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题型:阅读理解-阅读单选 难度:0.65 引用次数:165 题号:7252117

An immigrant is a person living in a country that is not their own, often in a culture with which they are not familiar. There are, of course, translation and interpretation services available to recently arrived minority groups in most host countries.

However, it is more important to provide motivations for language learning for immigrants to accelerate their integration (融合). The language barrier increases intercultural   misunderstandings. Those seeking work are at a disadvantage due to subjective factors (因素) such as employers fearing migrants are unable to learn a trade because of language problems. In workplaces where the majority of employees are from the same linguistic background, which is other than the host language, there is the danger of apathy (淡漠) setting in and it is therefore necessary to encourage immigrants to take advantage of whatever language tuition(辅导)not only to help integration but to achieve self-improvement.

The general tendency is to acknowledge that the government should provide money for the teaching of the language. The British Advisory Board on Naturalisation and Integration stated that some of the pressure for English language classes could be reduced by employers taking responsibility for the language needs of migrant workers. As for their children, a high percentage speak languages at home other than that of their country of adoption which increases the burden on schools to provide an adequate standard of linguistic education.

The goal is for immigrants to become “anonymous”. For example, many Turks in Germany have   lost   their   “visibility”   as   poor   workers   to   become   “invisible”   -   thus   not   immediately recognized as foreigners - but as professionals (doctors, engineers, etc.)

Apart from the responsibility of governments and education authorities, the duty also lies with the individual migrant families. Of course they should not lose sight of their own cultural identity and “cross-cultural exchanges should be promoted to improve the understanding between immigrants and the host population. At the same time, parents must be ready to adapt to their new situation and not influence their children who, through the host country education system, will learn the language quicker and wish to integrate into the local society.

1. What is the second paragraph mainly about?
A.The disadvantages of immigration.
B.The advantages of receiving tuition.
C.The importance of understanding each other.
D.The harmful effects of language barriers.
2. What might the British Advisory Board on Naturalisation and Integration agree with?
A.Employers should pay for their employees’ English language classes.
B.Schools provide various language classes.
C.Government shoulders the responsibility of language training.
D.Immigrant children should speak their mother tongue at home.
3. What does the underlined word ”anonymous“ in Paragraph 4 probably mean?
4. What should migrant parents do in the author’s opinion?
A.Don’t speak their native language.
B.Learn English from their children.
C.Don’t practice the customs of their homeland.
D.Help their children integrate into the new environment
5. What would be the best title for the text?
A.How immigration changes language
B.Immigration and language
C.Does immigration threaten our culture ?
D.English language requirements for immigrants


阅读理解-阅读单选(约370词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐1】It’s possible that interstellar (星际的) space explorers arriving on another planet come across problems communicating with previous and subsequent arrivals, as their spoken language has changed in isolation along the way.

Regarding the issue, two American scholars, Andrew McKenzie and Jeffrey Punske, co-authored the article “Language Development During Interstellar Travel”. What has been discussed in the article is the concept of language change over time. They wrote that given more time, new grammatical forms can completely replace current ones.

In a recent interview, McKenzie explained it.

“If you’re on a spaceship for 10 generations, new concepts will emerge, new social issues will come up, and people will create ways of talking about them,” McKenzie said, “and these will become the vocabulary particular to the spaceship. People on Earth might never know about these words, unless there’s a reason to tell them. And the further away you get, the less you’re going to talk to people back home.”

“So if we have Earth English and spaceship English, and they become different over the years, you will have to learn a little Earth English to send messages back or to read the instruction manuals and information that come with the spaceship.”

“Also, keep in mind that the language back on Earth is going to change, too, during that time. So they may well be communicating like we’d be using Latin—communicating with this version of the language nobody uses.”

McKenzie and Punske also pointed out that an adaptation in the form of sign language will be needed for use with and among those working on the spaceship who, genetics tells us, are sure to be born deaf.

There will be a need for an informed linguistic policy on board that can be maintained without referring back to Earth-based regulations.

The authors concluded that if a study of the linguistic changes aboard a spaceship could be performed, it would “add to its scientific value”.

1. What is McKenzie and Punske’s article mainly about?
A.The new grammatical forms appearing in outer space.
B.The effective way to communicate in isolated planets.
C.The challenge brought by language evolution during space travel.
D.The problem of communication between former and future space travelers.
2. What does the underlined word “these” in Paragraph 4 refer to?
A.Ten generations.
B.People on Earth.
C.New grammatical forms.
D.Descriptions of new concepts and social issues.
3. What might made the communication possible between people on Earth and space travelers?
A.Creating new grammatical forms.
B.Mastering basic vocabulary in Latin.
C.Making adaptions to their own languages.
D.Reading the spaceship instruction manuals.
4. According to the text, what do the researchers expect to study in the future?
A.How language changes on board.
B.How sign language is translated in space travel.
C.Whether language would change as they predict.
D.Whether a linguistic policy in outer space is necessary.
5. What is the title for the passage?
A.Future Linguistic Issues in Space
B.Two American Scholars
C.A Recent Interview with McKenzie
D.Exploring Interstellar Space
2023-01-04更新 | 103次组卷
阅读理解-阅读单选(约350词) | 适中 (0.65)
【推荐2】“I like your smile, but unlike you put your shoes on my face”. A charming way of saying “Keep off the grass”. But could you figure it out? Or this: “Wash Clothing Store” for laundry.
They are both typical Chinglish, a combination of English vocabulary and Chinese grammar. Expressions such as “people mountain people sea”, means extremely crowded, and “give you some color to see”, meaning a punishment, are widely known and recognized.
Chinglish has been attracting global attention in recent years as China grows rapidly in status on the world stage, attracting both fans and detractors(批评者).
The Beijing Speaks Foreign Languages Programme and English First China Company, a language trainer known as EF Education, jointly launched a campaign to root out poor grammar and misused vocabulary in downtown Beijing. They argue Chinglish is an embarrassment that we should let it die out at all costs.
“It is meaningful to allow the capital to show its most beautiful historical and cultural heritage to the world." Michael Lu, vice-president of EF Education said, “since the launching of the campaign, foreign teachers and students had been very keen to volunteer participation.”He believed signs were very important in public services. "The signs in some old buildings confused foreign visitors.
Chinglish, although the target of much criticism, has also won supporters who regard it as an interesting way for foreigners to learn how Chinese people think and express themselves.
“Many Chinglish logos carry Chinese elements and they will enrich the English language,” 32-year-old Oliver Radtke said. He had even published a book “Chinglish: Found in Translation,” on the subject. About 50,000 copies of the book have been sold since it was published in 2007.
Some Chinese university experts also side with Chinglish. "English has absorbed elements from other languages such as French and Spanish in its growth, and the emergence of Chinglish again testifies(说明) to the language’s vitality and inclusiveness," said Shi Anbin, an associate professor of Tsinghua University.
1. How did Chinglish come into being?
A.Chinese people misunderstood the meaning of the new words.
B.Chinese people combined English vocabulary with Chinese grammar.
C.Chinese people based their English on the native English speakers.
D.Chinese people make wide use of English vocabulary with bad spelling.
2. What Shi Anbin said means       .
A.there are many French and Spanish words in English
B.English is the language with vitality and inclusiveness
C.Chinglish enriches English and shouldn’t be got rid of
D.Chinglish has greater effect on English than French and Spanish
3. According to Oliver Radtke, Chinglish       .
A.shows how Chinese people think
B.does damage to the English language
C.shows the great humor of Chinese people
D.should be sold to all over the world
2013-11-04更新 | 1003次组卷
阅读理解-阅读单选(约440词) | 适中 (0.65)
【推荐3】Standard English is the formal(正式的)English that you need to use when you write in coursework or in the exam. Standard English is the form of English you learn in school. All written English should be standard—that means it should be clear enough for anyone in Britain to understand it. Standard English developed as the main form of printed English in the 15th Century. At the time, every region of Britain used to spell words differently, but printers needed a fixed spelling. Printers like Caxton chose the East Midlands dialect form which was used in London and the South East. Soon Standard English replaced(取代)all written dialect forms – the other forms of English spoken around the country. It also replaced French and Latin in law and in academic(学术的) work. In the 18th Century, people wrote dictionaries and grammar books which standardized spelling — Dr Johnson’s Dictionary of 1755 fixed many of the spellings we still use today. All written English should be Standard English — any grammar rules you learn are for Standard English and you will definitely need to learn them to avoid making mistakes in your work. The rules of Standard English mean using the correct forms of words with the correct spellings.
Avoid slang words(俚语)—words that your teachers or friends wouldn’t understand. You’ll lose marks if the examiners can’t understand what you say or write. Don’t use dialect words. Every region has words or phrases that are only used there. Don’t use them in your coursework, because you won’t be understood. Make sure you revise grammar and punctuation(标点)you have learned, and learn the list of commonly misspelled words you have made. Clichés are ideas or sayings which have been used so often that they’ve become boring and unoriginal. Phrases like, “As good as it gets” “At the end of the day” “In the fullness of time” are all clichés. So are images like, “as fierce as a lion” “as cunning as a fox”. If you use them you will sound boring and unimaginative— that could mean you lose marks for writing and speaking style. So avoid clichés.
1. What three things do you have to think about when using English?
a. no slang word or dialect        
b. no grammar and spelling mistake.   
c. no phrase       
d. no cliché       
e. no punctuation
A.abc.B.bcd.C.abdD.. ade.
2. What is standard English?
A.the English spoken by British people.
B.the English spoken by American people.
C.the English spoken by British people in 15th Century.
D.the English used in London.
3. What is the cliché according to the passage?
A.the English full of slang words.
B.the long phrases which are used often.
C.the boring ideas or sayings because of being used often.
D.all the English which is used outside of London and the southeast of Britain.
4. Why do we need to use Standard English?
A.Because no one can understand dialect words.
B.Because local dialect belongs to certain region, not every one can understand it.
C.Because there are many kinds of English in the world, we need Standard English to make communication easier.
D.Because standard English has been used for a long time.
5. Which statement is true?
A.All the spoken English should be Standard English.
B.Written English should be formal and standard.
C.Standard English means people should use the words from Dr Johnson’s Dictionary.
D.Standard English replaced all written dialect forms in the 18th century.
2010-07-07更新 | 174次组卷
共计 平均难度:一般