组卷网 > 高中英语综合库 > 主题 > 人与自我 > 家庭、朋友与周围的人 > 其他人
题型:阅读理解-阅读单选 难度:0.65 引用次数:86 题号:9689194

Judy Wright and her husband decided to move closer to their son, Chris, who lived in Georgia. About a month after the move, Judy fell ill, suffering from her ongoing battle against Parkinson’s disease.

Her condition worsened rapidly and she required medical care at home. The family hired a nursing aid who canceled at the last minute. Instead, a woman named TunDe Hector showed up in her place.

One day, TunDe shared a story with Judy and her family. She remembered a particularly difficult day in 2014, when a stranger had helped her with a kind gesture. She had run out of gas, and with only $5 in her pocket, was walking to a gas station, gas can in hand. A man saw her walking and turned his car around. He paid for her gas and gave her all the cash left in his wallet. Upon hearing the story, Judy’s son, Chris, took off his hat and said, “That was me!” He was the stranger that had helped TunDe on that difficult day.

During the care of Judy, the Wright family learned about TunDe’s family and her own dream. The nursing aid, TunDe hoped that one day she could become an OB-GYN nurse. Her tuition was past due (逾期) and she had a family to care for, but she was determined to achieve that goal for herself and her family.

Judy died on July 9, 2017. Instead of flowers, her family asked mourners (悼念者) to donate to TunDe’s education, to assist her in paying for her nursing school. In less than a week, they raised more than $8,000 and presented her with the surprise check.

1. Why did Judy’s family choose TunDe in the end?
A.To help her with a kind gesture.
B.To replace another nursing aid.
C.To look after Judy in the hospital.
D.To give Judy the best medical care.
2. How might Chris feel when hearing TunDe’s story?
3. How did the Wright family help TunDe after Judy’s death?
A.They paid for her education.
B.They helped care for her family.
C.They helped her realize her dream.
D.They bought her a surprise present.
4. What does the whole story mainly tell us?
A.Kindness comes full circle.
B.Actions speak louder than words.
C.The truth never fears investigation.
D.Constant dropping wears stone.


阅读理解-阅读单选(约300词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐1】Anvitha Vijay has built two educational apps and is at work on a third.She aims to use her skills to help others.

Need an app for that?Anvitha Vijay,9,can build it.With the help of YouTube videos,the young techie from Melbourne,Australia,learned to code at age 7.Soon,she was trying her hand at making apps.

"When I first got my iPad,I was fascinated by all the apps on it,"she said."It wasn't long before I wanted to create my own."

She built her first two apps with her younger sister.Smartkins Animals helps children identify more than 100 animals and their sounds.Smartkins Rainbow Colors teaches kids colors.Each app has been downloaded thousands of times.

Anvitha’s skills won her a scholarship to attend a big tech conference hosted by Apple in San Francisco, California.There,she got tips from the experts.She went to workshops where she learned about the latest software for app building.All that training led to an idea for a third app.This one,called GoalsHi,inspires kids to practice good habits.Users are rewarded for achieving goals,such as eating their vegetables or practicing the piano.Anvitha says the rewards are like getting a sticker for a job well done.“Kids can set goals with this app and get stars when they achieve them,”she said."The idea is to empower and motivate kids to achieve one little step a day."

Anvitha's goal is to continue creating technology that helps kids learn while having fun.But even more important to her is that the world sees the power of technology in kids' hands.“The more training we get in tech at an early age,"she said,"the better chance we have of becoming innovation champions who will one day change the world.

1. What can we know about Anvitha?
A.She made her first app at 7.
B.She first learned about apps through her iPad.
C.She made a speech at the conference in California.
D.She used her scholarship to try making her third app.
2. What's the function of GoalsHi?
A.To help kids identify colors.
B.To help kids recognize animals.
C.To inspire kids to achieve all goals.
D.To motivate kids to form good habits.
3. Why does Anvitha try to make apps?
A.To win a scholarship.
B.To help children have fun.
C.To help kids and in turn change the world.
D.To show her talent and skills of technology.
2017-05-04更新 | 61次组卷
阅读理解-阅读单选(约480词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐2】Sometimes just when we need the power of miracles, they arise in the places we would least expect.

On a cold January afternoon in 1989, I was climbing Egypt’s Mt. Horeb, hoping to get to the peak by sunset to see the valley below. As I was winding up the narrow path, I’d sometimes see other hikers who were coming down. While they would generally pass with simply a nod or a greeting in another language, there was one man who did neither.

I saw him coming and as he got closer, I could see that, unlike other hikers, he was wearing traditional Egyptian galabia( 长 袍 ). What made his appearance so strange was that the man didn’t even appear to be Egyptian, but was a small-framed Asian man with little hair and round glasses.

As we neared one another, I said Hello, but not a sound came from him. I thought maybe he hadn’t heard me. Suddenly he stopped directly in front of me, looked up from the ground, and spoke a single sentence to me in English, “Sometimes you don’t know what you have lost until you’ve lost it.” As I took in what I had just heard, he simply stepped around me and continued his going down.

That moment in my life was a small miracle. The reason is less about what the man said but more about the timing and the context. The year was 1989, and it was during my Egyptian pilgrimage (朝圣), and specifically during my hike to Mt. Horeb, that I’d set the time aside to make decisions that would affect my career, my friends, my family, and ultimately, my life.

I had to ask myself what the chances were of an Asian man dressed in an Egyptian galabia coming down from the top of this historic mountain just when I was walking up, stopping before me, and offering his wisdom, seemingly from out of nowhere. My answer to my own question was easy: nearly no chance! In a meet that lasted less than two minutes, a total stranger had brought something clear and something of a warning, regarding the huge changes that I would make within a matter of days. In my way of thinking, that’s a miracle.

Miracles are everywhere and occur every day for different reasons, in response to the different needs that we may have in the moment. Our job may be less about questioning the extraordinary things that happen in our daily lives and more about accepting the gifts they bring.

1. Before the Asian man spoke, how did the author think about him?
A.He was very rude and strange.
B.He was different from others.
C.He was shy and nod to strangers.
D.He looked ordinary and was talkative.
2. Why did the author make a pilgrimage to Mt Horeb in Egypt ?
A.He was in search of a miracle in his life.
B.It was a place for a religious person to head for.
C.He intended to make arrangements for his future life.
D.He waited patiently in expectation of meeting a wise person.
3. What does the underlined part “my own question” refer to in paragraph 6 ?
A.For what reason did the man stop before me ?
B.Why did the Asian man go to the mountain ?
C.What change would I make within a matter of days ?
D.What was the probability that others told us the right words ?
4. Why did the author view the meet with the Asian man as a miracle in his life?
A.Because the Asian man’s appearance had a deciding effect on his future life.
B.Because his words were in perfect response to the need he had at that moment.
C.Because what the Asian man said was meaningful in the philosophy of life.
D.Because the Asian man impressed on him the worth of what he had possessed.
5. What might be the best title for the passage ?
A.Can you recognize a miracle?B.Is a miracle significant to us?
C.When might a miracle occur?D.Why do we need a miracle?
2020-04-14更新 | 210次组卷
阅读理解-阅读单选(约280词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐3】On March 2, at the meeting held ahead of the yearly session of the CPPCC National Committee(全国政协大会), interpreter(口译员) Yao Mengyao caught the attention of many with her “quick reaction and correct translation, ”Xinhua noted.

Yao began her studies in English in primary school where she would listen to English tapes.

She often spoke to her teacher about English-related topics that were not limited to the ones in her textbooks, “They were always very professional uncommon topics, ”said Yao’s senior school teacher Shen Yingzi.

Like Yao, Zhang Lu is a regular interpreter for China's top leaders, including Premier Li Keqing and former Premier Wen Jiabao. Her effortless but on-point translations of ancient poems mentioned by former Premier Wen won praise.

So how do interpreters reach their top positions?

The reason for their success is largely hard work. Other than when they go out on visits with Chinese leaders, the interpreters follow a very strict schedule. Zhang called this schedule“an unshakable plan”. They listen to foreign media such as BBC, VOA or CNN through TV or radio for their training.

It is reported that a month before the two sessions(两会), the interpreters get notice of the spokesperson they are going to interpret for. They then make full use of this month to prepare themselves. They try to predict the questions that might be asked and consider the sayings the spokesperson might use when they answer the questions.

In truth, there is no secret to their success: It’s all a matter of skill and hard work.

1. What can be inferred from the second paragraph?
A.Yao tried to make a speech in English.B.The textbooks didn't interest yao at all.
C.Yao showed a strong interest in English.D.The teacher got tired of Yao's endless questions.
2. Which of the following is closest in meaning to the underlined word in Paragraph 3?
3. What should interpreters try to do before the two sessions?
A.Make a schedule for foreign visits.B.Predict the questions to be asked.
C.Go out on visits with Chinese leaders.D.Discuss with their teammates.
4. How do the interpreters reach the top positions?
A.By working hard.B.By travelling abroad.
C.By making a strict schedule.D.By following the leaders.
2019-08-17更新 | 92次组卷
共计 平均难度:一般