组卷网 > 高中英语综合库 > 主题 > 人与自我 > 饮食 > 饮食习俗
题型:语法填空-短文语填 难度:0.85 引用次数:100 题号:8267038

First it was cherries. Now, the young red leaves of the Chinese toon tree are being talked about as a gauge (标准) of financial health among the middle class. The spring vegetable, which     1    (taste) a bit like onion and is used in a     2    (various) of dishes, is not cheap. And in some places in the north of the country, like Beijing,     3     (it) popularity has been driving up prices. It has been selling for 80 yuan to 200 yuan for 500g at markets in Beijing in recent weeks, China News Service reported. That has led some consumers to take to social media,     4     (say) they can no longer afford to buy the vegetable, which is known     5     xiangchun in Chinese. One post on microblogging site Weibo, which has drawn more than 10,000 comments, said a bunch of the leaves could now cost as much as a lobster, 10 abalone, or 39 crayfish. “You can buy this vegetable     6    (show) off your wealth, ” one person commented. Another said, “There are plenty of xiangchun     7    (tree) at my grandmother’s house. I feel like I’ve just found     8     fastest way to be rich. ” The first spring leaves of the tree are     9     (traditional) used in Chinese cooking, especially in the north     10     it is fried with eggs, mixed with tofu, or used in stuffing for dumplings.

【知识点】 饮食习俗


语法填空-短文语填(约200词) | 较易 (0.85)

Identity     1     (be) an important topic among the overseas Chinese since Chinese traders established Chinatowns throughout Indonesia in the 1400s,     2    (kick) off centuries of Chinese migration (移民) all over the world.

The later generations of these waves of migration have shaped and been shaped by each of     3     (they) new homes. Many of the Chinese overseas locate home in comforting regional Chinese dishes which they     4     (eat) during childhood.

For many of them, home tastes are like a mix of markedly Chinese foods and foods which are not     5     (typical) Chinese. “Cantonese cuisine values vividly fresh ingredients (原料), so my parents loved searching for the best     6     was available off the Pacific West Coast,” said Lee F. Man, Chinese-Canadian food writer and founder of the Chinese Restaurant Awards. “Fish caught by my father, cabbages     7     (gather) by my mother, and locally raised chickens all made their way     8     our dinner table.”

Many interviewees described their kitchens as windows into their true     9     (self). “To a lot of these people,” they said, “dining table is a safe and comfortable space, because home cooking is allowing you to feel your Chinese identity.”

Gabe Chan,     10     Chinese-Canadian chef, said in his interview, “Chinese food existed before us and will exist long after us. Chinese food forever.”

2024-01-19更新 | 64次组卷
语法填空-短文语填(约110词) | 较易 (0.85)

Each culture has a diet that is typical     1     its own. In Kerala, India, people eat more fish. Rice is Kerala’s main food. In all three meals, rice dishes can be seen. While a grandmother was preparing powdered porridge, her grandchildren recommended her     2     (take) a bite of the instant noodles. They told her it was convenient     3     (make) noodles.

Traditional     4     (cuisine) of Kerala, such as powdered porridge, fish curry, sambar and spices, are disappearing. Instead, many foreign dishes such as chilli chicken and     5     (roast) meat are becoming available. And people are addicted to     6     (drink) modern red and yellow flavoured water.

We can not resist     7     (eat) the dishes foreigners find unhealthy, even though foreigners are culturally fall     8     love with our diet.

2024-04-22更新 | 23次组卷
语法填空-短文语填(约190词) | 较易 (0.85)

As China is a country that pays great attention to good manners,the food culture is deeply rooted in its history. As a visitor or guest in either a Chinese home     1     restaurant,you will find that table manners are essential in our daily life!

It is really an     2    (admire) custom to respect others at table,the aged,teachers and guests     3       (include),and to take good care of children. Meanwhile,    4     practice of presenting the best food first to the senior members of the family has been observed for countless     5    (generation).

Although the hosts in China are all friendly,you should also show them respect. Before     6    (start) to eat dinner,the host may offer some words of greeting. Guests should not start to eat until the host says“ Everybody,please enjoy     7    (you)“ or something like that,otherwise it suggests disrespect and causes displeasure.

When hosts place dishes on the table,they     8    (arrange)the main courses at the center with the side dishes evenly placed around them. When the main dishes     9    (prepare) in a decorative form,they will be placed facing major guests and elder people at the table,    10     also represents virtue.

2020-05-03更新 | 80次组卷
共计 平均难度:一般