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题型:阅读理解-阅读单选 难度:0.65 引用次数:63 题号:8506844

I totally relate to the need many parents have in wanting their children to be special, unique, talented, and amazing. I think my child is all of those things too. Of course I do. But do we really need to be measuring and comparing the academic achievements of kids as young as 3, 4, and 5 years old?

These days, I often find it difficult to have a casual conservation with other parents of children who are only in preschool without being told. about how their kid is phenomenally (显著地)"advanced” in writing or that they're already reading at a 2nd-grade level.

I mean, obviously that's great news if you've been led to believe your child possesses a remarkable talent because they're catching on well in preschool. However. I can't help but notice that the height of parental bragging (夸耀)has reached too high both in real life and on social media.

I realize I'm probably pessimistic, but I'm afraid that we're placing our children on a ridiculously steep pedestal (基座)at too young of an age and we're really just giving our children a higher place to eventually fall from.

The ever increasing loads of homework being sent home in preschool and kindergarten seem like overkill as well. The most important skill young kids in preschool and kindergarten should be learning are social skills, in my opinion.

So, while I think it's great that your child may be very "advanced” for their age, I sincerely hope your child is happy, well-adjusted, surrounded by kind friends, and praised for so much more than how quickly they can read or write.

1. What does the author realize when she's talking with other parents of children in preschool?
A.They're very proud of their parenting.
B.They like showing off their children's academic achievements.
C.They spend a lot of time teaching their children to write.
D.They like comparing their children with themselves.
2. Paragraph 4 mainly shows that the author is ________.
3. Which of the following would the author agree with?
A.Parents shouldn't want their children to be unique.
B.It’s very important that kids in preschool learn writing.
C.Kids in preschool should be mainly taught social skills.
D.Preschool education will hardly affect kids in the long run.
4. What would be the best title for the text?
A.Stop wasting your kid's talents
B.Stop teaching your kid to read and write
C.Stop telling others your kid is "advanced”
D.Stop scolding your kid for poor academic performance
【知识点】 议论文 当代教育问题


阅读理解-阅读单选(约330词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐1】Life can bring us down from time to time. At some point, you may find yourself in what you will consider as your darkest hour. As you try to find your way out of that bad situation, you should try to remind yourself that there will always be a reason to be grateful.

If you look at your situation now and compare it with someone else who is in much deeper trouble than you, I am sure that you'll find something to be thankful for. We all have our share of problems, but complaining about them so much only makes us blind to the fact that there are the miracles(奇迹) which happen around us each day.

When all your needs are provided, then you should be content and happy. If you have a roof over your head, some proper clothes to wear, enough food on the table, a comfortable place to sleep, clean water to drink and you are free to make your own choices, then you should be happy and grateful. Many people all around the world, especially those who are at war or those in very poor countries, would give anything to be in your shoes.

Even if you lose all your money or possessions and your heart is broken for some reason, as long as you are still alive, then everything you have lost can be regained. If you have a few good friends who will be there to support or help you, then you will be glad because true friends are hard to find. As long as you have someone to love and someone to love you back, then you are a very fortunate person. Remember to be patient and trust that things will get better.

1. What are we told to do when life brings us down?
A.To remind ourselves to keep calm.
B.To find a way out of the situation soon.
C.To fight against the bad situation bravely.
D.To know there is something to be grateful for.
2. That we complain about the bad situation only results in _________.
A.losing others' supportB.ignoring something good
C.having a far worse situationD.taking everything for granted
3. By "would give anything to be in your shoes", the author means many people _____.
A.really admire your shoesB.are in a better situation than you
C.would like to be in your situationD.never know the value of your shoes
4. According to the author, as long as you are still alive, ________.
A.you should be content and happy
B.what you've lost will be back soon
C.you will certainly lead a life you like
D.you will have a chance to get what you've lost back
2022-02-24更新 | 83次组卷
阅读理解-阅读单选(约400词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐2】Technological change is everywhere and affects every aspect of life, mostly for the better. However, social changes that are brought about by new technology are often mistaken for a change in attitudes.

An example at hand is the involvement of parents in the lives of their children who are attending college. Surveys on this topic suggest that parents today continue to be "very" or "somewhat" overly-protective even after their children move into college dormitories. The same surveys also indicate that the rate of parental involvement is greater today than it was a generation ago. This is usually interpreted as a sign that today’s parents are trying to manage their children’s lives past the point where this behavior is appropriate.

However, greater parental involvement does not necessarily indicate that parents are failing to let go of their "adult" children.

In the context (背景)of this discussion, it seems valuable to first find out the cause of change in the case of parents’ involvement with their grown children. If parents of earlier generations had wanted to be in touch with their college-age children frequently, would this have been possible? Probably not. On the other hand, does the possibility of frequent communication today mean that the urge to do so wasn’t present a generation ago? Many studies show that older parents — today’s grandparents — would have called their children more often if the means and cost of doing so had not been a barrier.

Furthermore, studies show that finances are the most frequent subject of communication between parents and their college children. The fact that college students are financially dependent on their parents is nothing new; nor are requests for more money to be sent from home. This phenomenon is neither good nor bad; it is a fact of college life, today and in the past.

Thanks to the advanced technology, we live in an age of bettered communication. This has many implications well beyond the role that parents seem to play in the lives of their children who have left for college. But it is useful to bear in mind that all such changes come from the technology and not some imagined desire by parents to keep their children under their wings.

1. The surveys inform us of________.
A.the development of technology
B.the changes of adult children’s behavior
C.the parents’ over-protection of their college children
D.the means and expenses of students’ communication
2. Which of the following shows the development of ideas in this passage?
I: Introduction P: Point Sp: Sub-point(次要点) C: Conclusion
3. The writer believes that___.
A.parents today are more protective than those in the past
B.the disadvantages of new technology outweigh its advantages
C.technology explains greater parental involvement with their children
D.parents’ changed attitudes lead to college children’s delayed independence
4. What is the best title for the passage?
A.Technology or Attitude
B.Dependence or Independence
C.Family Influences or Social Changes
D.College Management or Communication Advancement
2021-10-21更新 | 107次组卷
阅读理解-阅读单选(约360词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐3】At heart, parents always wish the best for their children, and they work hard for that. Nowadays, we see parents deciding the schools for their little ones before the baby is even born. Once kids start going to school, some parents want to have a time-to-time update of their kid's activities. They want to come to the classroom every day, keep an eye on whom they talk to, know the friends they keep, start telling them how to do their job, and keep talking or giving a feedback(反馈) to them about everything under the sun. Besides, they send their kids for extra hobby classes, as they want their children to do best in every field.

When it comes to the education, super mom and dad have all the plans made for their children, and I am sure that they have come up with the best. So, try to fight for the dreams that your parents have set for you. However, in some cases, it may happen that the kids have some different dreams. Parents sometimes don't even consider the choice of their kids and may force them to do what they wanted to do in life. It's good to plan the future for the children, but leave at least some decisions to them.

So what should the children do? First, hear out all the plans that your parents have made for you. If you have some different ideas, then sit down and talk to your family about it. Be patient and respect their decisions, but put your plan forth, and make them understand what you want to do and why. Many times, you are not aware of the difficulties that you may have to face while pursuing your dreams. Ask your parents for suggestions, which will make them feel good and involved. That way, they may support you if you are going on the right path.

1. The parents described in Paragraph 1 tend to     .
A.have a good understanding of their children
B.worry a lot about their children
C.take good care of their children
D.expect too much from their children
2. With respect to educational plans, the author advises     .
A.children to do as they are told
B.children to turn a deaf ear to their parents
C.parents to respect their children’s choices
D.parents to do everything for their children
3. The underlined word “pursuing” in Paragraph 3 is closest in meaning to “     ”.
A.going afterB.planning for
C.adapting toD.preparing for
4. What is the author’s attitude towards these super parents’ behaviors?
2017-09-07更新 | 109次组卷
共计 平均难度:一般