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题型:阅读理解-阅读单选 难度:0.65 引用次数:66 题号:6988914

From the end of next year, all shops, market stalls and takeaways in Wales will be obliged to charge up to 15p each for plastic or paper bags. Wales is to become the first part of Britain to ban free carrier bags after deciding that efforts by supermarkets to cut waste have proved ineffective.

Jane Davidson, the Welsh Environment Minister, said that the revenue(收入) would go to a new independent body, which would spend the money on local environmental projects. She admitted that a small number of people might switch to shops in England, where there are no plans to charge for carrier bags. She said that tough action was necessary. Ms Davidson, a Labor member of the Welsh Assembly’s ruling Labor-Plaid Cymrucoalition, hopes the ban will embarrass her counterparts(对应的人) in England, Scotland and Northern Ireland into similar action.

Wales is planning to use a little-known clause(条款) in last year’s Climate Change Act, which enables the government to outlaw free bags. Ms. Davidson said: “We want to encourage people to think about what they do. All the other ministers are still signed up to the voluntary agenda. You will see a different message from me.”

Last week the media revealed that Tesco had published misleading figures giving the impression that it had met a voluntary target to halve the use of plastic bags in three years. Seven supermarket chains reported last month that the total number of free bags they had issued had fallen by 48 percent to 450 million a month in the three years to last May. The figures masked that Marks & Spencer, the only chain to charge for bags, had made much faster progress than its rivals. It cut bag use by 83 percent after introducing a 5p charge last year. Ms. Davidson said that banning free bags would encourage a wider shift to a less wasteful society. She was considering a charge of between 5p and 15p, but indicated that she favored the upper end of the range.

1. Which city is the first part of Britain to ban free carrier bags? _______
C.ScotlandD.Northern Ireland
2. A certain amount of purchase will take place in England because_____________.
A.the carrier bags are cheaper thereB.the goods there are free
C.the goods there are cheaperD.the carrier bags are free there
3. The government cited a little-known clause in last year’s Climate Change Act for the purpose of _________.
A.arousing public’s sense of reducing wasteB.reducing the customers’ resistance
C.promoting charging bags with legal meansD.enabling supermarket to cut waste
4. According to Ms. Davidson, she preferred a free bag’s charge to be ________.
C.between 5p and 15pD.above 15p
【知识点】 社会问题与社会现象


阅读理解-阅读单选(约280词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐1】A survey by the American Psychological Association shows that one in ten adults reads online news at least once an hour. A lot has been written about the mental health influence from news addiction, and in particular from reading negative reports. Just like junk food, “junk” news can be bad for our health.

In recent years, things have been getting increasingly more negative. A study of the content of New Zealand’s largest newspaper showed that while in 1973 the average number of stories about death on the front page was 0.75, by 2013 it was 4.1(and no, there weren’t five times more people dying).

What’s more, online news, and the stories we read on mobile phones in particular, tend to be even more negative than print. A 2019 study of 50 U.S. newspapers showed that mobile versions of newspapers report three times more stories about disasters and accidents than paper ones.

Such negative reports lead people to believe that things are worse than they really are. They can lead to stress, worry and lower spirits.

Experiments also suggest that loneliness and poor relationships have been connected with reading negative reports. After reading negative reports, people are less likely to help others. Even worse, when we check news on smart phones, we may “phub” our loved ones, which leads to lower relationship satisfaction.

Negative reports attract our attention far more than positive ones. That’s a global happening. I hope, however, that if we realize that negative news is spoiling our moods, we might all be more willing to change.

1. Why is “junk food” mentioned in the first paragraph?
A.To entertain readers.B.To introduce the topic.
C.To make an advertisement.D.To keep readers away from it.
2. What can we learn about the study in Paragraph 2?
A.The death rate in New Zealand is very high.
B.Print newspapers have become less popular.
C.Stories about death have become less popular.
D.Negative reporting has been increasing over years.
3. What may negative reports lead people to do?
A.Live a hopeful life.B.Become more careful.
C.Become less likely to help others.D.Pay more attention to their physical health.
4. What does the underlined word “phub” in Paragraph 5 mean?
A.ignoreB.hateC.laugh atD.care about
2023-07-07更新 | 51次组卷
阅读理解-阅读单选(约360词) | 适中 (0.65)
文章大意:本文是一篇说明文。文章讲述了社会科学家Justin Berg进行了一项关于热门歌曲的研究,研究发现,和现有歌曲类似的歌更有可能一炮而红,但有创造性和多样性的音乐类型更有可能持续走红。

【推荐2】It’s hard to predict which songs will become hits. It’s even more difficult to predict which artists topping today’s charts will go on to record more hits and who will see their fame end.

To figure out if there’s some kind of principle that can help explain who becomes a flash in the pan and who has a lasting music career, Justin Berg, a social scientist who researches creativity at Stanford University’s business school, studied the songs from pop music charts. He used a database of about 3 million songs from 1959-2010 released by record labels that had produced at least one hit in the United States over that time. Of those songs, nearly 25,000 landed on the weekly Billboard Hot 100. That provided Berg with a list of nearly 4,900 artists who had one or more songs that made the list, his yardstick (标准) for defining a hit.

Hits are rare, the data show. Of the 69,000 artists in the original database, 93 percent never had a hit, 3 percent had one and 1 percent had two hits. The success rate for additional hits drops from there.

Artists with more variety in their music type have a better chance to land repeat hits. But there’s a dilemma for artists who want to be popular over the long term. Variety isn’t what helps artists land that first hit, Berg reports. It’s the similarity of a new song to recent hits.

According to Berg’s study, musical artists who produced music like other already existing music were about twice as likely to have their first hit. But those who created a more creative and varied music type before fame hit were more likely to make a series of hits.

However, Berg doesn’t want his research to diminish (贬低) the accomplishments of one-hit wonders. “A lot of them in their time were quite famous and successful,” he says. “You go out and try to make a song that catchy. It’s not an easy challenge.”

1. What does the underlined phrase “a flash in the pan” mean in Paragraph 2?
A.A rising star.B.A short-lived success.
C.An unpopular topic.D.A quick-minded talent.
2. What can we learn from the study?
A.It’s common for artists to have more than one hit.
B.Creative artists are more likely to make their first hit.
C.People prefer the existing music type to the creative one.
D.Both similarity and variety are important to artists’ success.
3. What does Justin Berg say about one-hit wonders?
A.Their success cannot be repeated.
B.Their life wasn’t easy in their time.
C.Their success deserves recognition.
D.They were good at making catchy songs.
4. What is a suitable title for the text?
A.What will hits be like in the future?
B.How do artists make a series of hits?
C.What does it take to be a successful artist?
D.Why is it hard to have a lasting music career?
2023-07-01更新 | 146次组卷
阅读理解-阅读单选(约350词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐3】The livestreaming and fast delivery industry have attracted so many young people that the manufacturing sector(制造业)is short of manpower. “My advice is to encourage more young people to work in the factories and less in the express delivery industry,” Zhang Xinghai, a deputy to the National People’s Congress, China’s top legislature, said during the ongoing NPC annual session.

Zhang wants more young people to work in the factories so that China’s manufacturing sector continues to develop well.

Whatever job young people do is a matter of choice, but the manufacturing sector is facing a labor shortage, for too many people prefer jobs in other areas.

A survey conducted by the Ministry of Human Resources and Social   Security in the third quarter of 2021 found that of 100 jobs that were facing a manpower shortage, 58 were in the manufacturing sector. By 2025, the shortage in 10 key manufacturing industries could be as high as 30 million.

It is time some strong measures were taken to attract people back to the factories. This can be done by raising the salaries(薪水)of factory workers.

According to a survey in Guangzhou, capital of Guangdong province, the yearly income of express delivery workers in the city is more than 100,000 yuan($15,831). In contrast, the average monthly salary of those doing blue-collar jobs in Guangdong in 2020 was just 7,108 yuan, or about 84,000 yuan a year. That gap surely needs to be reduced.

Besides, the legal rights and interests of those doing blue-collar jobs need to be better protected. Express delivery workers can decide when they want to work, but factory workers have to work whenever the factory demands.

Therefore, the authorities should protect factory workers’ rights to weekends, 8-hour working schedules and paid leave.

Also, the promotion(晋升)and salary growth structure of factory workers must be clearly planned. In a word, to attract young people back to the factories, it is necessary to make blue-collar jobs more attractive.

1. What can we infer from Zhang Xinghai’s words?
A.The future of the express delivery sector is hopeless.
B.Working in factories in China are attractive to young people.
C.Most young people are unwilling to work in the manufacturing sector.
D.Working as a delivery man is quite easy for young people.
2. What does Paragraph 4 mainly tell us?
A.A lot of jobs in China are facing a manpower shortage.
B.Employment rate(雇佣率)in China could be dramatically increased by 2025.
C.There are 10 manufacturing sector facing manpower shortage in total.
D.The manufacturing sector is facing a serious manpower shortage.
3. Which is NOT the reason for manpower shortage in factories?
A.Flexible working hours.
B.Lower incomes.
C.Unclear promotion structure.
D.Unprotected legal rights.
4. What is the author’s attitude towards the current situation of manufacturing industry?
2023-06-17更新 | 49次组卷
共计 平均难度:一般