take part in a street carnival.
D.They can get pictures from famous painters.
5. This passage is most probably taken from ________.
A.an advertisement
B.a tour journal
C.a news report
D.an announcement
2022-02-19更新 | 258次组卷
共计 平均难度:一般