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Why Stand in Line on Black Friday?

Standing in line is a pain. At the post office. At the box office. At a restaurant.     1    The first spot outside some Best Buy stores is usually claimed (认领) weeks in advance, often by a person in a tent. Shoppers at Walmart will print out maps of the store, with circles around their primary targets.     2    

“These queues are quite different than the usual annoying ones we come across day to day at the ATM or in the subway,” said Richard Larson, a professor at MIT who has spent years studying line behavior. “Once a year,” he said, “the lines are exciting. They’re the kind you might tell your grandchildren about.”     3     Billie LeClere, 45, was first in line on Thursday at Walmart in Manchester, Iowa. She said she was a regular Black Friday shopper. But this year, she came with a specific purpose: to get a good deal on a new TV. She and her husband had recently separated, and he had taken the old TV earlier that day. “The marriage died, not the TV,” she said.     4     “It’s going to be nice to have something that’s newer-and it’s mine, not his.”

    5     The following are two of the typical results. The “gotta have it” atmosphere makes people more anxious. Sometimes the behaviour of the queue turns violent. Therefore,lines test patience,personal space especially on Black Friday, when the crowds can be overwhelming (势不可挡的).

A.Shoppers are excited to buy gifts.
B.But on Black Friday, it’s an experience.
C.Moreover, the crowds are queuing for good deals.
D.Many families are queuing to chat with each other.
E.The experience gave her a sense of accomplishment.
F.They are trying to turn the experience into an adventure.
G.The behaviour of people in lines has inspired decades of research.
【知识点】 外国文化与节日


阅读理解-阅读单选(约240词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐1】Teachers’ Day is, interestingly, not celebrated on the same day all over the world. In some countries it is marked by a holiday, in others it is a working day.

International Teachers’ Day is celebrated on October 5. Being held ever since 1994, it is in honor of teachers’ organizations worldwide. Its aim is to encourage supports for teachers and to meet the needs of students.

China ― In 1939, Teachers’ Day was set for August 27, Confucius’ birthday. In1951, the celebration was stopped. However, it was founded again in 1985, and the day was changed to September 10.

India ― Teachers’ Day is celebrated on September 5 in honour of Dr. Sarvepalli Radhakrishnan, the second president of India, whose birthday falls on that day.

Russia ― In Russia, Teachers’ Day was celebrated on the first Sunday of October between 1965 and 1994. Since 1994, the day is observed on the October 5, just the same day as World Teachers’ Day.

The US ― In the US, Teachers’ Day is non-official holiday. It is celebrated on the Tuesday of the first full week of May. A number of activities are organized in schools to honor teachers. The celebrations can continue for the whole week of May.

Thailand ― In Thailand, National Teachers’ Day is celebrated every year on January 16. The first Teachers’ Day was held in 1957. The day is a holiday in schools.

1. Which country celebrates Teachers’ Day in October?
C.ThailandD.The US.
2. Which of the following has the same meaning as the underlined word “observed”?
3. Which of the following is possibly true?
A.China has celebrated Teachers’ Day since the year 1931.
B.Teachers’ Day is an official holiday in the United States.
C.Teachers’ Day is a working day in schools of Thailand.
D.Dr Sarvepalli Radhakrishnan’s birthday is in September.
4. From the passage we can learn that ________.
A.The first Teachers’ Day was held in 1965 in Thailand
B.Teachers’ Day falls on Confucius’ birthday in China
C.International Teachers’ Day aims to benefit teachers and students
D.A lot of activities are held on Teachers’ Day across the world
2019-01-10更新 | 162次组卷
阅读理解-阅读单选(约280词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐2】Sweetest Day is celebrated on the third Saturday in October. It is an occasion which offers all of us an opportunity to remember not only the sick, the aged, and children who have lost their parents, but also friends, workmates, relatives and neighbors whose helpfulness and kindness we have enjoyed.

Over 60 years ago, when a Cleveland man noticed that some people, such as children who lost their parents and patients who lay in bed, too often felt forgotten and neglected, he developed in his mind the idea of showing them that they were remembered. He did this by giving them small gifts. With the help of his friends and neighbors, he gave those people small gifts on a Saturday in October. During the years that followed, other Clevelanders began to take part in the celebration, which came to be called “Sweetest Day”. Over time, the Sweetest Day idea of spreading cheer to the poor, the sick and children who had lost their parents was broadened to everyone, and became an occasion for remembering others with a kind act or a small gift. Soon the idea spread to other cities all over the USA.

Sweetest Day is not based on any single group’s religious beliefs or on a family relationship. It is a reminder that a thoughtful word or deed enriches life and gives it meaning. Because for many people remembering takes the form of gift-giving, Sweetest Day offers us the opportunity to show others that we care, in a positive way.

1. What is Sweetest Day for?
A.To express love to our parents.B.To remind us of people in need of our help.
C.To draw people’s attention to disabled people.D.To keep the weak and nice people around us in mind.
2. What does the underlined word “neglected” mean in paragraph 2?
3. What does paragraph 2 mainly talk about?
A.The importance of Sweetest Day.B.The customs of Sweetest Day.
C.The development of Sweetest Day.D.The future of Sweetest Day.
4. How do most people celebrate Sweetest Day according to paragraph 3?
A.By giving gifts.B.By offering help to others.
C.By sending others reminders.D.By showing others their beliefs.
2022-07-20更新 | 121次组卷
阅读理解-阅读单选(约370词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐3】The story of Santa Claus began hundreds of years earlier. During the fourth century, a Roman Catholic church official called Nicholas of Myra became famous for his many good actions. Nicholas was made a saint after his death and it became common in northern Europe to hold a celebration on December 6th, the day Nicholas died. All kinds of stories were told about saint Nicholas and the Dutch brought one of these stories with them to America. They believed that each year the saint rode a white horse from home to home. He gave presents to children who had been good, and coal or straw to children who had been bad. Other Americans who lived nearby greatly enjoyed the Dutch celebrations. They decided to make saint Nicholas part of their own celebration of Christmas. But he got a new name Santa Claus. It was taken from the Dutch words for Saint Nicholas, Santa Claus. The Dutch imagined Saint Nicholas to be a serious, even frightening person, who could punish as well as give gifts. But in 1822, an American named Clement C. Moore wrote a Christmas poem for his children, the poem called A Visit from St. Nicholas, created a completely new Santa Claus. Dr. Moore described a short, happy, little man who rode in an open sleigh. The sleigh was pulled from house to house by eight white reindeer. At each house Santa delivered gifts by dropping them down the chimney into the fireplace. Dr. Moore’s poem was published in a newspaper in New York, in 1823. It soon became popular all over America and it became the source for the Santa Claus American children still believe in today.

An American artist named Thomas Nast also played a part in creating Santa Claus. Beginning in 1860’s, Mr. Nast drew pictures of Santa Claus for an American publication called Harper’s Weekly. These pictures showed a fat, smiling old man with a red nose and white beard. He was dressed in a red suit with white fur and a black belt. Today more than one hundred years later, that same Santa Claus can be seen everywhere at Christmas time.

1. Nicholas died ________.
A.on December 25thB.on December 6th
C.in 1822D.in 1823
2. Nicholas became famous because ________.
A.he lived during the fourth century
B.he was a Roman Catholic Church official
C.he did a lot of deeds
D.he lived in Myra, the ancient capital of Lycia
3. The Dutch believed that Saint Nicholas ________.
A.gave presents to each child
B.gave nothing to the bad children
C.gave coal or straw to the bad children
D.gave presents to the adults
4. The Santa Claus that American children trust today comes from _______.
A.a newspaperB.a poem
C.a chimneyD.a forest
2023-10-13更新 | 53次组卷
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