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题型:任务型阅读-阅读表达 难度:0.65 引用次数:90 题号:10531394

The Earth Is Getting Greener

NASA has got some good news for us. The world is a greener place today than it was 20 years ago. How does this happen? Well, it appears China and India are leading the change.

NASA researchers compared satellite data(卫星数据) from the mid-1990s to today. They found that the whole world’s green leaf area had increased by 5% since the early 2000s. That’s about the same area as the whole Amazon rain forest. At first, the researchers were unsure what caused the large increase in greening around the planet. After further study, they found that greening was mostly in China and India.

China and India have the world’s biggest population. In the past, they were considered to have harmed the environment seriously. But the two countries have made the largest greening of the planet exist in the past twenty years.

The tree-planting programmes in both countries have made huge contributions to the whole world’s greening trend(趋势). China has carried out the programmes to protect forests and make them larger. These programmes were developed to keep soil in place to reduce air pollution and so on. India continues to break world records in tree planting. It was reported that 800,000 Indians planted 50 million trees in one day in 2016.

The greening trend has also caused by intensive(集中的) agriculture in both countries. Both countries have greatly increased food pollution in order to feed their large populations.

However, the researchers warned that we should not be happy with the situation. Some of the natural green leaf areas in the earth are getting smaller at the same time. The gain in global greenness does not offset(抵消) the losses.

1. How much had the whole world’s green leaf area increased since the early 2000s?
2. According to the passage, what has made the whole world’s greening trend happen?
3. Do you think the environment in Suzhou will get better? Why or why not?


任务型阅读-阅读填表(约350词) | 适中 (0.65)
     While dogs are the most popular household pets, cats run a close second. Cats are not often noticed by people choosing a new four-legged friend. An animal expert explains why they make fantastic friends.

Cats VS Dogs

It seems that many people likes dogs better than cats. Often people who grew up with dogs find it difficult to imagine(想象)owning and loving cats. But they can be surprised to learn how friendly and responsive cats are.

Good points of keeping cats

Cats are always in small size. They can be a great pet choice for people with limited space and busy lifestyles. They don’t have the exercise requirements(需求)like dogs. Moreover, they are quiet and clean, and they can be happy to be left alone indoors. Cats can be very playful and interactive(互动的)with children and offer them chances(机会)to learn to care for another living being.

Keeping dogs and cats together

Dogs and cats can become great friends, especially(尤其)if they are raised at the same time. They can become friends with each other. The younger, the better.

Help to decide

If you never actually own the cat, but are thinking of it, talk to cat owners or offer to help a cat owner. You could go to an animal center and play with cats. It helps decide if you might enjoy their companionship(陪伴). You may be surprised to find how wonderful cats really are.

    1     for keeping cats as pets


Cats are the second most popular household pets.
There are     2     cat lovers than dog lovers.
It is     3     for people growing up with dogs to own and love cats.


Like dogs, cats are also     4     and responsive friends.
Compared with dogs, cats are quieter and     5    .


Cats are fit for people     6     enough space in their houses.
Cats don’t need as much     7     as dogs do, and they like to be at home alone.
Children can learn to take     8     of cats by playing with them.
The earlier owners raise cats and dogs together, the more     9     they can make friends with each other.

Ways to help make a


Talk with or help cat owners.
Visit an animal centre and spend some time with cats.

2022-05-18更新 | 269次组卷
任务型阅读-阅读表达(约220词) | 适中 (0.65)
文章大意:本文主要讲述了小男孩Otto和乌鸦 Russell之间的友谊。

【推荐2】Millions of hearts were touched when Laerke Luna shared on the Internet this truly special relationship between her 2-year-old son Otto and a wild crow (乌鸦) named Russell. It all started last year in August, the family couldn’t find the little crow’s parents around, so they decided to raise the poor little bird and named him Russell.

“Russell is a wild bird, and he doesn’t stay with the family all the time, but when Otto is outside, he is always with him,” says Laerke. “They have a special relationship,” she adds. And in fact, in all of the shared videos, we can see Russell follows 2-year-old Otto patiently no matter where the little kid goes or what he does.

It’s important to mention here that crows are thought very social and smart according to the study. They remember things very well and know how to use tools (工具). Some scientists say that crows are as smart as a seven-year-old child. So, it’s not so surprising that Russell is so happy to be with Otto and is so connected to this loving family.

Otto and Russell’s friendship shows that where there is care and attention, there’s true love and pure (纯粹的) joy.

1. Why did the family raise Russell? (不超过10个词)
2. What are crows like according to the study? (不超过5个词)
3. What can we learn from the friendship between Otto and Russell? (不超过15个词)
2024-07-25更新 | 29次组卷
任务型阅读-阅读表达(约260词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐3】A woman called Oakes loves her pet so much that she doesn’t go anywhere without her. It sounds a little crazy. But 34-year-old Oakes always stays together with her hen named Kippee when she travels around.

While many people like dogs, Oakes takes her pet hen everywhere she goes. And best of all, she gets free eggs for breakfast. It’s the best part. You can’t get any fresher, says Oakes.

Oakes has been with the hen since last May. Oakes took Kippee home after meeting her at the Wild Bird Fund when she was just a chick (小鸡). Kippee was an Easter   (复活节) gift but her last owner abandoned (抛弃) her after the holiday. “She jumped up onto my arm and she was so comfortable there, She chose me.” Oakes says.

Kippee travels around and draws attention. “We’re so disconnected (脱节) from farm and forest life here in New York City,” Oakes says. “So she’s a great tool for me to teach other people.”

Oakes thinks Kippee should play with other hens instead of always staying with her. She has recently raised $3,500 to build a chicken coop (鸡笼) at a nearby community center. “It’ll be good for her and she will feel happy.” says Oakes.

Oakes has also made her house a green house with more than 700 plants. It is like the nature inside.

So Kippee enjoys her time living there.

1. Is Oakes’ pet a hen?
2. How long has Oakes been with Kippee?
3. What has Oakes done to let Kippee enjoy living there?
4. Do you like keeping a hen as a pet? Why or why not?
2024-06-12更新 | 31次组卷
共计 平均难度:一般