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题型:阅读理解-阅读单选 难度:0.65 引用次数:95 题号:7442317

Is Paperless Office Really Paperless?

A rising economy increased paper sales by 6 to 7 percent each year in the early to mid-1990s, and the convenience of desktop printing allowed office workers to indulge anything and everything. In 2004, Ms. Dunn, a communications supplies director, said that plain white office paper would see less than a 4 percent growth rate, a primary reason for which is that some 47 percent of the workforce entered the job market after computers had already been introduced to offices.

For office innovators, the dream of paperless office is an example of high-tech arrogance(傲慢). Today’s office service is overwhelmed By more newspapers than ever before. After decades of development, the American government can finally get rid of the madness on paper. In the past, the demand for paper has been far ahead of growth in the American economy, but the sales have slowed markedly over the past two to three years, despite the good economic conditions.

“Old habits are hard to break,” says Ms. Dunn. “There are some functions that paper serves where a screen display doesn’t work. Those functions are both its strength and its weakness.” Analysts attribute the decline to such factors as advances in digital databases and communication systems. Escaping our craving for paper, however, will be anything but an easy affair.

“We’re finally seeing a reduction in the amount of paper being used per worker in the workplace,” says John Maine, vice president of a paper economic consulting firm. “More information is being transmitted electronically, and an increasing number of people are satisfied that information exists only in electronic form without printing multiple backups.”

To reduce paper use, some companies are working to combine digital and paper capabilities. For example, Xerox is developing electronic paper: thin digital displays that respond to a stylus, like a pen on paper. Marks can be erased or saved digitally. Even with such technological advances, the increasing amounts of electronic data necessarily require more paper.

“The information industry today is composed of a thin paper crust surrounding an electronic core,” Mr. Saffo wrote. The growing paper crust is most noticeable, but the hidden electronic core is far larger and growing more rapidly. The result is that we are becoming paperless, but we hardly notice at all. “That’s one of the greatest ironies of the information age,” Saffo says. “It’s just common sense that the more you talk to someone by phone or computer, it inevitably leads to a face-to-face meeting. The best thing for the aviation industry was the Internet.”

1. Which of the following statements is NOT a reason for the slowdown in American paper sales?
A.Workforce with better computer skills.
B.Slow growth of the U.S. economy.
C.Changing patterns in paper use.
D.Changing employment trends.
2. What does the last sentence in Para 3 mean?
A.We have to look at paper consumption from different angles.
B.There is little chance that paper consumption will fall in the digital age.
C.Paper consumption will be greatly reduced in the digital age.
D.People are no longer so addicted to paper in the digital age.
3. The innovations from Xerox and other companies feature ___.
A.the intergration of digital technology with traditional paper
B.the chance from traditional paper to digital technology
C.the combination of the use of computer screens and cell phones
D.a new type of computer writing and communication
4. What can we draw from the example of the aviation industry in the last paragraph?
A.The dream of the paperless office will be realized some day.
B.People usually prefer to have face-to-face meetings instead of using computers.
C.More digital data use leads to greater paper use in the digital time.
D.Some people are no longer opposed to video-conferencing.
【知识点】 社会问题与社会现象


阅读理解-阅读单选(约410词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐1】Recently a new network word “ghost” is popular on line, which refers to a sort of Internet social behavior that your net friends or loved ones don’t answer your online messages or phones on purpose as if leaving the earth. Thus you often wonder whether those chatters are ghosts or pretending to be dead. This behavior is called ghosting in the English world, which means “playing with disappearance”.

“Ghost” is better known as a noun referring to spirits of the dead, but “ghost” used as a verb which means “to disappear suddenly like a ghost”, or “play with disappearance” is relatively unknown. Finally, owing to its high using frequency online, this usage has been added to the Oxford Dictionary of Contemporary English.

Playing with disappearance or ghosting also has different grades. Wendy Walsh, a professor of psychology from Boston University told us, “There are different grades of ghosting: If you just read on social software but never answer, you are only a lightweight ghosting player; if you meet a person several times but try to avoid him, you are an ordinary ghosting player; if you let your partner fall in love with you, but you suddenly disappear; which will give the other a heavy blow, you are a heavyweight ghosting player.”

Why are some people accustomed to this kind of escapist social behavior? The Times reports that ghosting has a lot to do with how comfortable people feel and how they deal with their emotions. When they are in a complex interpersonal relationship, or it is too heavy for their weak mind to carry, they will have to choose to escape.

When you find yourself being ghosted, you may lose your self-respect, question yourself, or even hesitate to start the next friendship or love. How to get out of this emotional trouble? It’s important to remember that when you’re ghosted, it’s the other’s fault rather than yours. In addition, it’s good to risk telling others how you really feel, even if it’s not what they want to hear. Have you ever been ghosted? What do you think of this way of dealing with a relationship?

1. Which sort of the following Internet social behavior can be described as ghosting?
A.Leaving your friend after a quarrel.B.Love breaking up after a fight.
C.Missing after getting friends’ money.D.Not replying to net friends on purpose.
2. According to professor Walsh, if you just read but never reply online, you are a(n) ________ player.
A.heavyweight ghostingB.non-ghosting
C.lightweight ghostingD.ordinary ghosting
3. Which paragraph tells us the reasons why people are used to ghosting?
A.Paragraph 2.B.Paragraph 3.
C.Paragraph 4.D.Paragraph 5.
4. How should you deal with it when you are ghosted according to the writer?
A.Search out their identification on the Internet and reason with them.
B.Never blame yourself and pour out your trouble to others bravely.
C.Keep the trouble in mind and never tell others about it.
D.Turn to psychologists or police for help rather than feel upset.
2021-06-23更新 | 67次组卷
阅读理解-阅读单选(约340词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐2】A cycling training at Queen Mary homeless women's hostel (收容所)in London starts. Eleven women discuss what they're hoping to achieve in today's training. Then they push their bikes to a basketball court to practice in an off-road environment. Supported by instructor (指导员),they practice riding by themselves. Sometimes these women feel a little tired because they take medicine,but they have all made up their mind for cycling training.

Last year Queen Mary approached Sustrans (a charity) to set up a cycling club for women.Many of them have low levels of fitness. All have survived challenging situations ranging from social isolation (孤立) to abusive(虐待的) relationships. The hostel staff,who are experienced mental health experts, try to develop cycling to build the women's confidence and give them access(进入权 ) to other fields of society. The hostel is moving away from traditional treatment of mental health with the belief that cycling could be a really useful tool in helping the women live on their own. After the success of a 10-week pilot project, the cycling club received financial support of £10, 000 to continue the club.

In modern society, homelessness and mental health problems often go hand in hand. Studies have shown that physical activities,including walking and cycling, can be used to overcome and even prevent stress,depression and anxiety. They can be more effective than medical treatments.

Women,however,are less likely than men to take part in physical activities. Women in the UK make nearly three times fewer cycling journeys than men. Two main causes of this are traditional barriers-mostly because women still undertake most household tasks- and fear of judgment. The network of bike paths has been expanded (扩展)   yet the “build it and they will come" approach ignores the fact that not all people start from the same point. Social interventions (干预) are a useful way to achieve equality of access to cycling.

1. What can we learn about the women at Queen Mary?
A.They are quite determined.
B.They used to be good athletes.
C.They committed serious crimes.
D.They teach themselves cycling.
2. What's the main purpose in setting up the cycling club?
A.To raise money for the poor.
B.To promote the benefits of cycling.
C.To help homeless women get a good job.
D.To make homeless women better fit into society.
3. What does the author stress in the third paragraph?
A.The harm of mental problems.
B.The causes of different mental states
C.The various treatments for mental illness.
D.The positive effect of sports on mental health.
4. What is suggested for encouraging women to cycle?
A.Building more bike paths.
B.Starting purposeful activities.
C.Providing support in housework.
D.Strengthening education on equality.
2022-01-13更新 | 70次组卷
阅读理解-阅读单选(约400词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐3】I love a group text—a grext, if you’ll permit me—but lately, the huge number of them competing for my attention has felt out of control. By the time I wake up, the notifications have already started rolling in; as I’m going to bed, they’re still coming. In between, I try to keep up, but all it takes is one 30-minute meeting before I’ve somehow gotten 100 new messages. I scroll up and up, trying to find where I left off, like I’ve lost my place in a book that keeps getting longer.

For better or for worse, we might be in the Age of the Group Chat. One study found that less than 2 percent of participants had only one-on-one chats on social media. 42 percent said that group chats can feel like a part-time job. Other studies have found that group chats can contribute to group bond and shared fun. A group text can be like a reminder that you’re part of something. Some researchers call this “ambient virtual presence”: Even when you’re alone, you’re not alone. This is like bats and dolphins producing a continuous sound and use the resulting echo (回声) to sense what’s around them.

But taking in too many signals can create a “waterfall type of effect,” where messages keep flooding in and adding up. Eventually, you’re underwater. Adding to the disorder, without a standard rule, people have very different ideas about group norm and what degree of responsiveness is required—which can cause real tension.

Fear of that tension can make wordless or even leaving a chat feel dispiriting. And anyway, you might not want to miss out. The desire isn’t to exit the room so much as to break a window. If group messaging is like echolocation, then disconnecting means lost.

Ultimately, most of us do want connection, even if it involves some duties; we’ll take quantities of messages when we’re busy if it means we can reach out when we’re hurting. A general advice is to give up grexts that are carrying on but that don’t really interest you. But when you can’t, you’ll just have to accept that belonging takes some effort. That’s the nature of relationships, right?

1. The author uses his experience in Paragraph 1 to _______.
A.introduce the topicB.predict the ending
C.highlight an opinionD.illustrate an argument
2. What can be inferred from Paragraph 2?
A.Lonely people prefer group chats.B.Bats and dolphins have group chats.
C.Group chats offer a sense of belonging.D.Group chats create a few part-time jobs.
3. What does the writer intend to tell us?
A.Group chat needs a standard rule.
B.Group chat gives us more fear than joy.
C.Group chat helps promote strong connection.
D.Group chat is just a way to maintain relationships.
2024-02-09更新 | 57次组卷
共计 平均难度:一般