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题型:阅读理解-阅读单选 难度:0.4 引用次数:202 题号:9503823

What do people in the outside world do when they want to learn something? They go to somebody who knows about it, and ask him. They do not go to somebody who is supposed to know about everything ---except, when they are very young, to their parents: and they speedily become dissatisfied with that variety of knowledge. They go to somebody who might reasonably expected to know about the particular thing they are interested in, When a man buys a motor-car, he does not say to himself: “Where can I find somebody who can teach me how to run a motor car?" He does not look in the telephone directory under T. He just gets an experienced driver to teach him. He just pays attention and asks questions and tries to do the thing himself, until he learns.

But this case, of course, assumes an interest of the pupil in the subject, a willingness and even a desire to learn about it, a feeling that the matter is of some importance to himself. And come to think of it, these motives are generally present in the learning that goes on in the outside world. It is only in school that the pupil is expected to be unwilling to learn.

When you were a child, and passed the door of the village blacksmith(铁匠) shop, and looked in, day after day, you admired his skill, and stood in awe of his strength; and if he had offered to let you blow the bellows for him and shown you how to make a red-hot penny, that would have been a proud moment. It would also have been an educational one. But suppose there had been a new shop set up in the town, and when you looked in at the open door you saw a man at work painting a picture; and suppose a bell rang just then, and the man stopped painting right in the middle of a brush-stroke, and started to read aloud “How They Brought the Good News from Ghent to Aix"; and suppose when he was halfway through, the bell rang again, and he said, "We will go on with that tomorrow," and started to chisel the surface of a piece of marble; and then, after a little, somewhat exhaustedly, started in to play "The Rock of Ages" on a flute, interrupting the tune to order you to stand up straight and not whisper to the little boy beside you. There's no doubt what you would think of him; you would know perfectly well that he was crazy; people don't do things in that way anywhere in the world, except in school.

And even if he had assured you that what were taught were later in your life going to be matters of the deepest importance and interest, and that you should start in now with the determination of becoming proficient in them, it would not have helped much. Not very much. It's nonsense that children do not want to learn. Everybody wants to learn. And everybody wants to teach. And the process is going on all the time. All that is necessary is to put a person who

knows something---really knows it---within the curiosity-range of someone who doesn't know it: the process begins at once, It is almost irresistible

If there were no teachers---no hastily and superficially trained Vestals who were supposed to know everything---but just ordinary human beings who knew passionately and thoroughly one thing and who had the patience to show little boys and girls how to do that thing---we might get along with our learning pretty well, Of course, we'd have to pay them more, because they could get other jobs out in the larger world; and besides, you couldn't expect to get somebody who knows how to do something, for the price you are accustomed to pay those who only know how to

teach everything,
1. What does the author mainly want to say with this article?
A.An education without teachers is unimaginable,
B.A teacher who knows everything is more welcome,
C.School teachers are far from satisfactory and necessary,
D.We have paid too much for teachers for school education.
2. What does the underlined "somebody" in the first paragraph refer to?
A.A teacher.B.A parent.
C.A man in the outside world.D.A man like the blacksmith,
3. What happened in the "new shop" mentioned in paragraph 3?
A.Useless subjects like painting and poetry, sculpture and music were taught.
B.The man at work became crazy with so many subjects to deal with.
C.One man teaching everything influenced the efficiency of learning.
D.Children listened carefully and often discussed about what is taught with others.
4. According to the author, which of the following can we infer?
A.Teachers are not as useful as parents in helping a child to learn,
B.Schools are the places killing students' interest and willingness to learn,
C.Learning life related skills like blacksmithing is more important than arts.
D.Teachers are ordinary human beings who know thoroughly everything.
5. Which of the following figures of speech(修辞手法) are used in the article?
a. exemplification(举例)        
b. exaggeration(夸张)
c. personification(拟人)          
d. irony(讽刺)            
e. analogy (类比)
6. In the last paragraph, the author mainly _______.
A.introduces a new ideaB.raises a new question
C.gives some new evidenceD.stresses his viewpoint


阅读理解-阅读单选(约340词) | 较难 (0.4)

【推荐1】Criticism is judgment. A critic is a judge. A judge must study and think about the material presented to him, accept it, correct it or reject it after thinking over what he has read, watched or heard.

Another word for criticism is appreciation. When I criticize or appreciate some object or another, I look for its good points and bad points. In reading any printed or written matter, I always have a pencil in hand and put any comments in the book or on a separate paper. In other words, I always talk back to the writer.

That sort of critical reading might well be called creative reading because I am thinking along with the author, asking him questions, seeing whether he answers the questions and how well he answers them. I mark the good passages to store them in my memory and ask myself about every other part and about the complete piece of writing; where, how and why could or should I improve upon it?

You might think that doing what I suggested is work. Yes, it is, but the work is a pleasure because I can feel my brain expanding, my emotion reacting and my way of living change.

Reading exercises is a great influence on a person. If pictures, still or moving, accompany the reading, the memory will retain the material for a long time.

Just as evil books can corrupt, so also can good books gradually work a change on a corrupt person.

Let's get back to the beneficial effects of thinking while reading. It helps us to enlarge our minds. We understand more about the universe, its people and many of its wonders. We learn to think and observe in new ways. We certainly do get a feeling for the language we are reading. All good writers in any language have been readers who read critically and continuously.

1. According to the writer, creative reading is ________.
A.raising questions and answering them for the author
B.reading and giving comments on the materials one has read
C.thinking in the same line with the author
D.storing up facts in one's memory
2. The writer says a critic ________.
A.asks what he does not understand
B.talks back to the author
C.understand the background on which the works are based
D.looks for the good and bad points of the material he has read
3. By the phrase “thinking along with” in the third paragraph, the writer means________.
A.following one's thought closelyB.accepting
4. We can learn from the passage that all good readers ________.
A.understand more about their surrounding than others.
B.have a thorough insight to the problem in life.
C.have the feeling of the language they read.
D.have read extensively(广泛地) and critically
2022-08-11更新 | 146次组卷
阅读理解-阅读单选(约380词) | 较难 (0.4)

【推荐2】In this modern age, most of us have forgotten to be patient and get angry very quickly over minor things like a traffic jam, a baby crying and such things. It often seems so easy to get what we want right away that when we have to wait even a little while, it seems like we are waiting for ages. We used to be happy to wait 10 - 15 minutes it took to reheat food in the oven(烤箱),but now we’re impatient when waiting two minutes it takes in the microwave.

With the convenience provided by modern society, is patience still a virtue(美德) in the fast-paced world? To begin with, I'd like to share the meaning of the word “patience”. Generally it means being able to tolerate delay without getting impatient. However, it isn't necessarily a passive activity. It takes an active behavior, knowing when to take action and when not to.

So I would argue that patience is still -and always- a virtue. Sure, I used to be one of those who often stared at the microwave for the full two minutes it took to heat my food. And in the end, the food tasted bad. If I had had the patience to heat the food properly in the oven, I would have enjoyed a delicious meal.

Actually the benefits of patience go beyond just heating up our food. Patience is an exercise in self-control which shows that we can exercise good judgment. Lack of patience can cause us to make wrong decisions that negatively affect our health and happiness, waste our time, put us under a lot of stress and affect our relationships in a very negative way.

Everything in life happens for a reason. Sometimes we face an obstacle(障碍) because we need to grow in ways we didn't realize. It's not always obvious when that was happening, but with patience we will soon see clearly why it occurred and what we were meant to learn from it.

Taking time to think about our actions and being patient are a small price to pay when we determine the best possible solution to any problems.

1. The author uses the example of reheating food to show that_______.
A.more people lack patience nowB.high technology brings more benefits
C.people have no time to enjoy the mealD.the fast-paced life makes people stressed
2. What could be inferred from Paragraph 4?
A.People under stress are more likely to get angry.
B.Patient people are less likely to meet difficulties.
C.People with self-control are easier to succeed.
D.Patient people tend to make better decisions.
3. What does the author intend to tell us in Paragraph 5?
A.A wise man learns from experience.
B.A brave man is not afraid of challenges.
C.A man should be patient to deal with difficulties.
D.A man should find out reasons for things occurred.
4. What can be a suitable title for the text?
A.The causes of impatienceB.Is patience really a virtue?
C.Ways to exercise patienceD.What does the word patience mean?
2020-08-15更新 | 224次组卷
阅读理解-阅读单选(约370词) | 较难 (0.4)

【推荐3】You must have read “The Tortoise and the Hare” when you were younger. So which animal are you? The tortoise or the hare? Do you rush around trying to do things as quickly as possible? Or do you deal with your work at a slow, but steady(稳定的) pace? Whether you approach life like the tortoise or the hare can make a difference in the results you'll see.

Some will say that you should avoid being like the hare. After all, he was overconfident and finally lost the race. You may also have heard teachers say from time to time that "haste makes waste". But what does that mean? Most people think it means that the faster you do something, the more likely it is that you'll make mistakes. Many teachers want you to approach your schoolwork thoughtfully and carefully.

But does haste always make waste? Not necessarily! Some people are able to work quickly while also maintaining(保持) a high level of quality in all that they do. Recent research, however, is making the idea of haste making waste seem more believable.

Researchers found that the brain changes into a special mode when forced to make rapid decisions. Overall, there appears to be a trade-off between speed and correctness. As the brain makes decisions more quickly, those decisions are usually built on less information, which often leads to a greater likelihood of mistakes.

When you approach things like the tortoise, you methodically and steadily work toward your goal. You might not arrive there first, but then again you might! In any case, you're like to make fewer mistakes and you might just enjoy the journey more than the hare.

Goals are great to work towards, but often the achievements aren't what we remember. The end, the most meaningful and important parts of our lives are the journeys we went on, in the destination we reached. So be the hare when you have to, but always remember that a slow and steady journey is what you'll remember and treasure the most.

1. Why does the author mention the story in the first paragraph?
A.To introduce the topic.B.To show its popularity.
C.To suggest its importance.D.To advise readers to read it.
2. What is Paragraph 4 mainly about?
A.How the brain collects the information it needs.
B.Why the quickly-made decision is often unwise.
C.When the decision made by the brain is correct.
D.What the relationship between time and results is.
3. Which of the following may the author agree with?
A.Finishing the race is often a victory for everyone.
B.Joy is found not in finishing an activity but in doing it.
C.The journey to every destination starts with a small step.
D.A destination is important because it guides us on the journey.
4. Which of the following is similar to "The Tortoise and the Hare"?
A.As dumb as a piece of wood.B.Spend money like water.
C.Plug one's ears while stealing a bell.D.Proud troops will certainly be beaten.
2021-07-01更新 | 269次组卷
共计 平均难度:一般