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题型:阅读理解-阅读单选 难度:0.4 引用次数:101 题号:7320551

The Dunning-Kruger effect is a type of cognitive bias (偏见) in which people believe that they are smarter and more capable than they really are. Essentially, low ability people do not possess the skills needed to recognize their own incompetence. The combination of poor self-awareness and low cognitive ability leads them to overestimate their own capabilities. This phenomenon is something you have likely experienced in real life, perhaps at a holiday family gathering. Throughout the course of the meal, a member of your extended family begins spouting off on a topic, boldly announcing that he is correct and that everyone else’s opinion is stupid, uninformed, and just plain wrong. It may be plainly evident to everyone that this person has no idea what he is talking about, but he talks continuously, blithely oblivious (忘乎所以) to his own ignorance.

The effect is named after researchers David Dunning and Justin Kruger, two social psychologists. They found incompetent people are not only poor performers, they are also unable to accurately assess and recognize the quality of their own work. These low performers were also unable to recognize the skill and competence levels of other people, which is part of the reason why they consistently view themselves as better, more capable, and more knowledgeable than others.

This is the reason why students who earn failing scores on exams sometimes feel that they deserved a much higher score. They overestimate their own knowledge and ability and are incapable of seeing the poorness of their performance.

“In many cases, the incompetent are often blessed with an inappropriate confidence, encouraged by something that feels to them like knowledge.” Dunning and his colleagues have also performed experiments where they ask respondents if they are familiar with terms related to subjects including politics, biology, physics, and geography. Along with genuine concepts, they added completely made-up terms. In one such study, approximately 90 percent of respondents claimed that they had at least some knowledge of the made-up terms.

So what can you do to gain a more realistic assessment of your own abilities? Instead of assuming you know all there is to know about a subject, keep digging deeper. Once you gain greater knowledge of a topic, the more likely you are to recognize how much there is still to learn. Another effective strategy involves asking others for constructive criticism. While it can sometimes be difficult to hear, such feedback can provide valuable insights into how others perceive your abilities. Even as you learn more and get feedback, it can be easy to only pay attention to things that confirm what you think you already know. In order to minimize this confirmation bias, keep challenging your beliefs and expectations and seek out information that challenges your ideas.

1. What can we learn about the Dunning-Kruger effect from the first paragraph?
A.The Dunning-Kruger effect is rare for us to confirm.
B.Incompetent people can be blind to their own ignorance.
C.Ignorance leads people to underestimate their own abilities.
D.Poor self-awareness and low cognitive ability have a close connection.
2. According to the Dunning-Kruger effect, what do incompetent people tend to do?
A.Underestimate their own skill levels.
B.Feel more realistic about their competence.
C.Recognize their own mistakes and lack of skills.
D.Fail to recognize the genuine skill of other people.
3. What can be inferred from Paragraph 4?
A.The meaningless terms may cause respondents to feel ashamed.
B.The participants pretended to know what they actually didn’t know.
C.The aim of the experiments was to assess how smart the participants were.
D.Most of the respondents claimed they were unfamiliar with the make-up terms.
4. Which is the way to overcome the Dunning-Kruger Effect?
A.Ask people for helpful feedbacks.
B.Minimize the bias and challenges.
C.Assume that you know everything.
D.Gain confidence and trust yourself.
【知识点】 方法/策略 社会关系


阅读理解-七选五(约200词) | 较难 (0.4)

【推荐1】Garden recycling is a great way to help the environment while saving money and sparking(激发)the imagination.     1     However, in keeping with greener living, garden recycling is becoming more popular.

There are several benefits to garden recycling. The most common of them is saving the environment.     2     Recycling materials in the garden is also less expensive and with creativity, makes every garden unique. In order to ensure items for garden recycling go with their new setting, we consider how each fits into the surroundings beforehand.     3     Nearly any object has potential for transformation into the garden or elsewhere. With a little creativity, you can turn an otherwise useless item into a one-of-a-kind piece of art. From various metal objects like bed frames, bicycles, there is potential for sculptures and flower containers.

There's a place for everything in the garden. Fountains, ponds, and other water features can be made easily from found objects.     4     Turn an old mailbox into a birdhouse. Transform a slightly chipped flowerpot into a frog shelter. Create birdbaths from dishes. Just about anything imaginable can be transformed into a container by simply adding drainage(排水)holes. From tubs(缸), baskets, boots, toys, and even garden materials, like pine needles, leaves and garden waste, anything can be reused.     5    

A.There are several ways to recycle in the garden.
B.Reusing everyday items helps keep trash out of landfills.
C.Wildlife shelters can also be included in garden recycling.
D.Reusing old objects or materials in the garden is nothing new.
E.So, when it comes to garden recycling, the possibilities are endless.
F.Dishes can also be reused for decorating other items by breaking them.
G.One of the most popular ways to garden recycle is by reusing old objects as garden art.
2022-07-06更新 | 181次组卷
阅读理解-阅读单选(约380词) | 较难 (0.4)

【推荐2】Patience is one of those things we wish and may even pray for, but still it feels like it’s an unreachable goal because kids are so good at pushing our buttons. But one thing I’ve learned after being a mom for 33 years is that patience is like a muscle and you can get better at it if you continually exercise your patience muscles. No weightlifter starts with a 200-pound weight. They start with small weights, and as they learn to control the small weights, they keep increasing the weights. If you’d like to grow your patience muscles, then I have a plan for you.

When you feel your patience wearing thin, the first baby step you can take is to walk away or give yourself a time-out. Whatever it takes for you to calm down—deep breathing, counting to 10 or sending your child to his or her room, do it. This is so critical because what you say in anger and what you say when you feel calm are two different things,

Once you feel you are somewhat calm, listen to your child. This means you’ll have to stop talking, and let them speak without your correction. As you listen, seek to understand instead of being concerned about whether your child is listening to you. Try to figure out why they’re acting a certain way and why they respond as they do. There’s always a possible reason for your child’s behavior. Listening to your kids can help you know the true reason.

Besides, I encourage you to filter (过滤) your words. Think about what you are about to say and how it will sound to your child. I understand that filtering every word that comes out of your mouth is not a realistic goal. But you can start by filtering your responses in conversation that is about sensitive (敏感的) topics. It’s a very good start.

The more you take small steps in patience-building, the stronger your patience will become. It will take time but eventually, your parenting patience will increase.

1. What does the author intend to tell us in the first paragraph?
A.Building patience is a difficult task.
B.Patience can be improved through practice.
C.Lacking patience is a common problem among kids.
D.Patience is an important soft skill for successful athletes.
2. What does the underlined word “critical” in Paragraph 2 mean?
3. Why does the author advise parents to listen to their kids?
A.To calm down faster.B.To win the trust of kids.
C.To understand the kids better.D.To improve kids’ performance at home.
4. What lesson can parents mainly learn from Paragraph 4?
A.Look before you leap.B.Every man has his value.
C.Put yourself in others’ shoes.D.All your efforts will pay off.
2022-01-30更新 | 151次组卷
阅读理解-七选五(约180词) | 较难 (0.4)

【推荐3】Starting a business is a long game with joys and hardships. Here are a few things you can do right now to get better.


Many entrepreneurs(企业家)agree that setting short-term and long-term goals is the key to success. Write down your goals for the next year or more.     2     But by writing them down, you will already be in a better position to achieve them.

Find your passion quickly but cheaply.

    3     Take part in a variety of activities to discover what you love, such as a free concert, a free class and just a cheap movie; meanwhile, try not to spend too much money in the process.

Be a master of social media.

Becoming an expert at social media may be the most important thing to better your entrepreneurial dreams. Using social media, you'll reach a global audience. By growing and managing your online presence, you will enlarge the influence of your brand.     4    

Such additions to your daily life are lifestyle changes that will improve your chances of success. They may seem insignificant now, but when you've succeeded, you'll appreciate the role they played.     5     Looking back, you'll be proud of your smart choices.

A.Set manageable goals.
B.Write down short-term goals.
C.And success is likely to follow.
D.Social media is essential to entrepreneurship.
E.It is important to learn what gets you excited.
F.You'll be glad you took the time to win the game.
G.It may take some time to tick off all the points on your list.
2019-06-29更新 | 41次组卷
共计 平均难度:一般