组卷网 > 初中英语综合库 > 主题 > 人与自我 > 方法与哲理 > 意见/建议
题型:读写综合 难度:0.65 引用次数:29 题号:18059460


Bill’s test results
Math       A
Chinese       B
English       C
Physics       A
P. E.       D
Head teacher’s comments(评价):
You’re one of the most hard-working students in class. It’s clear you’re talented in science and math. You may possibly be a(n) _______ in the future. But you still need to _______, too. Good luck to you!
2. ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
【知识点】 意见/建议 考试/竞赛


读写综合(约630词) | 适中 (0.65)
Can you take care of yourself while you are alone at home?
Readers sent us hundreds of emails after we put Dr Rowan’s article Can You Take Care of Yourself on the website.
I have a big family. There are three boys and three girls in my family. I was born in 2000. When I was ten, I learned to look after myself. Now I can cook delicious meals. When my parents are out, I cook meals for the family. After dinner, I do the dishes.
                                                                         —by Linda, New York
I’m the only child in my family. My father is a teacher and my mother is a nurse. They want me to attend a good university in Beijing and be a doctor when I grow up. They do almost everything for me.
Actually, they manage every minute of my life. So I can’t look after myself if they leave me alone at home.
                                                                      —by Li Ming, Guangzhou
I have learned to look after myself and my parents as well. One day, when I went back home, no one was in. So I cooked the meal. I didn’t know my mother was ill until she came back from the hospital with my father. When they saw the meal, they felt very happy.
                                                                              —by Betty, London
In the past, when my parents were out on business, they would leave me a lot of money and ask me to have dinner at restaurants. Now I think I have grown up, so it’s time for me to learn to look after myself. I plan to learn cooking next week.
                                                                                  —by Tony, Paris
1. What is the name of Dr Rowan’s article?
2. When did Linda learn to look after herself?
3. What is the job that Li Ming’s parents want him to do?
4. Which city does Betty come from?
5. How many people can take care of themselves in the passage?
6. 书面表达



Today many students can’t take good care of themselves when they are alone at home.

2023-06-09更新 | 14次组卷
读写综合(约210词) | 适中 (0.65)
【推荐2】读写综合   阅读回答问题。

Xiao Lan was a 15-year-old student in Zhuanghua Middle School. Last Friday, when she was riding home after school, a man suddenly jumped out from the roadside and stopped her. The man ordered her to give him all the money, the cell phone and the bike. Xiao Lan did so. Then the man rode the bike to run away quickly with her money and cell phone. Xiao Lan was really frightened, and she didn’t run after the man. She found a telephone and called the police at 110.

At that time, she remembered what her teacher told her in a self-protection lesson. She thanked her teacher for giving her such a lesson before so that she could deal with this problem in the right way. According to a survey, about 10 thousand teenagers died in all kinds of accidents in China every year. If each school has self-protection classes and first-aid classes, there will be fewer students who died in the accidents.

1. How old was Xiao Lan?
2. What did the man order Xiao Lan to give him?
3. What did Xiao Lan do after the man ran away?
4. Who did Xiao Lan thank for giving her the self-protection class?
5. How many teenagers died in all kinds of accidents in China every year?
6. 书面表达


1. 不要独自下水游泳;
2. 外出时要遵守交通规矩,上街要走人行道 (sidewalk),不闯红灯等;
3. 遇到危险时要保持镇静,并寻求帮助。
1. 不能照抄原文,不得在作文中出现学校真实的名称和学生的真实姓名;
昨日更新 | 1次组卷
读写综合(约280词) | 适中 (0.65)
【推荐3】A. 回答问题

There is a school meeting on environment problems in Yuying International School. Many students give speeches according to their researches.

Yumiko, a 13-year-old boy, is from Japan. He finds the haze(雾霾) is getting more and more serious in Japan. More and more people cough and get skin problems and eye problems. He advises us not to exercise in the open air. And open the window at noon or at night for a while.

Li Xiang lives in Hangzhou, China. He took part in an activity and it aimed to make people think more about the use of plastic bags in life. He thought the activity was wonderful and he said, “If we do nothing about the white pollution, it will cause more deaths of sea animals. And human beings will become ‘plastic men’.”

May, an American girl, reads a new study recently. It’s said that nearly 80 percent people in North America can’t see the Milky Way(银河)because of light pollution. The most seriously light-polluted country in the world is Singapore. Too much light has a direct effect on human’s eyes. It can also destroy people’s sleep cycle. What’s more, it also affects wild animals. She hopes the government will do something to solve this problem.

1. How is the problem of haze in Japan?
2. When can we open the window according to Yumiko?
3. What’s the problem in Li Xiang’s city?
4. How many people in North America can’t see the Milky Way?
5. Which country is the most seriously light-polluted?
6. 假如你是李华,是一名学生。为大力推进生态文明建设,你所在的城市正开展以“绿色生活,美丽家园”为主题的宣传月活动。请你以“Build green and beautiful hometown together”为主题,写一篇英语演讲稿,呼吁大家爱护环境、保护生态,建设美丽家园。

1. 不能照抄原文;不得在作文中出现学校的真实名称和学生的真实姓名。
2. 语句连贯,词数80个左右。作文的开头已给出,不计入总词数,也不必抄写在答题卡上。
Hello, everyone!

I’m Li Hua, a student from No.1 High School. Today I’d like to share my opinions on “Build green and beautiful hometown together”. ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

2022-12-11更新 | 85次组卷
共计 平均难度:一般