组卷网 > 高中英语综合库 > 主题 > 人与社会 > 故事
题型:改错-短文改错 难度:0.65 引用次数:199 题号:6445343







Most people look forward to their birthdays because of the presents they receive them. I have been getting my birthday presents but none of which have been remarkable so far. My parents always give me books which is fine but not exciting. Then, on my seventeen birthday, I got the best birthday present ever. On the dining table was a white envelope. I opened it and find a key and a note. “Happy birthday, my dear nephew!” was written on hand. It was from his Aunt Jess. I looked at the key more closely but I realized it was a car key. This was best birthday present. On my birthday, I became the owner of my own car thanks to my generously aunt.

【知识点】 故事


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My parents and I went to the park on last Sunday. There were lots of visitors stood in front of the ticket window. We both waited for a long time and buy three tickets. In the Tiger Mountain of the park, I was so eager to see the fierce animals that I quickened my step through the crowd. Unfortunate, I got separated from my parents. I had hard time looking for them, and I had no luck. Even bad, I had no money with me, which meant I had to walk home. How an awful experience!

2022-09-21更新 | 163次组卷
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I would like share an experience with you. It was happened a few years ago. One day I was going to be late, but I hurried to school. Suddenly I ran into a man and all my books drop onto the ground. I shouted at him. He just smiled and helped us pick up all the books. While I got to my class, our teacher said a new teacher would replace him. The new teacher was a same person I had treated rude. I was sure I'd leave a poor impression to him but he didn't treat me differently. I learned we should always be polite to stranger.

2021-07-13更新 | 62次组卷
改错-短文改错 | 适中 (0.65)
【推荐3】文中共有10处语言错误,每句中最多有两处。错误涉及一个单词的增加,删除或修改。 增加:在缺词处加一个漏字符号(∧),并在其下面写出该加的词。

My uncle drove his car meet his friends. When he found there was still some time leaving before the train had arrived, he wanted to take a short sleep. He was falling sleep when a woman came and asked him the time. He opened his eye and answered,“Half past eight.” With a “Thank you!” a woman left. On a short while this happened again. So my uncle wrote “I don’t know the time” on a piece of paper and put them on the window of the car. A few minutes late, an old man came and woke him up, “Hi, young man. I can tell you that time it is. It’s nine o'clock now.”

2021-09-01更新 | 63次组卷
共计 平均难度:一般