组卷网 > 高中英语综合库 > 主题 > 人与自我 > 语言学习 > 语言与文化
题型:阅读理解-阅读单选 难度:0.65 引用次数:100 题号:9503205

Speaking of children--what child doesn’t like to jump around and act silly sometimes? Monkeys are also known for acting silly. So, when kids act up, parents or teachers may tell them to stop monkeying around. It means to do things that are not useful or serious, or to simply waste time.

Now, in the United States, children do not usually have monkeys as pets, but they do often have dogs. And dogs make most children feel happy. But for some reason, we use “dog” in a phrase that means to feel unwell. If you are as sick as a dog, you are really sick and will most likely stay home from work or school.

Besides, dogs and cats are also favorite pets here in the States. This next phrase combines cats and secrets to make a very common expression. Let’s say you know a secret, a big secret. And let’s say you tell it to people. You have just let the cat out of the bag! This idiom means revealing (揭示) a secret or telling facts that were previously (先前) unknown.

If you let the cat out of the bag, you spoil a surprise. So, if your friend is planning a big surprise birthday for another friend, don’t let the cat out of the bag by accidentally saying it in front of the birthday girl. Even though this is a very common idiom, the origin of “to let the cat out of the bag” is also unknown.

If you are doing an outdoor activity--such as hiking in the woods, or having a picnic in a park--what are some things that may disturb your good time? Bad weather could. And so could bugs! Crawling pests like ants, and flying ones like mosquitoes, could make your experience uncomfortable or annoying.

So, when we bug people we bother them so much that we affect their good time. This common expression is often said as a command: “Stop bugging me !”

1. According to the passage, “monkeying around” is considered _______.
2. If you ask somebody to reveal a secret, you may use the phrase “_______”.
A.stop bugging meB.as sick as a dog
C.monkeying aroundD.let the cat out of the bag
3. What is the meaning of the phrase “stop bugging me”?
A.Don’t trouble me.B.Give up your good time.
C.Stop feeling annoyed.D.Don’t comfort me.
4. What is the passage mainly about?
A.The names of animals in the English language.
B.The meaning of some English phrases.
C.The origins of phrases about animals.
D.The strange usages of some words.


阅读理解-七选五(约280词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐1】No matter how friendly your tone is or how honey-sweet you are in a conversation, when you start your sentences with one of these words (or both), the message to your recipient is “You are wrong.”     1     They are “No” and “But”.

These words don’t say, “Let’s discuss this” or “I’d love to hear what you think about this” to people. They say. “You are wrong and I am right.” If your conversation companion is also eager to win at any cost, you will have a potential battle on your hands. The result?     2    

Are you interested in a little test to see how competitive your co-workers are? Try this. For one week, keep a scorecard of how many times each person uses “No” or “But” to start a sentence.     3     And, if you drill a little deeper, you’ll see patterns emerge. For instance, some people use these words to gain power. You’ll see how much people dislike it, consciously or not, and how it kills rather than opens up discussions.

    4     Practically without even thinking, I keep count of their use of these two little words. It’s such an important indicator! If the numbers pile up in an initial meeting with a client. I’ll interrupt him or her and say. “We’ve been talking for almost an hour now, and do you realize that you have responded 17 times with either ‘No’ or ‘But’?”

Stop trying to defend your position and start monitoring how many times you begin remarks with “No” or “But”.     5     For example, “That’s true, but…” (Meaning: You don’t really think it’s true at all.) Another expression is “Yes, but...” (Meaning: Prepare to be contradicted.)

A.Why do people like saying this?
B.I use this technique with my clients.
C.What are these conversation stopping words?
D.Nothing more can happen that will be productive.
E.It’s human nature to like being accepted and recognized.
F.You will be shocked at how frequently these words are used.
G.Pay close attention to when you use these words in sentences.
2024-03-29更新 | 200次组卷
阅读理解-阅读单选(约380词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐2】When we want to communicate with another person, we generally use our voice, such as speaking or shouting. They are great ways to communicate, but they have some drawbacks.

For instance, if you live on a mountainside and your friend lives on another mountainside, shouting to each other isn’t always that effective. Shouting creates lots of echoes (回声) among the corners and holes of mountains, and the average outdoor range of an understandable human voice is only about 180 meters. Unless you walk over to where your friend lives to carry on a conversation at a reasonable speaking distance, or communicate by some sort of visual technique like smoke signals, there’s not much to be done except whistle (吹口哨).

Whistling is the product of air being forced through a small hole made by your lips. A whistle is different from your voice because it’s clear, and the frequency is high. The sound of a whistle can carry for over 8 kilometers and it holds its form, while a shout can become a mess because of the echoes.

For thousands of years, humans have relied on spoken language to accomplish daily, face-to-face communication most of the time. And in recent years, the coming of text messaging has also made whistled languages take a dive worldwide. Luckily, there are still over 70 groups around the world that engage in special whistled languages.

They’re most commonly found in mountainous regions where farmers need to pass messages around without walking up and down hills, and whistles are also used to communicate through the thick Amazon rainforest and are useful to Inuit at sea as well. Hunters can use whistling to communicate with each other in a way that doesn’t alarm their targets as the voice-produced language might.

Whistled languages are unique to a certain area and they are not distinct from spoken language. However, whistled language speakers around the world are found to be able to understand about 90 percent of what’s communicated. When whistled languages are still present, it signals that traditional activities are still commonly practiced and therefore the cultures behind them have been maintained.

1. What does the author want to express in the first two paragraphs?
A.Reasons for producing echoes outdoors.
B.The difficulty of living on the mountainside.
C.The necessity of adopting face-to-face communication.
D.Limitations of communicating by speaking or shouting.
2. What does the underlined part in Paragraph 4 probably mean?
A.Stay adaptable.B.Become influential.
C.Get an improvement.D.Experience a decline.
3. How does the author prove whistled languages useful?
A.By providing research results.B.By listing the statistic data.
C.By giving examples.D.By doing some questionnaires.
4. What can be learned about whistled languages?
A.They will disappear gradually.
B.They could help keep traditional cultures alive.
C.They are independent of the local spoken language.
D.They become much more complex as time goes by.
2023-07-18更新 | 65次组卷
阅读理解-阅读单选(约420词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐3】The English language is changing, and you are responsible! Whether we consider changes in grammar, spelling, pronunciation, or the very vocabulary of the language, you have played your part and continue to do so.

When we first learned basic grammar and spelling, perhaps in elementary school, we might have gotten the impression that these things were sacred (神圣的). The rules that apply to such things might have been presented as unchanging and unchangeable. While this way might be helpful for teaching children, it is far from accurate.

The English language, like many others, is a living, growing, ever-evolving (演变) thing. Like it or not, you are involved in this change. These changes take many forms. Grammar and spelling have changed greatly over the years and centuries, with the spelling differences in different countries today a reflection of this. While the language of a thousand years ago might be called English, most of us would hardly recognize it today as the same language.

The first involves changes in the pronunciation of words. Many are familiar with the differences between the British and American ways of pronouncing certain words. In addition to these differences, the pronunciation of many words has changed over the years because of how you have decided to pronounce them. For example, consider the word “err.” The traditional pronunciation of this word rhymes with the word “her.” Older dictionaries show this to be the primary or only pronunciation. However, in recent years, more and more people have been pronouncing it so that it sounds like “air.” Another change in the language involves the addition and removal of words. The makers of dictionaries decide which words deserve to be officially adopted as part of the English language. Through the centuries, many words have come from other languages. In fact, English has probably done this more than any other language in the world, which is why spelling and pronunciation rules for English have so many exceptions.

Of course, many slang words (俚语) have been just short-lived fashions that have died out quickly. Others, though, have been adopted by main stream society and become respectable, as have many technical terms. So then remember, the next time you repeat the newest expression to hit the street, or make up your own words, you may be contributing to the future of the English language.

1. When we begin to learn English, we think ______.
A.it is interesting to pick up a new language
B.English rules are wrongly presented in fact
C.grammar and speiling rules are unchangeable
D.only adults have the ability to affect a language
2. The underlined word “accurate” in Paragraph 2 means ______ in every detail.
3. From paragraph 3 we can know that ______.
A.we can change the English language
B.many languages are changing over years
C.English has changed little in the past 1,000 years
D.there were main changes in grammar and pronunciation
4. Why is the pronunciation of words changing?
A.Because people choose the way to pronounce them.
B.Because those words are too difficult to pronounce.
C.Because the spellings of words change.
D.Because technology develops greatly in modern society.
5. Which of the following is the best title for the passage?
A.Foreign words involved in English.B.Slang words reshape the English world.
C.English language is changeable.D.British speaks differently from Americans.
2022-11-05更新 | 217次组卷
共计 平均难度:一般