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四川 九年级 一模 2023-04-07 168次 整体难度: 适中 考查范围: 主题、语篇、单词辨析、语法、短语辨析、词汇

一、完形填空 添加题型下试题

完形填空(约130词) | 适中(0.65)

A Nobel Prize(诺贝尔奖) is considered by most people one of the highest international honors a person can receive. As you know, the prizes were ________ by a man called Alfred Nobel.

Alfred Nobel was a chemist and inventor. He made many ________ inventions, and he became rich. However, Nobel didn’t leave much of his ________ to his family. When he passed away, he left 31 million SEK (about 265 million dollars today) and requested that the money should be used in ________ those who made great achievements in physics, chemistry, physiology (生理学) or medicine, literature(文学), and peace.

Each Prize has three parts-a gold medal (奖章), a diploma (证书), and a great deal of money: about one million dollars. Often a Prize is given to just one person, but not ________. Sometimes a Prize is not given at all if there is no great achievement.

2023-04-06更新 | 40次组卷 | 1卷引用:2023年四川省眉山市东坡区百坡初级中学中考一模英语试题
完形填空(约240词) | 适中(0.65)

Many teenagers believe their parents are the only ones who should deal with chores around the house, and they seldom help. Jessica, a mother of three, faced this ________. Her three teenage daughters spent lots of time on schoolwork, part-time jobs, and other activities. They always seemed too busy to do even the simplest chores around the house. So Jessica went on strike (罢工).

It all ________ on a typically busy Friday. Jessica was rushing around all over the town for the whole day. That evening, ________ she was taking a break for the first time, she looked around the house and realized that the kids had made a mess. Then Jessica decided to ________ doing the chores. And she stayed on strike for six days.

________, the children didn’t even notice what was happening until Day 3 of the strike. By then, dishes had piled up (摞起) in the kitchen, dirty plates were on the dining table, and there was a smell around the house. Her daughters were unhappy, but ________ did anything. It wasn’t until Day 5 that the girls started to ________ the house. While the girls were doing the chores, Jessica sat on the sofa drinking coffee that her ________ had made for her.

The kids said they were ________ to see how much their mom had been doing for them. “No one is too busy to do simple chores,” one kid said. “Everyone should play a part in keeping their house clean.” As for Jessica, she was ________ that she had done something correct.

A.clean upB.fix upC.make upD.put up
2023-04-06更新 | 67次组卷 | 1卷引用:2023年四川省眉山市东坡区百坡初级中学中考一模英语试题

二、阅读理解 添加题型下试题

阅读理解-单选(约280词) | 适中(0.65)
Elena 12:49 p.m.

Hi everyone. I’m Elena and I’m in Australia. I will travel alone to visit my aunt Linda in London. I’m excited because I’ve never been to Europe. But it’s a really long flight(航程)and I have to change planes in Dubai. I’m a bit nervous. If anyone has had a trip like this, could you please give me some advice? Thank you very much.

Max 2:23 p.m.

Hi Elena! I flew to Paris to visit my grandparents last month. I think you should take your books or computer with you. On my flight last month, the seats didn’t have seatback screens. I was glad that I had my computer and could watch films on my own! Have Fun!

Michael 3:17 p.m.

Hey Elena. You should find out what the airport in Dubai looks like. You can check it out online. It is a challenging thing to change planes. But with the right preparation, everything will be OK. Have a great trip!

Sally 4:58 p.m.

Hi Elena! I flew to New York to enjoy a holiday on my own last summer. It was really cool. Mom gave me a really cool bag to put my documents(证件)in. I hung it around my neck and that way I knew where everything was. You should bring one bag too. Have a good trip!

16. How does Elena feel about going to London?
①Excited.             ②Surprised.             ③Nervous.             ④Sorry.
17. Sally advised Elena to ________.
A.bring some booksB.bring a bag for her documents
C.check out if her plane has seatback screensD.check out what the airport in Dubai looks like
18. The material is probably from a ________.
2023-04-06更新 | 22次组卷 | 1卷引用:2023年四川省眉山市东坡区百坡初级中学中考一模英语试题
阅读理解-单选(约350词) | 适中(0.65)

Once upon a time, there was a village. People there did not like to share. One day, a traveler came to the village. He was very tired and hungry. He stopped at a house and knocked at the door.

A woman opened the door. “I’m a tired and hungry traveler,” he said. “May I have something to eat?” The woman shook her head. “We don’t have enough food to give away.” Then she closed the door.

The traveler picked up a stone from the ground and knocked at the door again.

“Perhaps you would like to have some of my stone soup!” said the traveler.

“Stone soup?” the woman was surprised.

“Yes. Just lend me a pot of hot water, please,”the traveler smiled. Though she didn’t want to, the woman still gave him a pot of hot water. The traveler placed the stone in it. “It’s good,” he said. “But if you had just a little salt and butter, the soup would taste better!”

A little angry but curious, the woman got him some salt and butter. At that time, some neighbors started to gather(聚集)around the traveler.

“It’s almost done,” the traveler said. “But it would be even nicer if there were some carrots and potatoes.”

“I have potatoes,” volunteered an elderly lady.

“I think I have carrots,” cried a young man.

Minutes later, the vegetables were added in. Soon, the air was filled with the smell of the soup. “Is it ready now?” the first woman asked. “Yes, but I remember that adding in some broth(肉汤)to the stone soup will make it taste better,” he replied. “I have broth,” yelled(大喊)a neighbor who was watching from a window.

Having all things in the pot, the traveler tasted a spoon of the soup. “Perfect!” he cried. Then, he served a bowl of stone soup to everyone. “It’s delicious!” the villagers all cried out happily.

19. The traveler stopped at a house to ________.
A.sell a potB.have a restC.make friendsD.ask for some food
20. Who gave away some broth?
A.A young man.B.An elderly lady.
C.The first woman.D.A neighbor by a window.
21. Besides a stone, how many kinds of things were added to the soup?
22. Why did the traveler cook the stone soup for the villagers?
A.To show his good cooking skills.B.To thank them for their kindness.
C.To introduce to them a new kind of soup.D.To teach them the importance of sharing.
2023-04-06更新 | 33次组卷 | 1卷引用:2023年四川省眉山市东坡区百坡初级中学中考一模英语试题
阅读理解-单选(约380词) | 适中(0.65)

If you have been a book lover since your childhood, you may have heard of the Newbery Medal. It goes to the best children’s books each year. But you may not know the person behind the prize. His name is John Newbery.

John Newbery was born in England in 1713. Back then, there weren’t many books for children. People didn’t think stories were important. However, Newbery believed kids should have books of their own. He thought young people should learn about the world from books and enjoy reading too.

As a child, Newbery was a huge book lover. Since he didn’t want to be a farmer, he became a publisher(出版人)when he grew up. He began this work in the town of Reading in England. Then he moved to London in 1743. Newbery published his first children’s book A Little Pretty Pocket-Book in 1744 and it became a huge success.

Soon, Newbery began publishing more children’s books. Some were about science and others were nursery rhymes(童谣). In 1765, Newbery published The history of Little Goody Two-Shoes, a novel for kids. It made the saying “goody two-shoes” popular, which is used to describe a person who is overly well-behaved in a way that is forced and artificial(假装的).

As a publisher, Newbery helped publish about 500 books for readers of all ages. That included more than 100 books for kids. This is why people call him “The Father of Children’s Literature”. And for more than 100 years, children’s book writers have been honored with the Newbery Medal for their great work.

Kids now can learn a valuable lesson from Newbery’s life. “He followed his passion(热情),” said Michelle Markel, a children’s book writer. “He just loved books, and he thought everybody should have the chance to read them.”

23. What do we know about John Newbery?
A.He loved reading.B.He used to be a farmer.
C.He was born in Scotland.D.He was a father of many children.
24. What is the right order of the following events?
a. Newbery moved to London.                     
b. Newbery became a publisher.
c. A Little Pretty Pocket-Book became a huge success.              
d. The History of Little Goody Two-Shoes was published.
25. Why is Newbery called “The Father of Children’s Literature”?
A.Because he created the Newbery Medal.
B.Because he helped publish lots of children’s books.
C.Because he wrote the most children’s stories in the world.
D.Because he was the teacher of many children’s book writers.
26. What’s the best title for the passage?
A.A famous children’s book
B.The importance of literature
C.Newbery Medal: a great prize for children’s books
D.John Newbery: the man behind a prize for children’s book
2023-04-06更新 | 34次组卷 | 1卷引用:2023年四川省眉山市东坡区百坡初级中学中考一模英语试题
阅读理解-单选(约300词) | 适中(0.65)

Li Lirong opened the iShenzhen app, chose two bottles of milk and pressed OK on the screen. A few minutes later, she picked up the milk, which was free, from a nearby dispenser(自动售货机). The cleaner in Shenzhen has been enjoying free products for several months. “It’s really heart-warming,” Li said. “Although it is a small act by the government, it shows great love.”

Shenzhen’s Futian District has launched a “Futian food bank” program. It encourages companies(公司)dealing with the food business to give away products that are about to expire(到期). People can choose the products on the iShenzhen app and collect them from certain dispensers. The service is now open to people with low pay, such as cleaners and gardening workers, and people with special needs, such as childless elderly people.

“In order to prevent food waste in Futian, we set up the food bank program,” said Tang Yuhong, an officer of Futian District. “We also hope to give real help to people in need.” Tang hopes more companies and people can take part in the program.

Freshippo, a shopping platform(平台), is one of the companies taking part in the program. And it has given away thousands of products so far. “Freshippo wants to play a leading role in the fight against food waste and help people in need. We will do more in the future.” said Shang Jun, one director of the company. Other shopping platforms such as Meituan and Dingdong Maicai are also taking part in the program.

Futian District plans to increase the number of dispensers and provide more help for people in need.

27. What may Li Lirong think of the iShenzhen app?
A.It is fun.B.It is helpful.C.It is strange.D.It is dangerous.
28. The underlined word “launched” in Paragraph 2 is closest in meaning to “________”.
29. The iShenzhen app was developed ________.
A.by Shang JunB.by Tang Yuhong
C.for online shopping platformsD.for the poor and the people with special needs
30. What can we learn from Shang Jun’s words in Paragraph 4?
A.Freshippo will do more to prevent food waste.
B.Freshippo is popular among the people in Futian District.
C.Freshippo will start more food bank programs in Shenzhen.
D.Freshippo plans to work with Meituan and Dingdong Maicai.
2023-04-06更新 | 57次组卷 | 1卷引用:2023年四川省眉山市东坡区百坡初级中学中考一模英语试题
阅读理解-六选五(约190词) | 适中(0.65)

For many kids, a backpack is important, but what happens to it when it can no longer be used?

Usually, used clothes, shoes and bags go to landfill(废物填埋地), but what happens to them there depends much on what they are made of. There are some natural materials which will break down in just a few months or even a few weeks, while other man-made materials can take up to 200 year!     31    

To solve the problem, the Institution of Engineering and Technology(IET) in London has come up with a backpack which is completely biodegradable(可生物降解的).     32    

The idea came out after the IET carried out a study among some 5 to 13-year-old and asked the children to think about what clothes they’d be wearing in the future     33     And 86% believed that being sustainable(可持续的)is more important than looking cool.

The IET worked with a fashion(时尚)brand HYPE. And a business called Biophilica to create the biodegradable school backpack.     34     It invited children to design(设计)their own backpacks for the future. The winner will have a chance to have his or her design made into a real backpack.

    35     Hopefully, more and more environmentally friendly designs will come out in the future.

A.Backpacks play an important role in students’ school life.
B.The IET has done a great job in helping with the environment.
C.The IET even started a national competition called Backpack to the Future.
D.Almost 74% said they hoped to see clothes that can leave zero waste in the future.
E.Many school backpacks are made of materials that could take hundreds of years to break down.
F.This means that every part of it can break down back into the environment in less than a year except the zips.
2023-04-06更新 | 80次组卷 | 1卷引用:2023年四川省眉山市东坡区百坡初级中学中考一模英语试题

三、单词拼写 添加题型下试题

单词拼写-根据首字母填空 | 适中(0.65)
36. I think if you work hard, you are sure to be s________ one day.
2023-04-06更新 | 57次组卷 | 1卷引用:2023年四川省眉山市东坡区百坡初级中学中考一模英语试题
单词拼写-根据首字母填空 | 适中(0.65)
37. We had to cancel the school trip because it rained h________.
2023-04-06更新 | 57次组卷 | 1卷引用:2023年四川省眉山市东坡区百坡初级中学中考一模英语试题
共计 平均难度:一般