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题型:阅读理解-阅读单选 难度:0.85 引用次数:66 题号:9731415
Letter to My Daughter (Hardcover $10. 00)

This book of essay and poems by Maya Angelou, a respectable American poet, is written for "the daughter she never had" —the millions of women, both young and old, who she considers to be her "family". From the viewpoint of a caring, older relative, this book contains lessons taken from her own life experiences, including the birth of her only child, a son, as well as the development and loss of friendship.

Ordinary Light (Paperback $6. 46)

"She left us at night,” Tracy K. Smith, a Pulitzer Prize-winning poet, writes in the first sentence in Ordinary Light. She gives a description of her mother's last days and moments, and her own private farewell. She moves on to search for her mother through memories. She remembers her as a steady presence during visits to grandparents, while spending time with her much-older sisters and brothers. Ordinary Light is a memory, a discovery, a blessing.

A Room of Ones Own (Hardcover $19. 48)

This essay by English writer Virginia Woolf is based on her several lectures given to two women's colleges at Cambridge University in 1928. In it, Woolf describes that it's situation not talent alone that allows men to be more successful at writing. Women, in other words, spend so much time cooking, cleaning ? and tending to their children that they have no time left for art. To write well, therefore, a woman must have "a room of her own". While on its surface, this essay appears to be only about writing, it is actually about wealth and class, freedom and imprisonment (囚禁),and the power struggle between sexes.

Did I Ever Tell You How Lucky You Are? (Hardcover $8. 44)

"When you think things are bad, when you start to get mad... you should do what I do!"

The classic book by Dr Seuss begins with the advice of a wise man and provides the perfect ways for readers of all ages who are feeling down. Thanks to Dr. Seuss's trademark rhymes (韵律)and signature illustrations (插画),readers will realize just how lucky they truly are.

1. How many different books can you buy at most with $25?
2. If you are feeling a bit low, you can read .
A.Letter to My Daughter
B.A Room of One's Own
C.Ordinary Light
D.Did I Ever Tell You How Lucky You Are?
3. Which of the following is TRUE according to the text?
A.Maya spends most of her time fighting for women's rights.
B.Woolf thinks many factors influence women's success at writing.
C.Tracy often spends much time with her older sisters and brothers.
D.Dr. Seuss always gives more encouragement to young people.
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阅读理解-阅读单选(约330词) | 较易 (0.85)

【推荐1】If you want to learn more about American history you have countless books to choose from. But here are some of the best recommendations online:

A People’s History of the United States

by Howard Zinn

Published in 1980, this book focuses on the history of regular people instead of the elite. The book tells the story of immigrant laborers, African-Americans, women, Native-Americans and the working poor. It argues that much of American history is about the majority being exploited by an elite minority.

The book covers everything from Christopher Columbus’s historic voyage to the present day and was last updated to cover events up until 2005.


by David McCullough

First published in 2005, this book discusses the events of the year 1776 during the American Revolution. The book focuses on military events and explores the leadership of military and political figures such as George Washington, King George III, General Howe, Henry Knox and Nathaniel Green.

The Salem Witch Trials (A Day-By-Day Chronicle of a Community Under Siege)

by Marilynne K. Roach

Published in 2002, this book lays out the events of the Salem Witch Trials as they happened. Each chapter is dedicated to a specific month in the witch hunt, which began in January of 1692 and ended in May of 1693.

Since the Salem Witch Trials can be confusing and complicated sometimes and involved many events with many different people, this book is great at clearing up the confusion by spelling out exactly what happened and when.

Mayflower (A Story of Courage, Community and War)

by Nathaniel Philbrick

Published in 2006, this book tackles the many myths and misconceptions about the Mayflower pilgrims and Plymouth Plantation.

The book discusses the pilgrim’s relationship with the Native-Americans by highlighting how the local Wampanoag tribe were nearly destroyed by European diseases brought by the colonists and how the colonists captured and sold the Wampanoags into slavery during King Phillip’s War.

1. Which are the books classified into?
2. Why is the book The Salem Witch Trials considered to be great?
A.It has exposed an unknown killing.
B.It lays out the events of witch hunt.
C.All the settings were put in Europe.
D.Many confusing data are clarified.
3. The book 1776 focuses on ________.
A.immigrant labourers
B.the American Revolution
C.the witch hunt
D.the Mayflower pilgrims
2023-04-20更新 | 10次组卷
阅读理解-阅读单选(约300词) | 较易 (0.85)

【推荐2】2021 brought us some amazing titles. If you want to read the books that people couldn’t stop talking about that year, see below for our list of some of them!

Whereabouts by Jhumpa Lahiri

An extraordinary new novel from the Pulitzer Prize-winning author of The Lowland and Interpreter of Maladies — her first in nearly a decade—about a woman questioning her place in the world, hesitating between inactivity and movement, between the need to belong and the refusal to form lasting ties.

Hardcover: $24. 00

The Paper Palace by Miranda Heller

A story of summer, secrets, love and lies: in the course of a single day on Cape Cod, one woman must make a life-changing decision that she has been preparing for decades. Gentle yet disastrous, The Paper Palace considers the tensions between desire and dignity, the legacies of abuse, and the crimes of families.

Hardcover: $27.00

Klara and the Sun by Kazuo Ishiguro

A great new novel from Nobel Prize winner Kazuo Ishiguro. Klara and the Sun is a thrilling book that offers a look at our changing world through the eyes of Klara—an artificial friend with outstanding observational qualities— and one that explores the fundamental question: what does it mean to love?

Hardcover: $26.00

The Anthropocene Reviewed by John Green

A deeply moving collection of personal essays from John Green, the author of The Fault in Our Stars and Turtles All the Way Down. John Green’s gift for storytelling shines throughout this masteiful collection. The Anthropocene Reviewed is an open-hearted exploration of the paths we create and a celebration of falling in love with the world.

Hardcover: $24.00

1. What do Whereabouts and Klara and the Sun have in common?
A.They collect personal essays.
B.They are sold at the same price.
C.They are written by prize-winning authors.
D.They mainly talk about personal relationships.
2. Which book reflects its author’s talent for telling stories?
A.Whereabouts.B.The Paper Palace.
C.Klara and the Sun.D.The Anthropocene Reviewed.
3. To know about a woman’s most important day in life, you can read the book written by________.
A.Jhumpa LahiriB.Miranda HellerC.Kazuo IshiguroD.John Green
2022-03-09更新 | 100次组卷
阅读理解-阅读单选(约310词) | 较易 (0.85)

【推荐3】A librarian in Indonesia's Java Island is lending books to children in exchange for rubbish they collect in a novel way to clean up the environment and get the kids to read more. Each weekday, Raden Roro Hendarti rides her three-wheeler with books stored up at the back for children in Muntang village in exchange for plastic cups, bags and other waste that she carries back.

She told Reuters she is helping develop reading habits of the kids as well as make them aware of the environment. As soon as she shows up, little children, many accompanied by their mothers, surround her "Rubbish Library" and ask for the books. They are all carrying rubbish bags and Raden's three-wheeler quickly fills up with them as the books fly out. She is happy that the kids are going to spend less time on online games as a result.

Raden said,“Let us build a culture of literacy(读写能力)from young age to reduce the harm of the online world. We should also take care of our waste in order to fight climate change and to save the earth from rubbish.”She collects about 100 kilograms of waste each week, which is then sorted out by her colleagues and sent for recycling or sold. She has a stock of 6,000 books to lend.

Kevin Alamsyah, an eager 1l-year-old reader, searches for waste lying in the village. “When there is too much rubbish, our environment will become dirty. That's why I look for rubbish to borrow a book,”he says.

The literacy rate for above-15-year-olds in Indonesia has been around 96 percent, though a report by the World Bank warned that the pandemic(流行病)would leave more than 80% of15-year-olds below the minimum(最低的)reading level.

1. What does Raden bring to the children every time?
2. What does the underlined word “them”in paragraph 2 refer to?
A.The rubbish bags.B.The mothers.
C.The kids.D.The books.
3. Which of the following can best describe Raden?
4. Why does Kevin borrow books from the “Rubbish Library”?
A.To make himself tidy.
B.To protect the environment.
C.To get along with Raden.
D.To improve his reading level.
2022-04-30更新 | 63次组卷
共计 平均难度:一般