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题型:阅读理解-单选 难度:0.4 引用次数:196 题号:1651913
Many parents like setting family rules for their kids. When kids break rules, parents will give them some punishments, which aren’t included in rules. In fact, when you tell your kids about a new rule, you should talk with them about the price they should pay for breaking the rule — what the punishment will be.
Punishments you set should be reasonable, without violence or threat (暴力或威胁). For example, if you find your son smoking, you may limit his social activities for two weeks. You should punish your kids only in ways you have discussed before the rule is broken. A study shows that the most popular punishment is to limit kids’ TV time.
It’s understandable that you’ll be angry when rules are broken. Punishment is a way to express your anger, but it’s not a very good one. Sharing your feelings of anger, disappointment or sadness with your kids can have a better effect (效果) on them. Try to do that. When your kids know what they have done has made you sad, they will feel compunctious. When they know their actions influence you greatly, they will obey rules better.
Rules are made to help your kids behave better. If your rules or ways of punishment make them unhappy or under a lot of pressure, are they helpful?
1. What’s the passage mainly about?
A.How to make rules.B.Why to make rules.
C.Why to punish kids.D.How to educate kids.
2. Which of the following is the most popular way to punish kids?
A.Beating them.
B.Telling them empty threats.
C.Limiting their TV time.
D.Using punishments which are not mentioned in rules.
3. In the writer’s opinion, which is thought to be the best way to express anger to kids?
A.Punishing them.
B.Keeping silent.
C.Asking them to do some housework.
D.Telling them how disappointed you are.
4. The underlined word “compunctious” in the passage means “       ” in Chinese.
5. Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage?
A.Punishment is the best way to educate kids.
B.Breaking rules is common, so we don’t need to pay too much attention to it.
C.Parents set ways of punishment in order to make kids know the price for breaking rules.
D.More pressure should be given to kids.
【知识点】 教育


阅读理解-单选(约430词) | 较难 (0.4)

【推荐1】Many parents have heard the term “social-emotional development,” but what does it mean? Put simply, it refers to the gradual growth of children’s ability to “experience, manage and express” their feelings, build relationships and explore their environment. “It’s understanding how our bodies and minds feel and think in relationship to the world around us,” says Dr. Mary Hadley, who has spent 15 years helping adults and children communicate.


Social-emotional development changes as a child grows. A mother providing a feeling of safety for her baby begins the child’s process of healthy social-emotional development. As children enter school, they develop the ability to control their emotions and work well with others. Just as children never give up learning, social-emotional development doesn’t stagnate.

In primary school, students get themselves involved in play-based skills, learn to express themselves and practice empathy(共情) for others. Development in middle school looks similar, Hadley says. “We can help students to understand that everyone experiences emotions, both good and bad. And the way their bodies and minds feel will affect their social communication.” she says. Yet, while middle-schoolers can express their feelings, they also sometimes hide their thoughts, Roberson-Moore says. This can raise some challenges. “At the high school level, relationships with groups become very important,” says Kelly Oriard, a family expert(专家). As teenagers understand where they fit in the world, it is normal and healthy for them to build relationships outside of their family.

Building Social-Emotional Skills at Home

When it comes to social-emotional development, parents are a primary resource for children, and experts say there are many ways to help.

First, share your feelings with your children, and accept their feelings as well, Hadley says. For example, you can say to a shouting child, “Your voice is loud. You must be very mad that it’s time to turn off the TV.” Second, prioritize(优先考虑) family time. Even as children grow older, they can benefit from family time. Eating meals or working on a project together can open up time for conversation, which support your child’s emotional health. Third, encourage your children’s interests. You may not join in their football practice, but try to listen and take interest in the activities they value. This can lead to a healthy connection. “Raising healthy children truly takes a village,” Hadley says. “School teachers and social workers are also wonderful resources.”

1. Which could be the best heading for Paragraphs 2 & 3?
A.How Social-Emotional Development Helps
B.When Social-Emotional Development Changes
C.Why Social-Emotional Development Matters in Daily Life
D.What Social-Emotional Development Looks Like over Time
2. Which of the following might Mary Hadley agree?
A.Prioritizing our time is part of social-emotional development.
B.Raising healthy children needs lots of efforts and resources.
C.Children prefer hiding their feelings to expressing directly.
D.Relationships with groups are important at primary level.
3. What does the underlined word “stagnate” in Paragraph 2 probably mean?
4. Why does the writer write this passage?
A.To advise teachers to understand their students better.
B.To encourage children to learn more social skills at school.
C.To offer experts some ideas to solve social-emotional problems.
D.To help parents know more about social-emotional development.
2023-10-13更新 | 120次组卷
阅读理解-单选(约160词) | 较难 (0.4)

【推荐2】American schools begin in September after a long summer holiday. There are two terms(学期) in a school year. The first term is from September to January, and the second term is from February to June. Most American children begin to go to school when they are five years old. Most children are seventeen or eighteen years old when they finish high school(高中).

High school students take only five or six subjects each term. They usually go to the same class every day, and they have homework for every class. After class, they do a lot of interesting things. After high school, many students go to colleges(大学). They usually have to pay(付款) a lot of money. So many college students work after class to get money for their studies.

1. American schools begin in_________.
2. When an Amrican boy is five years old, he_________.
A.has to stay at homeB.can go to high school
C.begins to go to schoolD.always plays at home
3. In American high school students__________after class.
A.do the homeworkB.go to work
C.play basketballD.do many interesting things
4. In order to (为了)_________, many American college students work after class.
A.help their parentsB.get money for their studies
C.help othersD.learn some useful things
5. Which of the following is TRUE?
A.High school students have homework for every class.
B.American students have three terms in a year.
C.High school students take seven subjects each term.
D.American students don’t like to go to school.
2019-03-29更新 | 106次组卷
阅读理解-单选(约270词) | 较难 (0.4)

【推荐3】The discussion on “textbooks vs. computers” has been going on for years. How much technology is enough in the classroom?Should textbooks be replaced (取代) by computers?

There is no doubt that computers are powerful tools. Computer-based lesson plans are updated in real time. New information can be added as soon as changes take place. Students can find the latest information on the subjects they are studying. With computers, students can learn how to use them for the rest of their lives. Today, computers are used in almost all areas. Students can prepare themselves better for the future if they have computers.

However, despite these advantages, I think textbooks must stay.

With textbooks, it is easier for students to take notes. Scientists have found that taking notes by hand helps students learn more.

Textbooks are also less expensive than computers. While most families can afford textbooks, not all of them can afford a computer. Every student should be allowed to learn what he needs to learn. It’s wrong to rob a student of his right (权利) to learn just because he can’t afford the material.

Computers are playing an important role in education. They allow students to learn more. However, I don’t think they can replace textbooks. If students want to learn well, they must use textbooks. Do you agree with me?

1. Which is not mentioned when the writer talks about computers are powerful tools?
A.New information can be added as soon as changes take place.
B.Students can find the latest information on the subjects they are studying.
C.With computers, students can learn how to learn English well.
D.Students can prepare themselves better for the future.
2. What of the following has the same meaning with the underlined word in the passage?
A.We should lay stress on the learning of update knowledge.
B.It’s about time we updated our computer system.
C.Face to updated information, they must take more challenges.
D.They are trying to use new technology to update the old factory.
3. To show the textbooks must stay, the writer gives us ________ reasons.
4. What is Not true according to the passage?
A.Computers are used in all areas.
B.Computers are more expensive than textbooks.
C.Computers are powerful tools.
D.Computers are playing an important role in education.
5. From which is the text most probably taken?
A.A geography textbook.
B.A health magazine.
C.A story book.
D.A science magazine.
2022-01-24更新 | 33次组卷
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