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陕西 九年级 一模 2024-03-12 230次 整体难度: 容易 考查范围: 主题、语篇、语法、短语辨析、词汇、单词辨析、语用

一、完形填空 添加题型下试题

完形填空(约230词) | 适中(0.65)

One day, Matt Porter found a wallet on the street in California, USA. Inside the wallet, there was a card and a photo of a young woman and __________ old man. He wanted to give back the wallet, but there was no address. He only saw the name on the card—Sara Calvo, and the name of __________ company. Matt went to the company, but Sara Calvo __________ work there anymore. No one at the company knew anything about her. Then he went online and found a Sara Calvo in Glendale. He called her, but the wallet wasn’t hers. He then put the wallet away __________ a box.

Two years later, Matt moved to Seattle for a new job. The wallet __________ by him. One day, he went to a bookstore. He saw a poster (海报) on the board. A writer named Sara Calvo was coming to the bookstore to give a lecture. Matt looked at the photo on the poster __________. It was his Sara Calvo! He __________ so happy and excited! The next day, he went to the bookstore and gave Sara Calvo the wallet.

__________ this?” Sara asked. She took out the photo and started __________. “This is my grandfather. It was my only photo of him. I thought it was lost! I had never thought __________ someday!” Matt replied, “It's a long story. Let's have a cup of coffee, and I'll tell you all about it.

A.carriesB.carriedC.is carriedD.was carried
A.Where did you findB.Where you found
C.Who did you findD.Who you found
A.forgetB.to forgetC.cryD.to cry
A.that could I get it backB.that I could get it back
C.what could I get it backD.what I could get it back
完形填空(约240词) | 适中(0.65)

Alex was a giraffe who lived in a zoo with his mom, dad and other giraffe friends. As Alex ___________, he found his neck was much shorter than the others. He began to get worried. But his mother told him that he was ___________. She said it did not matter how short or long his neck was.

Alex tried not to ___________ his short neck. But as his friends grew taller and taller, his neck stayed short. Sometimes the other giraffes laughed at him, but his parents told him not ___________. They said that he should be happy with himself the way he was. He tried, but he could not even ___________ in some giraffe sports. He was just too short.

One day, one of the zoo keepers came and took Alex away. Alex was frightened (害怕的). Would he have to leave the ___________ just because he didn’t have a long neck? The zoo keeper calmed Alex down and gave him some food. Alex felt ___________. Then he led Alex into another area of the zoo. There was a small door between the two areas. Alex was the only giraffe that could fit through it.

Soon Alex’s parents came to see him. “I told you that you were special,” his ___________ said. “The zoo has made a place just for you ___________ so many people want to see how special you are!” She was right. Visitors pointed to him and screamed (尖叫) excitedly. They looked ____________ to see something so special at the zoo.

A.look forB.get upC.think aboutD.put on
2024-03-11更新 | 56次组卷 | 1卷引用:2024年陕西省咸阳市武功县中考一模英语试题

二、阅读理解 添加题型下试题

阅读理解-单选(约130词) | 适中(0.65)
Different Weather in the World
Table of Contents (目录)
I: Special Weather
Part 1: The World’s Hottest Weather.............3
Part 2: The World’s Coldest Weather.............33
Part 3: The World’s Wettest Weather.............69
Part 4: The World’s Driest Weather.............95
II: Terrible Weather
Part 5: Terrible Wind.............123
Part 6: Snow Storm and Other Kinds of Storms.............147
Part 7: City Floods (洪水).............179
Part 8: Lightning.............201
III: Strange Weather
Part 9: Pink Snow and Other Colorful Weather.............225
Part 10: It’s Raining Cats and Dogs!.............253
Part 11: The Black Cloud.............255
Part 12: Beautiful Rainbow.............267
IV: How to Face Terrible Weather.
Part 13: Prepare Well for Terrible Weathe.............284
Part 14: Keep Cool and Don’t Be Afraid.............290
Part 15: Plant More Trees.............301
Part 16: Be Friendly to Our Nature.............308

21. ________is most likely to be on Page 50.
A.Something about spring temperatureB.Something about winter temperature
C.Something about autumn temperatureD.Something about summer temperature
22. Where can you find something about the snow storm?
A.On Page 3.B.On Page 33.C.On Page 147.D.On Page 301.
23. If you want to know how to face terrible weather, you should read Chapter ________.
2024-03-12更新 | 38次组卷 | 1卷引用:2024年陕西省咸阳市武功县中考一模英语试题
阅读理解-单选(约230词) | 较易(0.85)

Fights at school sometimes happen. But how can you keep away from a fight? Here’s something you can do.

Be calm. Sometimes, you feel so angry that you really want to teach somebody a lesson. But being everyone involved in (卷入) a fight will be punished, no matter who started it. There are no winners in a fight.

           . If you know someone is coming up behind you to attack (袭击), turn toward the person with your hands up in front of your body and loudly say “stop” before walking away. Loud voice can usually make the attacker calm down. If the person doesn’t stop, cry for help by calling out the name of a teacher whose office is nearby.

Learn to refuse. Your friend may ask you to join in a fight. Learn to say no. Helping him fight is not really helpful to him. If you really want to give him a hand, try to ask him to give it up. Also, you can tell him if he gets involved in a fight, he may get hurt and be punished. Then, try to learn why he wants a fight and help him find a right way to resolve the problem.

24. The underlined place “★” should be “_________”.
A.Face bravelyB.Join in a fightC.Shout loudlyD.Learn from each other
25. The underlined word “resolve” probably means “_________” in the text.
A.deal withB.look afterC.turn onD.communicate with
26. The passage is written to _________.
A.warn students not to fightB.advise students to help each other
C.help students keep away from fightsD.explain how fights at school happen
2024-03-12更新 | 29次组卷 | 1卷引用:2024年陕西省咸阳市武功县中考一模英语试题
阅读理解-单选(约320词) | 适中(0.65)

Have you ever seen a train that is hung in the air? Such a train has appeared in Chengdu already.

The train is powered by lithium batteries (锂电池) instead of electricity. It is not only energy-saving but also environmentally friendly compared to other trains. Each coach (车厢) will be able to carry up to 120 passengers.

The train has done its test without any problem a short time ago. But further tests will be done to check the train’s ability to turn and climb up the tracks before it can be open to the public.

Chengdu is the first city in our country to build such a train system, and Shanghai will also open one this year. Shanghai started plans for its “Skytrain” in 2015.

The “Skytrain” in Shanghai will run above the ground at a height of around six meters. The columns (柱) which will support the railway will be just 80 cm wide. The columns are so narrow that they could even be built in the green belt in the middle of the road. The train Shanghai plans to use will have just four coaches, and each coach will hold 70 passengers. The train will run at around 30 kilometers per hour. It will be a little slower than the city’s subway trains, which run between 30 and 40 kilometers per hour.

“Skytrain” would cost about 120 to 150 million yuan to build. Developers said the train system will carry around 15, 000 passengers every hour. The space-saving train system would run silently through the city.

27. What test will be done?
A.The train’s largest speed.
B.The train’s ability to carry passengers.
C.The distance the train can run without stopping.
D.The train’s ability to turn and climb up the tracks.
28. How many passengers can such a train in Shanghai carry?
29. Compared to other trains, what are the advantages of this new kind of train?
①running very fast       ②saving energy       ③saving space       ④ little noise
⑤environmentally friendly       ⑥carrying more passengers
30. The passage mainly tells us ________.
A.the advantages of a new kind of train
B.the cost of building a new kind of train
C.a new kind of train and its development in China
D.the number of passengers that different kinds of trains can carry
2024-03-12更新 | 51次组卷 | 1卷引用:2024年陕西省咸阳市武功县中考一模英语试题
阅读理解-七选五(约190词) | 适中(0.65)

Our eyes have never been under as much strain (压力) as they are today. What can we do to keep our eyes healthy?

    31    . We usually open and close our eyes about 10 to 15 times a minute. When we work at a screen or read, we forget to blink enough. Not only does this lead to discomfort in our eyes, but also it makes us tired and can even cause headaches.

We spend hours staring at a computer, a smartphone or other screens, which overtire the eyes and can cause them to become dry and sore.     32    . Look at something about 20 feet away for 20 seconds.

Just like the rest of our body, our eyes need fresh air too.     33    . During the winter, many offices are heated, which dries out the air. If you stay in such offices for a long time, you should remember to get fresh air out the room. Just give your eyes a rest.

Drink two to three liters of water every day to make sure that the eyes receive enough moisture (水分) they need. Getting enough sleep also makes our eyes feel better.     34    .

Get your eyes checked regularly (定期).     35    . There are suitable glasses for everyone, no matter what our needs are.

A.And choose glasses that suit your special needs
B.Be sure to blink (眨眼) your eyes often
C.It is important for students to protect their eyes
D.A walk outside can help relax overtired eyes
E.Seven to eight hours of sleep per night is enough
F.To have a bright future, you have to work harder
G.Rest your eyes by taking a break every 20 minutes

三、完成句子 添加题型下试题

完成句子-根据汉语提示补全句子 | 较易(0.85)
36. 多吃蔬菜和水果有助于人们保持健康。
Eating more ________ and fruits helps people to keep healthy.
完成句子-根据汉语提示补全句子 | 适中(0.65)
37. 看!许多男学生正在操场上打篮球。
Look! Many schoolboys are _________ on the playground.
完成句子-根据汉语提示补全句子 | 较易(0.85)
38. 老师总是耐心地回答我们的问题。
The teacher is always _________ to answer our questions.
完成句子-根据汉语提示补全句子 | 适中(0.65)
39. 三名航天员被安全地送到了太空站。
Three astronauts were _________ to the space station.
完成句子-根据汉语提示补全句子 | 较易(0.85)
40. 春节期间,大唐不夜城成为最受欢迎的景点之一。
Grand Tang Dynasty Ever-bright City became one of _________ attractions during the Spring Festival.

四、选词填空 添加题型下试题

选词填空-短文 | 适中(0.65)

find       balloon       be       stop       ask       give       they       good       excited       can

One day, 50 people were taking part in a speech. The speaker was     41     a speech about happiness. However, after a few hours, people gradually lost their attention. The speaker came up with an idea. He     42     his speech and asked all of the people to take part in a group activity.

He gave a single balloon to each person in the room. Each person was     43     to write his or her name on the balloon with a black marker. Then, all of the     44     were collected and moved to another room.

The 50 people were then let into the room and told to find the balloon that had their names written on it. Everyone rushed around     45     looking for their balloon here and there. But people were bumping into and tripping (绊倒) over each other.

After five minutes of searching, no one     46     find their own balloon.

After seeing this, the speaker asked each person to collect a balloon and try to     47     the person whose name was written on it. Everyone started talking to each other and asking each other for     48     names. Within minutes, everyone had his or her own balloon. “Can you see what happened?” the speaker said. “The balloons     49     like the happiness we want in our own lives. Everyone is busy looking for their own happiness, not caring what happens to others. But sometimes the     50     way to find happiness is to help others. Help them find happiness and you can find your own.”

五、任务型阅读 添加题型下试题

任务型阅读-补全句子(约310词) | 适中(0.65)

Have you ever dreamed of travelling all the way over the rainbow? Well, it’s easier than you think. All you need to do is to book a plane ticket to Rainbow Mountain in Peru (秘鲁).

Rainbow Mountain is a beautiful natural wonder. It lies in the Andes in Cusco. As its name suggests, the mountain has different colours.

But why is it in yellow, green, red and purple? The reason is the ice that covered the area centuries ago. When it started to melt, the water mixed with the minerals (矿物质) in the ground and turned the earth into many colours.

If you plan your trip to the mountain, try to go during warmer months when there is less rain or snow. Rain or snow makes the climbing tougher and the colours will look less beautiful. The best time is from March to November, when there are blue skies and pleasant weather. At the same time, visit it in the morning or evening, either right after sunrise or right before sunset. Very sunny days may make you not take nice photos.

To get to Rainbow Mountain, you should first travel to Cusco-a province in the south of Peru. Then you can take a drive to Qesoyuno. From there you can start the journey on foot. It takes about a two-or-three-hour walk to the top. This is realy the best way, but it is very challenging. Because the mountain sits at a very high altitude (海拔) about 5, 200 meters above the sea level. So bring enough water and take your time.

51. How does the writer start the passage?
The writer starts the passage by ________.
52. What does the underlined word “It” refer to in the second paragraph?
It refers to “________”.
53. Which English word in the passage means “融化”?
It’s “________”.
54. Why is walking to the top very challenging?
Because ________.
55. What’s the main purpose of this passage?
The main purpose of this passage is to ________.

六、补全对话 添加题型下试题

补全对话-填写句子 | 适中(0.65)
A: Hi, Xue Tao!     56    ?
B: I’ve been to Beijing to visit my uncle these days.
A: That’s great! But you look sad.     57    ?
B: It’s because of my English. There are many foreigners there. One of them wanted to say something with me, but I’m too nervous to say a word.
A: What a pity!     58    ?
B: I’ve learned English for two and a half years. You know sometimes feel like giving it up.
A: Oh, never give up. It’s so important! English is widely spoken now.
B: I know that. But could you give me some advice on how to learn oral English well?
A:     59    . You should practice more often. Speak English with your best friends at first. And then try to speak it in class. I think your oral English will be improved a lot.
B: Thanks, I’ll have a try!
A:     60    .

七、书面表达 添加题型下试题

书面表达-电子邮件 | 适中(0.65)

61. 假如你是李华,你校计划举办感受中国传统文化的活动。请你结合以下提示,给交换生Jim写一封英文电子邮件,邀请他前来参加。

1. 参考提示内容,可适当发挥;
2. 语句通顺,意思连贯,书写工整;
3. 文中不得出现任何真实信息(姓名、校名和地名等);
4. 词数:不少于70词。(开头已给出,但不计入总词数)
Dear Jim,

I heard that you are a fan of Chinese culture.



Li Hua



试卷题型(共 15题)





细目表分析 导出

题号 难度系数 详细知识点 备注
21-230.65描绘天气  其他语篇单选
24-260.85青少年问题  说明文  意见/建议单选
27-300.65交通/运输  科学技术  说明文单选
370.65play basketball  动词短语  表示正在进行的动作根据汉语提示补全句子
390.65safely  一般过去时的被动语态  副词修饰动词根据汉语提示补全句子
400.85one of the+最高级+名词复数根据汉语提示补全句子
41-500.65哲理感悟  叙事忆旧短文
51-550.65自然景观  说明文补全句子
56-600.65学习策略  介绍填写句子
共计 平均难度:一般