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题型:阅读理解-七选五 难度:0.65 引用次数:79 题号:5659492

Knowing your neighbors can make you feel safer and can make your life a little more enjoyable.     1    

Start a Facebook group. Many online groups already exist for local communities, but they may just focus on swapping and selling objects, or simply for exploring the local area.     2     For example, starting a Facebook group.

Get volunteering. Volunteering is a great way to meet like-minded neighbors and make a difference to your community.     3     Charities are the most obvious place to start. Charities, large or small, are always looking for help in regions across the UK. A simple Google search can help you discover local charities and volunteer opportunities.
Practice everyday kindness. Kindness is the start to possible long-lasting friendships. Everyday acts of kindness can be as simple as saying hello when you see your neighbors in the street or the supermarket. It may be seeing someone struggle with the gardening and offering your help.     4    
Start an exercise group. There are a rare few of us that are motivated to start exercising, and even fewer that enjoy going it alone.     5     Plan big walks of your area and ask neighbors to come along. You could sign up together to attempt a marathon or half marathon. Or perhaps you can arrange a Zumba, yoga, or aerobics (有氧运动) class in the community centre.
A.However, you are often too busy to realize this.
B.There are many ways to volunteer in your local community.
C.Starting a neighborhood exercise group may be just the ticket.
D.So why not set one up simply to get to know your neighbors better?
E.It may also be taking in that rather large parcel when no one is home.
F.If you’re new to an area or don’t know how to make local friends, try this advice.
G.These groups indeed make life in communities easier and more comfortable for you.
【知识点】 方法/策略 社会关系


阅读理解-七选五(约180词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐1】How to motivate (激励) a lazy teenager

Here’s how to give the teenagers the motivation they need without nagging (唠叨) them.


A teenager needs between 8-10 hours of sleep every night but most only get about 6.5-7.5 hours of sleep per night. So when a teenager is forced out of bed at 7 am or 8 am to go to school, their natural sleep cycle is thrown off and they will likely appear lazy, unmotivated, all symptoms (症状) of lack of sleep.     2    .

Limit screen time

It is recommended that teenagers spend no more than two hours a day sitting in front of a small screen and get 60 minutes’ exercise a day.     3    .

Teach responsibility

It’s important for teenagers to help with tasks and learn responsibility.     4    . Be firm and clear about the results for not finishing the housework-this can range from no screen time, to less pocket money or not being allowed to go out with their friends.

Show them the love

Teenagers might not act like they need it or want it.     5    . When teenagers know adults are emotionally (情感上) available to support them, a welcome change in their behaviour may be seen.

A.Set a sleep schedule
B.Understand their thoughts
C.Be sure that teenagers can do homework alone
D.Set a plan with teenagers for the daily housework they would prefer to do
E.However, they need to know that adults love them, care for them and respect them
F.Make sure the teenager goes to bed on time and gets eight hours of sleep a night
G.Make screen time a reward by ensuring teenagers finish their homework or tasks first
2023-12-11更新 | 104次组卷
阅读理解-七选五(约280词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐2】How to Develop a Lifelong Leaming Habit

To be perfectly honest, I used to think the only way to learn was in school, but I was not always a big fan of “conventional learning”, unless it was a course that really interested me. It was not until I expanded my own definition of learning that my lifelong learning journey began. My travelling experiences, the books I read, and even my own missteps — all became a means for learning.

Now I cannot learn enough or get my hands on enough information.     1     The more I engage and employ lifelong learning, the more I experience some really cool thing. Not only has lifelong learning improved my brain functions, but also it has supported my professional success and personal growth. Here are some simple ways to begin training your brain to desire lifelong learning.

First of all, you can create an objective for your learning. For example, maybe your objective is to reduce your stress levels or find different ways to relax.     2    

Another important way is to start small. If lifelong learning has not been your “thing”, trying to eat this learning elephant in one bite makes it more difficult to stick with.     3     For example, instead of trying to read a certain number of pages in a book every day, why not start with 15 minutes, two or three times a week?     4    

    5     If learning feels like a duty or something you have to do, you will obviously do it less. Have some fun with your learning. For example, for every new learning opportunity you take, think of some entertaining ways to learn. Give yourself a gold star. Make learning a game. Whatever is going to make learning fun for you, make sure to do it!

A.You lose interest in those things.
B.The most important thing is to make it fun.
C.Try to finish one thing in fewer steps.
D.Lifelong learning is like potato chips to me — I want more.
E.A better way is to break down your learning into bite-sized pieces.
F.After you have fixed that small habit into place, you can then add to it.
G.Having an objective not only makes learning beneficial but gives it a purpose.
7日内更新 | 28次组卷
阅读理解-六选四(约340词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐3】Ways to Teach Kids How to Manage Money

As adults, we’ve had a lifetime to learn how to manage our money. Finance may seem like a grown-up concept.    1    Here are ways to teach kids how to budget (预算) and value a dollar.

Firstly, help children understand that everything costs money. Your children need to know the value of their money compared to the value of the things they’d like to buy. When they want a new toy, point out the cost and remind them how much they have to spend.     2     Take the money from their jar, bring it to the store, and hand it to the cashier. They’ll clearly see their amount of money shrink, though they’ll get a toy in return.

As your kids decide how to spend money, teach them to start from something important. If they spend all their savings on one item, they won’t have the money to spend on other things they might want. Because they don’t have enough money to buy everything they’d like, they need to figure out what’s most important to them.

In addition, show them how to shop smart.     3     From buying products to doing cost comparisons, adults try to make their budgets stretch as far as possible — and you can teach your kids to do the same with their money. If your children want to buy a new toy, help them check the price at Target Toys at different stores.

    4     Your kids watch what you do, so practice the same smart financial habits you’re teaching them. It gives them context for the choices they see you making. One way to teach your children about finance is to involve them in your own financial decisions. For example, if you tell them you can’t afford something they want, then turn around and buy a new television, which sends mixed signals. But if they know you’ve been saving up for a new television — that the entire family can enjoy — they’re more likely to understand.

A.While everything costs money, some options cost less.
B.You should give your kids sufficient money to manage.
C.Finally, adults should try to set a good financial example for kids.
D.When children get cash of their own, they need to decide how to spend it.
E.When they’re buying something with their money, make the process visual.
F.However, it’s never too early to start teaching your children about managing money.
2021-06-25更新 | 94次组卷
共计 平均难度:一般