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1 .

After entering the main gate of the Han Yu Memorial Hall, you’ll find a stone road. At the end of it, there are 51 steps leading to a temple in the mountain. Why do visitors need to climb such long steps? It is said that Han Yu was 51 years old when he arrived in Chaozhou.

Han Yu was a famous writer and thinker in ancient China. He was born in 768 AD in Henan. Han Yu was good at writing poetry and prose, and he also spent his lifetime spreading Neo-Confucianism (新儒学).

Han Yu’s parents died when he was young and he had to face many challenges alone. He tried to take the national exams, known as “Keju” in Chinese, but failed. After trying many times, he did succeed in the end and rose to be a trusted official.

At that time, Confucianism was losing its influence, but Han Yu still strongly believed in it. He even wrote a letter to the emperor in 819 AD to tell him that it was wrong to be against Confucian beliefs. The emperor didn’t like what Han Yu said, so Han Yu was sent away to Chaozhou for a year. Chaozhou was faraway and few people lived there at that time. That punishment led to the story between Han Yu and Chaozhou. He brought his Confucian beliefs there and did many things to change local people’s lives. Therefore, many people thought highly of him. They respected his teachings, and even after he left, they kept studying them. Even today, they still see Han Yu as an important part of their culture.

In front of the Han Yu Memorial Hall, the statue of Han Yu faces the ancient city, as if he has been watching over Chaozhou and never left. In fact, Han Yu’s ideas didn’t just stay in Chaozhou. They spread all over China. People still read his books and study his thoughts.

1. According to the passage, why are there 51 steps leading to the temple?
A.To encourage visitors to climb the mountain.
B.To memorize Han Yu’s age a she reached Chaozhou.
C.To show that 51isa lucky number for Chaozhou.
D.To show the number of years Han Yu lived in Chouzhou.
2. In what order did the following events happen in Han Yu’s life?
a. Han Yu disagreed with what the emperor did.
b. Han Yu lost his parents and led a hard life.
c. People in Chaozhou learned from Han Yu’s teachings.
d. HanYu succeeded in the national exam.
e. HanYu was forced to move to Chaozhou.
3. What does “That punishment” in paragraph 4 refer to?
A.Han Yu was sent away to a faraway place.
B.Han Yu was sent to prison by the emperor.
C.Han Yu wasn’t an official anymore.
D.Han Yu wasn’t allowed to teach Confucianism.
4. What can we know about Han Yu from the passage?
A.The statue of Han Yu was built in order to welcome visitors.
B.He got the emperor angry by writing a poem.
C.He had a great influence on Chaozhou.
D.He never left Chaozhou since he arrived there.
昨日更新 | 4次组卷 | 1卷引用:2024年广东省广州市黄埔区中考一模英语试题
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2 . Du Fu, one of the greatest Chinese poets, is well-known in China.     1     Recently, the BBC’s (英国广播公司) one-hour documentary Du Fu: China’s Greatest Poet is spreading through the Internet.

The film introduces the great poet to Western audiences (观众). As the first English language documentary about Du, it compares him to Dante and Shakespeare, two of the greatest writers of the West.     2     Du was born in 712 and lived a hard life. Du never stopped writing, although life was difficult for him. Even though he never held a high position in the government, Du still cared about common people.     3    

The documentary explains why Du’s works have been popular for centuries. Chinese people really value the recording of history and Du is better than anyone at reflecting (反映) history in his poetry.     4    

Du’s 1,400 poems have been collected by Stephen Owen from the USA.     5     It is expected to help Du’s works reach more readers.

There is no doubt that Du is a cultural symbol of ancient China, but his brilliant (辉煌的) works and spirits have also inspired people abroad.

A.It also introduces the poet’s life experiences in detail.
B.However, Du has still been unknown in the Western world.
C.In his poems, he cared about his country as well as the people.
D.He spent eight years translating them into English and published a book.
E.That’s because the historical events were mirrored (反映) in his own life.
昨日更新 | 10次组卷 | 1卷引用:2024年河南省南阳市社旗县中考一模英语试题
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3 . 本题你将听到一篇短文。请你根据所听内容,完成下面的句子,并将获取的信息填到答题卡相应的位置上。每空一词

The World’s Youngest Woman Writer

NameBella J Dark

Birthplace    1    
Her first work: The Lost Cat●When Bella was     2    , she wrote her first book.
●She also drew and     3     the pictures in the book.
    4    , the book came out in January, 2022.
●The readers think this book is     5    .

完形填空(约130词) | 适中(0.65) |

4 . Jack London was a famous American writer. He was ________ on January 12, 1876, in San Francisco, California. Jack lived in a poor family, and he had to leave school to make money. He worked hard in many different jobs.

Later, Jack ________ to school, but he didn’t stay there long. He wrote, “Life and pocketbooks were both too short.” He wanted to take up something that would make his life different.

In 1897, he went to Alaska to look for gold. ________, he found ideas there for his books and stories. He went back home and started to work. His writings were so successful that he became rich and famous in his ________.

Jack London was not a happy man, however, long-term illnesses made him weak and sad. In poor ________, he took his own life in 1916. He was only 40 years old then.

A.ThereforeB.InsteadC.Of courseD.Unluckily
7日内更新 | 9次组卷 | 1卷引用:上海市华东师范大学第二附属中学2023-2024学年七年级下学期期中英语试题
任务型阅读-阅读表达 | 适中(0.65) |

5 . The 18-year-old American author, Juliette Turner, has published her third book for student readers. With her now novel, That’s Not Hay in My Hair, she has become a new star in the publishing industry.

After Juliette finished fourth grade in New York, she moved to a farm in Cooke County. Texas, with her mother. There she started a new life working with horses and cattle as a fresh writer. “Only my mother and I were living there.” Juliette said. “We had to break the thick ice on the trough (饮水槽) so that the animals could drink.”

Juliette’s mother, Janine Turner is a famous actress in the US. Life in Cooke County was not as attractive as the life she had lived before. But for young Juliette, the country life gave her a lot of food for thought to create her works .

That’s Not Hay in My Hair is unlike Juliette’s first two books. “Everything that happens in the book actually happened in the lives of my mum and me,” she said. “The adventures are hard to believe, but they all happened exactly as they’re described in the story.”

As Juliette is considering her coming college life, she hasn’t decided where she will spend the rest of her life, in a city or in the countryside.

“I will always be a country girl at heart,” she said. “I love the country life. It is where I feel peaceful and natural. For the moment, I have no idea where life is going to take me. But I will always return to the country and to my mum. It’s where my roots are.

1. Juliette isn’t a teenage writer, is she?
2. How many novels has Juliette published up to now?
3. Where did Juliette begin her writing life?
4. What’s Juliette’s mother?
5. Are the stories in That’s Not Hay in My Hair mainly imagined or based on real life?
6. What does Juliette probably mean by the last underlined sentence?
7日内更新 | 9次组卷 | 1卷引用:上海市进才中学北校2022-2023学年八年级下学期期中英语试题
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6 . 短文填空

Du Fu (712—770), one of     1     (great) poets in China, is familiar (熟悉的) to most of us. However, Du has remained largely unknown in the Western world.

The BBC’s one-hour documentary (纪录片) Du Fu: China’s Greatest Poet, introduces the Great poet to Western audiences. As the first English-language documentary about Du Fu, it compares     2     (he) to Dante and Shakespeare. British historian Michael Wood explores the     3     (poet) life in the film. He visits a number of places     4     (learn) about the amazing stories of the poet. The documentary explains     5     Du’s works have been popular for centuries. “Chinese people pay much attention to     6     (record) history and Du Fu is     7     (good) than anyone at reflecting history in his poetry,” said Zeng Xiangbo,    8    professor at Renmin University.

Known     9    China’s “saint of poetry (诗圣)”, Du Fu wrote about 1, 400 poems that are still with us today. Du Fu’s 1, 400 poems have been translated into English by Stephen Owen from America. He completed the eight-year-long project in 2016 and published a six-volume book. The book     10     (expect) to help Du’s works reach more readers now.

7日内更新 | 13次组卷 | 1卷引用:吉林省长春市二道区长春市第一〇八学校2023-2024学年九年级下学期4月月考英语试题
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7 . 阅读下面短文,根据上下文或括号内单词等提示,在空白处填入适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。

A poor young man went to Paris,     1     (expect) that his father’s friend could help him find a business for living.

“Are you good at maths?” his father’s friend asked him.

The young man     2     (shake) his head.

“How about your history?” “How about your law?”

The young man lowered his head sadly.

His father’s friend asked again and again, but the young man could only shake his head. He himself couldn’t find out any     3     (disadvantage).

“Then write down your address first.”

The young man wrote his address and turned to leave, but he     4     (stop) by his father’s friend. “Your name is written very     5     (beautiful), which is your advantage. You shouldn’t satisfy     6     (your) with finding a job for living”.

Many years later, the young man wrote the classical work that was well-known in the world. He was Alexandra Dumas (大仲马)—a famous French writer of the 18th century.

There are many ordinary persons in the world     7     all have many small advantages, but they can’t find them.     8     fact, there is a gold mine in every ordinary life.     9     you’re willing to dig, you will dig out     10     (treasure) that surprise yourself.

7日内更新 | 12次组卷 | 1卷引用:湖北省武汉二中广雅中学2023-2024学年九年级下学期课堂作业英语试题
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文章大意:本文主要介绍了Ernest Hemingway的生平。
8 . 语法填空

Ernest Hemingway is one of the most famous writers in the world. He was born     1     1899 in Oak Park, Illinois. Hemingway’s father taught him early on     2     to hunt and fish, two activities Hemingway loved in his life.

Instead of     3     (go) to college, Hemingway became a reporter for the Kansas City Star. Later, in Europe, he worked     4     a driver for the Italian army until he was wounded and shipped home, where he again wrote for newspapers. Two years later, he moved to Paris, where he hoped     5     (improve) his writing. There he became friends with other     6     (America) writers, including Gertrude Stein and F. Scott Fitzgerald.

Hemingway developed a style of writing that was simple and direct. He chose words sparingly (保守地), avoided     7     (use) adjectives, and trusted the reader to understand the     8     (mean) of his writing. As he said, “I always try     9     (write) on the principle (原则) of the iceberg (冰山). There is seven     10     (eight) of it under water for every part that shows.” This style continues to influence writers today.

7日内更新 | 21次组卷 | 1卷引用:2024年甘肃省武威市凉州区谢河九年制学校联片教研中考二模英语试题
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9 . 阅读下面短文,在空白处填入一个适当的词或括号内单词的正确形式。

Du Fu, one of the greatest poets in China, is familiar to most of us.     1    , Du has still been unknown in the Western world. Recently, the BBC’s one-hour documentary Du Fu: China’s Greatest Poet is spreading through the Internet.

The film introduces the great poet to Western audiences (观众). As the first English language documentary about Du, it compares     2     to Dante and Shakespeare, two of the greatest writers of the West. It also introduces the     3     (poet) life experiences in detail. Du was born in 712 and lived a hard life. Du never stopped     4     (write), although life was difficult for him. The documentary explains why Du’s works have been popular for centuries. Chinese people really value the recording of history and Du is     5     (good) than anyone at reflecting history in his poetry. That’s because     6     (history) events were mirrored in his own life.

Du’s 1,400 poems have been     7     (collect) by Stephen Owen from the USA. He spent eight years translating them     8     English and published a book. It is expected to help Du’s works reach more     9     (reader).

There is no doubt that Du is a cultural symbol of ancient China, but his brilliant works and spirits have inspired people     10     (deep) abroad.

7日内更新 | 21次组卷 | 1卷引用:2024年贵州省遵义市播州区中考二模英语试题
10 . A: Hi, Li Hua.     1    
B: Sure! It is beautiful! It seems to be flying above the lake.
A: Yes. And the 81st World Science Fiction Convention (大会) was held here from October 18 to 22.
B: Really?     2    
A: You are right.
B:     3    
A: Hai Ya won the Hugo Award (雨果奖) at the convention.     4    
B: Sounds great! I’m so happy that there are more and more successful Chinese writers.
A:     5     Many Chinese works are popular around the world.
B: Yes. Science fiction is becoming a bridge between China and the world.
A.I share your feeling.
B.More information about it?
C.It is one of the world’s largest sci-fi meetings.
D.Do you know Chengdu Science Fiction Museum?
E.The man became the third Chinese winner of the award.
7日内更新 | 3次组卷 | 1卷引用:四川省成都市青羊实验中学2023-2024学年九年级下学期3月月考英语试题
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