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题型:阅读理解-单选 难度:0.4 引用次数:74 题号:19109151

More than 50, 000, 000 people live in the rainforests of the world and most of them do not hurt the forest they live in. They eat the fruits that grow on the forest trees, but they do not cut them down. They kill some animals to eat, but they do not destroy them.

When we cut down the rainforests, we destroy these forest people, too. In 1900, there were 1, 000, 000 forest people in the Amazon forest. In 1980, there were only 200, 000.

The Yanomami live along the rivers of the rainforest in the north of Brazil (巴西). They have lived in the rainforest for about 10, 000 years and they use more than 2, 000 different plants for food and for medicine. But in 1988, someone found gold in their forest, and suddenly 45, 000 people came to the forest and began looking for gold. They cut down the forest to make roads. They made more than a hundred airports. The Yanomami people lost land and food. Many died because new diseases came to the forest with the strangers.

The Yanomami people tried to save their forest, because it was their home. But the people who wanted gold were stronger.

Many forest people try to save their forests. Chico Mendes was famous in Brazil because he wanted to keep the forest for his people. “I want the Amazon forest to help all of us—forest people, Brazil, and all the Earth,” he said. A few months later, in December 1988, people who wanted to cut down the forest killed Chico Mendes.

In Borneo, people were cutting down the forest of the Penan people to sell the wood. The Penan people tried to save their rainforest. They made blockades (障碍) across the roads into the forest. In 1987, they closed fifteen roads for eight months. No one cut down any trees during that time.

In Panama, the Kuna people saved their forest. They made a forest park which tourists pay to visit.

The Gavioes people of Brazil use the forest, but they protect it as well. They find and sell the Brazil nuts (坚果) which grow on the forest trees.

1. The people who ________ have destroyed the rainforest of the Yanomami.
A.pick fruits and kill animals to eatB.use plants for food and medicine
C.have lived there for about ten thousand yearsD.made the roads and the airports
2. Those people built roads and airports in order to ________.
A.carry away the gold convenientlyB.make people there live a better life
C.stop spreading the new diseasesD.develop the tourism (旅游) there
3. Which of the following is wrong?
A.The Penan people closed 15 roads with blockades to save their forests.
B.The Penan people were cutting down the trees to sell the wood.
C.The Penan people didn’t want other people to destroy their forest.
D.Those who wanted to cut down the trees were stopped at the road blockades.
4. In Panama, visitors have to ________ before they enter the forest park of the Kuna people.
A.buy Brazil nutsB.plants treesC.pay for the ticketsD.pay for the gold
5. From the passage, we learn that_________.
A.we need wood to build houses, so we have to cut down trees
B.the rainforest people have done something to protect their home
C.to humans, gold is more important than trees
D.we mustn’t cut down any trees or kill any animals


阅读理解-单选(约310词) | 较难 (0.4)
【推荐1】Probably you have seen photos of the Grand Canyon, the great valley in the desert country of Arizona.But you must go there yourself to feel its true size and beauty.The Grand Canyon is one of the greatest natural wonders of the world.
The Colorado River formed the Grand Canyon over millions of years.Slowly, the river cut down through hard rock.At the same time, the land was rising.Today the canyon is 1.5 kilometres deep and 445 kilometres long.The oldest rocks at the bottom of the canyon are more than 1 billion years old.The width varies from about 200 metres to 29 kilometres across.The rim or top of the canyon is about 2,300 metres above sea level on the South Rim, and about 3,000 metres on the other side,the North Rim.As a result, there are different kinds of plants and animals on opposite sides of the canyon.The South Rim is dry desert country.The North Rim has tall forests.
The canyon looks different at different times of day, and in different seasons and weather.At sunrise and sunset,the red, gold, brown and orange colours of the rocks are especially clear and bright.In winter, the canyon is partly covered with snow.
The view from the South Rim of the Grand Canyon is the best.Most visitors come here and stay in campgrounds or hotels.Every point along the canyon's edge offers a different view.
The North Rim of the canyon is quieter.It takes all day to drive there from the South Rim because there is only one bridge across the Colorado River.On the way, you go through Navaho Indian Land, and a colourful pink desert called “The Painted Desert”.
1. The best way to feel the true beauty of the Grand Canyon is to________.
A.see its photographs
B.listen to the report about it
C.watch its introduction on TV
D.go there yourself and visit it
2. According to the second paragraph, ________.
A.the Grand Canyon has a short history
B.its size never changed in the history
C.the Grand Canyon was formed by the earthquake
D.you can enjoy different scenery on different sides of the canyon
3. From the passage we know that the ________ of the canyon is different at different times.
4. If you want to have a visit to the Grand Canyon, you'd better go to ________.
A.the North RimB.the South Rim
C.the bottomD.Navaho Indian Land
2018-09-29更新 | 220次组卷
阅读理解-单选(约260词) | 较难 (0.4)

【推荐2】Expressway-helps get more interesting news. Here is some.


Mountaintop becomes smaller

The southern top of Sweden’s tallest mountain Kebnekaise, has become smaller by two meters in one year because of ice turning into water. It is 2,094 meters high above sea level, its shortest-ever height. Experts say this is caused by warmer weather.

Hallstatt, Austria

Ancient poo(粪便)shows diet of cheese and beer

Some 2, 700-year-old poo from a salt mine(矿)in the town of Hallstatt, in Austria, shows that people enjoyed blue cheese and beer at the time. The finding has surprised the scientists who studied the poo because no one thought people at that time knew how to make cheese. It is the earliest example of people in Europe making cheese.

Missouri, US

1,000-year-old art is sold at auction(拍卖)

The 1,000-year-old Native American artwork from a hole in the Missouri, US is sold. The hole has more than 290 drawings on its walls. The Osage Nation, a Native American tribe(土著部落), said the sale was “truly heartbreaking” because thousands of their ancestors(祖先)are buried(埋葬)there.

Saudi Arabia

8,000-year-old rock art

Scientists discovered that camel carvings(雕刻图案)in Saudi Arabia are 6,000 years older than first thought. In 2018, carvings of camels and other animals were found carved into desert stones in northern Saudi Arabia, At first, they were thought to date back 2, 000 years. However, new studies find that they were carved 6,000 years earlier.

1. What do we know about Kebnekaise?
A.It is the tallest mountain in southern part of Sweden.
B.The mountain was 2,096 in height above sea level last year.
C.It became smaller because there was less snow last year.
2. Why did the finding about the ancient poo surprise the scientists?
A.Because they found the earliest mine.
B.Because they found ancient people could not make cheese.
C.Because they found the earliest example of making cheese.
3. What did the Osage Nation feel about selling the 1,000-year-old art?
4. Which of the following is the earliest?
A.The ancient poo showing the diet of cheese and beer.
B.The rock art found in Saudi Arabia.
C.The art found in the hole in Missouri.
5. Where can you see these messages?
A.A nature magazine.B.A history book.C.A science newspaper.
2023-02-05更新 | 129次组卷
阅读理解-单选(约140词) | 较难 (0.4)
Four Major Plateaus(四大高原) in China
Qinghai-Xizang Plateau is the largest plateau in China and the highest in the world, covering about 2.5 million square kilometers. Its elevation(高度) is between 4,000 and 5,000 meters.
The second largest plateau in China, Inner Mongolian Plateau, is between 1,000 and 1,400 meters above sea level in north China.
TheLoessPlateau is on the west of Taihang Mountains and on the east of Qilian Mountains. It covers 400,000 square kilometers and is between 1,500 to 2,000 meters above sea level.
Covering Guizhou Province and east Yunnan Province, Yunnan-Guizhou Plateau is between 1,000 to 2,000 meters above sea level. It is the smallest of the four. The famous Huangguoshu Waterfall is on the plateau.
1. Which one is in the north of China?
A.Qinghai-Xizang Plateau.B.The Loess Plateau.
C.Yunnan-Guizhou Plateau.D.Inner Mongolian Plateau.
2. Which one is the highest plateau in the world?
A.Qinghai-Xizang Plateau.B.The Loess Plateau.
C.Yunnan-Guizhou Plateau.D.Inner Mongolian Plateau.
3. What's the Chinese meaning of the underlined word “Loess”?
4. Which one is the smallest of the four?
A.Qinghai-Xizang Plateau.B.The Loess Plateau.
C.Yunnan-Guizhou Plateau.D.Inner Mongolian Plateau.
5. Where is the Loess Plateau?
A.On the east of Taihang Mountains.
B.On the south of Qingling Mountains.
C.Between Taihang Mountains and Qilian Mountains.
D.Between Taihang Mountains and Qinling Mountains.
2019-02-24更新 | 1063次组卷
共计 平均难度:一般