组卷网 > 高中英语综合库 > 主题 > 人与社会 > 故事
题型:书面表达-读后续写 难度:0.4 引用次数:165 题号:9694584

Marmi, my big sister, was eagerly looking for a pup(小狗) to look after and love all her life, so she would ask Mummy many times for a pup of her own, but the answer was always no. You see, my mum is not very fond of dogs, never has been, and always says they're too big a responsibility. She's just not a dog person. Well, that didn't stop my sister from looking or hoping for a dog. She used to search online for her favourite breed(品种). Until one day Marni found some Cavapoo pups advertised for sale. She immediately showed Mummy and begged to go and see them. Not sure how my sister persuaded her, but to our surprise, Mummy said we could go and have a look at them but not to get high hopes. Marni rushed everyone in the car before Mummy changed her mind. Off we sped to the advertised breeder's house which luckily wasn't too far. We got to the house and I bet I could hear my sister's heart dancing with excitement. As we rang the doorbell, we could hear cute little barks coming from inside. We went in and saw lots of little black pups excitedly jumping around. There were other people there too, so we needed to choose one fast if you know what I mean. It was rather crowded but the breeder let us hold and cuddle(搂抱) the pups. The breeder handed a little confident pup to Marni. The little pup seemed an old friend with my sister. But after a lot of cuddles, Mummy said we had to go and would have to think about it.

Paragraph 1:

As we were walking towards the door, the little pup followed my sister out.

Paragraph 2:

The little pup made a mess(杂乱) of our home.

【知识点】 故事


书面表达-读后续写 | 较难 (0.4)

A 4×l00m Relay Race

Yesterday evening, my partner John and l went to the levee(堤坝)where we would take running training. Ahead of us was a very tall man with a plastic bag who seemed to be unable to walk steadily. John said, “You keep running.1 will check on him. ” I tried to continue on but then turned around only to find that the man had fallen and was lying on his back with John at his side.

John was holding his hand. I saw the man’s stomach go from quick breaths to one of ease.   A few minutes later, the man calmed down. Then, John told him, “We are going to come back this way. If you are still here, we will check on you again.” The man said that he was fine but he was going to have a rest for a while.

We ran on for 10-15 minutes or so and turned around. Many people had passed by. I told John that the man would not be there because for sure someone else would help him. John ran ahead to see if he was still there. When I got to the spot, John was leaving and told me, “He is fine, let’s go on.”

The man in the meantime tried to climb up the levee and fell again and as he sat there, I walked down. I said, “Hi, my name is Mia, what’s your name?” Laughing and looking at me, he said, “My name is White.”I continued, “I find you have trouble walking. Do you want any help?” He said, “I’m practicing walking, because I had a serious traffic accident one year ago. Luckily, I have recovered from the pain.” Hearing his words, I felt astonished and asked him how he could make it. He told me it was his positive thoughts that helped him overcome all the difficulties.


I wanted to go on talking with him and asked whether we could walk together.


It was getting dark and we wanted to accompany him to return home.

2020-11-16更新 | 129次组卷
书面表达-读后续写 | 较难 (0.4)

With New Year coming , the weather was becoming colder. I was second grade then, 7 years old. One day, on my way home from school, a lady gave me a piece of paper saying that the neighborhood was asking people to give New Year presents to those who needed them. When I showed my mom this paper, she encouraged me to take part in it and spread kindness to others less fortunate than us. She said we would become “Neighborhood Angels”.

Several days later, my mother said, “Get ready, and we will go.” “Where are we going?” I asked my mother. “ I will drive you to to Boots Department Store to buy something you think would be suitable for a neighborhood present.” she replied. As we went into the store, my mother   gave me $20 to pay for the present. Then she said, “I’ll see you outside in the car.” She left me alone to do the shopping. I was not used to buying things on my own, as I had always been with one of my parents before. Everything seemed very strange and confusing to me, but I carried on. I asked myself what I should buy and for whom. Suddenly, I remembered the poor boy called Jack who lived in our neighborhood. I used to see him often without a jacket during the freezing winter months, so I decided, then and there, to buy him a warm jacket.

I looked at many jackets and eventually chose a heavy blue one. The price was just within my spending limit. The assistant at the checkout asked , “Is this for someone?”, as I paid for the jacket happily. I said it was,and she wished me a Happy New Year. I felt as if I were a real “Neighborhood Angel”.

Paragraph 1

That evening, my mother helped me packed the jacket in beautiful paper.

Paragraph 2

My mother and I waited breathlessly for Jack’s front door to open and finally it opened. _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

2024-01-30更新 | 25次组卷
书面表达-读后续写 | 较难 (0.4)

Mum was in a hurry as usual, but as she rushed them down the street, Magnus and Mina couldn’t resist peeking (偷看) through the window of the pet shop on the corner.

“Mum, are you SURE we can’t have a pet?” Mina asked. “NO! Daddy is allergic to cats and dogs!” said Mum.

Five minutes later, they were outside Magnus and Mina’s grandad’s place — an old repair garage on a road just off the high street. Grandad had retired, but he lived in the flat above and kept the workshop for his hobby: fixing up old cars!

Mum used her key to open the door and they went inside. An old car was in the middle of the floor. Then they heard a sound from somewhere under the car. “Who’s there? Is that you, M and M?” Grandad Eric’s head appeared from behind the car. He smiled when he saw them, and wiped his greasy (沾油污的) face with an old cloth. “Hello kids!”

Mum was moving towards the door of the garage. “Thank you for taking the kids for the weekend, Dad — something came up and I have to go away for work!” Grandad just smiled. “No problem at all, sweetie!”

Once Mum had left, Magnus and Mina had a good look around. Mina was excited. At school she had taken a technology and design course where they had learned how to design and build simple robots, and she wanted to make one of her own. She shouted over to Grandad, “Grandad, can we use some of these spare bits over here? I promise we won’t make a mess!” Grandad replied, “Of course, but be careful!”

“Do you have a plan, sister?” Magnus looked at his sister. “I sure do! Mum said we couldn’t get a pet, but she didn’t say that we couldn’t make one!” Magnus’s eyes widened. “A robot pet?” “Yeah, a dog-cat,” replied Mina. “Brilliant! You build it, and I can program it!” said Magnus.

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Before long, Mina finished and Magnus and Mina admired the work.


Grandad Eric came over to see the dog-cat and collected the turned-off robot.

2023-10-14更新 | 39次组卷
共计 平均难度:一般