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广东 九年级 二模 2021-08-09 163次 整体难度: 适中 考查范围: 主题、语篇

一、完形填空 添加题型下试题

完形填空(约210词) | 适中(0.65)

In the classroom, Josh and his friends were _____ their lucky charms (护身符). Larry’s was a rabbit’s foot and Roger said he had a lucky penny (便士). When it was Josh’s turn, he said his blue ____ could bring him good luck. “Every time I wear them to school before a test, I get a good grade,” said Josh.

This morning, Josh was upset ____ he couldn’t find his blue socks. “Don’t be silly. Those socks need to be washed,” his mum said. “If you have studied ___ for your test, you will get a good grade. Have you studied for it?”


“Then you have ____ to worry about. Just do your best.”

At school, Larry had his rabbit’s foot, and Roger had his lucky penny. They asked Josh whether he wore ___ lucky socks. Josh replied, “No.”

The boys felt sorry for Josh. They said, “Well, good ____ , then.”

During the test, Josh did all the questions ___ . Then he got 95 marks. When he told his mum about it, she said, “You see? The socks do not make you do well. Only you can make yourself do well.”

Roger’s and Larry’s marks weren’t as ____ as Josh’s. They said they would study harder and not ____ lucky charms to pass a test.

A.care forB.depend onC.prepare forD.decide on
2021-06-14更新 | 89次组卷 | 1卷引用:2021年广东省深圳市盐田区中考二模英语试题

二、阅读理解 添加题型下试题

阅读理解-单选(约260词) | 较难(0.4)

A young man went to an expert on gems(宝石) and wanted to learn from him. The expert shook his head. He worried that young men wouldn’t have the patience to learn. In his opinion, they were always in a hurry.

The young man asked the expert many times to let him have a try. Finally the expert said, “Be here tomorrow.”

The next morning the expert put a jade(翡翠) stone in the man’s hand and told him to hold it. The expert then went about his work, cutting, weighing and setting gems. The man sat and waited excitedly. The following morning the expert again placed the jade stone in the man’s hand and told him to hold it. On the third, fourth, and fifth day the expert repeated the action.

On the sixth day the young man still had to hold the jade stone, but he could no longer stand the silence. “Sir,” he asked, “when am I going to learn something?”

“You will learn,” the expert replied.

Several more days went by. The man became more and more impatient. However, when the expert placed a stone in his hand one morning, the young man shouted without looking at it, “This is not the same jade stone!”

“You have begun to learn,” the expert said with a smile.

11. What do we know about the expert at first?
A.He got angry with the young man.
B.He refused to teach the young man
C.He played a joke on the young man.
D.He made friends with the young man.
12. How long did the man hold the jade stone without asking anything?
A.For three days.B.For five days.C.For seven days.D.For half a month.
13. Why did the expert ask the man to hold a stone for days?
A.It was a way of learning.
B.He was too busy to teach the man.
C.It was all that he could give the man.
D.There was no other work for the man to do.
14. How did the young man’s feeling change?
A.worried → unhappy → nervous.B.worried → nervous → unhappy.
C.excited → nervous → worried.D.excited → unhappy → surprised.
15. What does the passage mainly tell us?
A.A real expert on gems.B.Some good learning habits.
C.The importance of patience.D.The secret to learning quickly.
2021-06-14更新 | 226次组卷 | 3卷引用:2021年广东省深圳市盐田区中考二模英语试题
阅读理解-单选(约350词) | 较难(0.4)

School didn’t ever come easy to me as it did to some others. At 17, I entered Dutchess Community College. I was studying performing arts there. Though there were things I loved about the performing arts world, the things I hated about it seemed to grow and carry more weight. So I decided to drop out of school completely, during which I accepted a job offer.

My starting salary (薪水) was pretty good for a young girl without a college degree. So I did what any money-hungry young man would do in that situation: I thought I was set for life and left alone all my dreams, hobbies and talents. Clearly, things aren’t so simple. The heavy work made me dry and left me feeling physically and mentally sick. Finally, I decided to walk away and never look back.

No matter how hard I tried to tell myself that I was free after leaving college, I felt unfulfilled (壮志未酬的) from time to time. So l turned my old excuses into challenges for myself. In the fall of 2019, I returned to study journalism (新闻业) and English at Mercy College. Because of an excellent teacher at Mercy, I ended up studying Italian in Middlebury College’s exchange program last summer, which is a life-changing experience. I’m certainly tired, but it’s been worth my work. As people say, nothing worth having comes easy.

I finally had my very last day of school this week, and I was well prepared to pass my exams and left school with honours. If someone had told me two years ago that this is where I’d be now, I wouldn’t believe it.

Of all the things I’ve learned on my journey so far, there are some that I feel I must share with all of you here: Take control of your life; don’t just let it happen to you.

16. Why did the author give up studying performing arts?
A.She was out of money.
B.She accepted a job offer.
C.She lost interest in what she studied.
D.She found performing arts difficult to study.
17. What happened to the author after she left Dutchess Community College?
A.She was free from stress.
B.She continued to follow her dreams.
C.She regretted having stopped schooling halfway.
D.She got a high-salary job.
18. How was the life at Mercy College in the author’s opinion?
19. What does the author want to tell us?
A.One should take his chance to make progress.
B.Studying is not the only way to success.
C.One who laughs last laughs best.
D.Life is full of unexpected surprise.
20. Which type of writing is the passage?
A.A report.B.A speech.C.An invitation.D.A diary.
2021-06-14更新 | 190次组卷 | 2卷引用:2021年广东省深圳市盐田区中考二模英语试题
阅读理解-单选(约320词) | 困难(0.15)

Napping (午睡) is a great way to feel rested and alert (机警的) — and some research shows it can do good to our brain. Albert Einstein and Leonardo da Vinci were all famous nappers. However, you may want to consider how long you have to sleep before heading to bed for your middle napper.

If you need to be alert right after waking up, so-called “power naps” of 10-30 minutes are recommended. Longer naps may cause some sleepiness after you wake up and you need some time to feel better. But drinking coffee directly before a nap may help you wake up without feeling sleepy.

A recent study from China has even suggested that daily afternoon napping is connected with better cognitive function (认知功能) in older adults. The researchers asked 2,200 over-70s about their napping habits before testing their memory and language skills. They found that those who usually napped performed better than those who didn’t.

But nap length may make a difference here — a similar study showed that those who usually napped for 30-90 minutes had better overall cognition (认知) compared to those who napped for longer or shorter, or who didn’t nap at all. The reasons why short naps are so good for alertness are not well understood. It’s possible that napping helps the brain clean upsleep-inducing (助眠的) products that would otherwise inhibit brain activity.

Although napping has many advantages. It is not recommended for people who suffer from insomnia (失眠). That’s because naps may make those people harder to fall asleep when going to bed in the evening. Naps should also be avoided in situations where great performance is needed right after the nap, as it may take some time to fully wake up.

21. Why does the writer mention Albert Einstein?
A.To show famous people all love napping.
B.To prove napping is a great habit.
C.To encourage people to nap every day.
D.To advise readers to learn from him.
22. If you will take a math test right after noon, what should you do?
A.Avoid having a nap.
B.Have a two-hour nap.
C.Sleep for less than 10 minutes.
D.Drink a cup of coffee before your nap.
23. What can we learn about the study in the third paragraph?
A.All of the 2,200 participants (参与者) had napping habits.
B.The researchers did some tests on some old people.
C.Short naps have bigger influence than longer naps.
D.The older people are, the longer nap they need.
24. What do the underlined words “inhibit brain activity” mean?
A.To help the brain work better.
B.To stop the brain from working.
C.To make the brain less active.
D.To allow the brain to fall asleep.
25. Which question is answered in the last paragraph?
A.Who doesn’t need a nap?
B.Where can you have a good nap?
C.Why should everyone have a nap?
D.How long should you nap every day?
共计 平均难度:一般