组卷网 > 高中英语综合库 > 主题 > 人与社会 > 故事
题型:书面表达-开放性作文 难度:0.65 引用次数:107 题号:9605868
Directions: Write an English composition in 100-120 words according to the instructions given below in Chinese.
【知识点】 故事 哲理感悟


书面表达-读后续写 | 适中 (0.65)

It was an evening just like any other in the Miller family apartment. Mr. and Mrs. Miller were tired from working all day and the children were busy playing on tablets (平板电脑).

“Mum, can you play a game with me now?” said Amy, "Dad, do you want to play battleships?” asked Ben.

Suddenly, the lights went off. The apartment went completely dark. "Oh no! We have lost all our electricity,"   cried Mr. Miller. "There must be a power cut in the city, "   said Mrs. Miller.

"Is everybody okay?” asked Mr. Miller. "Yes, I'm okay," said Amy. "Wow!

It's so dark in here," said Ben. "I've never seen our house like this before."

Mr. Miller picked up his torch (手电筒) and turned it on. But there was only a small beam of light.

"Oh no!” complained Mr. Miller. "The batteries in this torch are not very good. I don't know how long this torchlight will last. " The Miller family looked out of their apartment window. Mrs. Miller pointed at the sky. "Look at all the stars. " “Wow! I can see so many," said Ben.

Then Mrs. Miller wiped her forehead. "I'm feeling very hot," she said. "So am I," said Amy. "Who turned the heater on? Mr. Miller frowned. “The heater is not on. The machine that keeps us cool has stopped working," Mrs Miller answered. Oh no! The fridge is not working either and all the food will be ruined," she cried. And what about the freezer?” asked Ben. "The ice cream cake for Grandma is in there. It's a special treat for her.”

“That's a big problem, said Amy. "The ice cream cake will melt if it gets warm.”

Just then, the torch went out. "And now we have an even bigger problem," said Mr. Miller. "Oh dear! What do we do now?” Mrs. Miller asked. Amy saw her tablet glowing (发出暗淡的光) in the corner of the room. "I have an idea," she said.


She picked up her tablet and took it back into the kitchen.


So the Miller family ate the cake and looked out of the window at the stars.

2021-07-02更新 | 82次组卷
书面表达-读后续写 | 适中 (0.65)

When I was a baby, my parents gave me anything I wanted. I would play with a toy for a while, get bored, and ask my parents for a new one. Then my dad died when I was 2, and I got even more stuff as my mom, friends, and family gave me more and more stuff to try to make me feel better. My mom continued to treat me to whatever I wanted until I was seven and my world crashed.

That was when the real estate market crashed. My mom had thought buying houses was a good idea as a way to invest her money to take care of us. After the crash, I went from the kid who got a fine iPod and who had the coolest house, to almost having nowhere to stay.

Since then, when I would ask for a new toy or bike, or even to see a movie my mom would say “I’m sorry, honey but we really can’t afford that right now.” But my mom had grown up in a family where money was never a problem, so this change was as big for her as it was for me. My constant requests for toys and video games deepened her concern about our financial situation. But I wasn’t used to hearing “no.” So, for a year or two, I kept asking for things whether I really needed them or not.

Then something happened that would change my way of thinking forever. My mom had been working really hard all year, just to pay for the necessities, like our rents, and water and power bills. When she asked me what I wanted for my birthday, I said that I wanted a new video gaming system. I didn’t know that it was expensive. All I knew was that my friends had them and that I wanted one, too.

Paragraph 1:

On my birthday, I started opening presents, believing that I would get what I asked.

Paragraph 2:

From then on, I wouldn’t ask for anything that I didn’t need.

2021-12-10更新 | 360次组卷
书面表达-读后续写 | 适中 (0.65)

Adler lived with his unemployed mother and a younger brother in a small house in Durango. Like other boys at his age, the golden-haired boy wanted to play with his friends and have fun, but fate had other plans. After observing what was happening in his house, the boy decided to do something for his family. He picked up his only toy, a ball, and left his house with a mission—to help his family.

Little Adler walked to the nearest store with his last toy in hand, hoping he could sell it. While the little boy was selling his toy at the street, a man with the TikTok name Ruben Cervantes spotted him. Curious, he approached Adler to see what happened to him.

With tears in his eyes the little one said, “I just want to sell my only toy, sir. Would you like it?” When Cervantes learned Adler was selling his toy to help his family, he asked, “How much is it?” Adler replied, “I don’t want money, sir I just want milk and bread for my family.”

At that moment, Cervantes was so moved While other children at his age were enjoying and living a carefree life, Adler was worrying about his home’s financial situation. Without hesitation, Cervantes took the ball from the boy, gave him a hug and said, “Don’t cry, my boy. I’ll keep your ball for now, hoping to play it with you one day.” Cervantes did buy milk and bread in exchange for his ball and sent him back home. The boy flashed a toothy smile and said, “Thank you so much, sir. I’m looking forward.”

Immediately Cervantes got home, he posted Adler’s story on TikTok. All the viewers were touched by his devotion to his family and expressed their willingness to help the poor family. For a month, piles of food and clothes were flooding into Cervantes’ home. Apparently, it’s time for him to pay a visit.


One day, there was a knock at the door.

2023-05-07更新 | 114次组卷
共计 平均难度:一般