组卷网 > 高中英语综合库 > 主题 > 人与自然 > 环境 > 环境保护
题型:语法填空-短文语填 难度:0.65 引用次数:617 题号:9573908

High on the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau     1    (lie) China’s “water tower” Sanjiangyuan. It is home to the headwaters of China’s three rivers: the Yellow River, Yangtze River, and Lancang(Mekong) River. It is the three rivers     2     provide water for about half the population of China. However, human activities are putting this ecosystem     3     risk. Hopefully, though, we can repair this damage. In 2016, the Chinese government established Sanjiangyuan National Park in Qinghai province. The park,     4    (schedule) to open in 2020, has increased the area’s green coverage and attracted more wildlife. The local government has also made great effort to improve biological diversity. The success of Sanjiangyuan will mark the start of a     5    (green) future. With Sanjangyuan     6    (take) the lead, nine other regions in China     7    (choose) by a field conservation station to carry out projects over the past three years,     8     will form a national park system together. The idea of a national park system is still new in China, but    9    (it) realization is urgent. After all, building an ecological civilization bears great       10    (important) in the development and progress of human civilization.

【知识点】 环境保护


语法填空-短文语填(约320词) | 适中 (0.65)
【推荐1】Directions: After reading the passage below, fill in the blanks to make the passages coherent and grammatically correct. For the blanks with a given word, fill in each blank with the proper form of the given word; for the other blanks, use one word that best fits each blank.

Repair Café

When things around the house stop working, what do you usually do with them? If you're     1     a lot of people, you probably just throw them away.

This tendency has led to the modern nickname: the throwaway culture. There are many reasons for this trend. In some areas     2     it's difficult to find people who can make repairs, fixing things can be quite expensive. Also, some small appliances are so inexpensive that it's often much     3     (easy) to just buy a new one.

In 2009, Martine Postma from the Netherlands decided there must be a better way. Her solution was Repair Cafés: places where people can take damaged or     4     (tear) items. There they will find tools, resources and volunteer experts who are willing to help with repairs.

Postma's first Repair Café opened on Oct. 18, 2009, in Amsterdam, and was a huge success. News of the café spread, and people began asking     5     they could start their own. In 2011, Postma established the Repair Café Foundation. This nonprofit organization provides guidance to those hoping to begin their own neighborhood repair group.

Today, there are roughly 2,000 Repair Cafés around the world with meetings typically    6     (occur) once a month. Around 25 objects per session are repaired.     7     is free, but donations are greatly appreciated.

Not only do the cafés provide help with repairs, they also strengthen community ties. Neighbors get to know one another as they work together on projects. In addition, valuable knowledge is passed along and preserved. Items are kept     8     thrown away, meaning less trash in landfills.    9     an average broken item weighs a kilo, it's been estimated that 2,000 Repair Cafés prevent 35,000 kilos of trash every month. That    10     (add) up to about 420,000 kilos per year!

2024-05-05更新 | 53次组卷
语法填空-短文语填(约210词) | 适中 (0.65)

The planet is facing a crisis. Overuse of resources, like fossil fuels,     1     (combine) with high levels of consumption of goods and the resources needed to make them, is taking our environment to a     2     (break)point.

We live in a disposable culture where we want to keep up     3     the latest trends, but at what cost? Forests     4     (cut) down and minerals mined for objects that will be used for a short amount of time and then thrown away.

Our consumption habits have a direct impact on the planet that we live on, and the lives in different parts of the world. Unsustainable     5     (consume) and production of material goods and food products leads to climate change, which in turn     6     (affect) countries in poverty.

Those methods are     7     (serious)damaging the environment. If we continue     8     (produce) and consume at current rates, using the same methods we will also be affected and it will lead to destructive consequences,for parts of the world already feeling the effects of climate change.

Although we may be from different countries, speak different languages     9     have different cultures, the planet does not recognize the differences we see in each other. Something     10     happens in one part of the world can have great effect on another part of the world many miles away from the event.

2022-11-12更新 | 110次组卷
语法填空-短文语填(约260词) | 适中 (0.65)

In 1916 the United States started the world's first national park system. Since then, it     1    (serve)as a model for other countries that try to better protect the environment and let people enjoy nature.

A national park is a reserve of land    2    declare) and owned by the government, protected from human development and pollution. Now China is planning its own national parks system. On Dec 5, China passed two pilot plans for national parks    3    (protect) the giant panda, Siberian tiger and Amur leopard.

But national parks are not only for animals. In mid-2015, China started to build pilot national parks in nine provinces.     4    most famous one is the Sanjiangyuan national park on the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau. It aims to protect China’s water source. Sanjiangyuan, or “Source of Three Rivers”, is     5    the Yellow, Yangtze, and Lancang rivers start.

Before this national park project, China had set     6    thousands of nature parks, forests and scenic areas as protected areas. However, they haven’t been managed well     7    too many different organizations have been involved in the protection of the different areas, according to the China Daily.Under the new plan, national parks will cover big areas and include different protected areas.

For example, the habitats of wild pandas lie in different provinces and     8    (cut) into even smaller pieces by railways, roads and power lines. This makes isolated panda groups more open to     9    (dangerous). The panda national park will cover all the habitats and make the protection of animals as comprehensive as possible.

But this increased protection doesn’t mean national parks will shut their doors to humans. Instead, the new system will offer people a chance to     10    (deep) feel nature.

2017-03-10更新 | 652次组卷
共计 平均难度:一般