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题型:阅读理解-单选 难度:0.65 引用次数:111 题号:20813525

“Am I an ‘I’ person or an ‘E’ person?” It is a popular topic among young people around China today. Many people are crazy about it so that they take a personality test named Myers-Briggs test to find out the answer.

Many people find the MBTI (Myers-Briggs Test Indicator) useful. It groups people into 16 types, which start with the letter “I” or “E”, such as “ENTJ, INFP” or more. “E” is short for “Extroversion” while “I” is for “Introversion”. “I’m an ‘E’ person. I should go to the party and make more friends. ” “I’m an ‘I’ person. I’d like to work by myself. I could be a writer in the future. ” They believe different types can help them make decisions for activities, jobs or even life choices more quickly.

But there are also problems. Some people take the test for a second time and get different results. Some people find it hard to answer some questions. “I like watching TV by myself. But I also enjoy playing with friends. Am I an ‘I’ or an ‘E’? ”

When you take a personality test, you may think, “Oh, that’s me.” That’s because the descriptions are generic. They can be used to describe many people. Research has found that over 50% of people get a different score when they retook the MBTI just five weeks later. Personalities can change with time, and they are not black-or-white, scientists say. You may be introverted now but become extroverted when you get older. Or, you can be both an “I” and an “E”. Don’t label yourself! Studies have also shown that the test is not real at telling people’s success in different jobs. So, don’t take it too seriously.

1. MBTI is a test _______.
A.without a hot topicB.with the same answer
C.about young people in ChinaD.for your personality type
2. If you are an “E” person, you may _______.
A.like to read books in the library on vacation
B.like to cook simple meals at home on weekends
C.like to watch movies with a pet dog on Friday night
D.like to celebrate different festivals with different people
3. What does the underlined word “generic” probably mean?
4. Why does the author write the passage?
A.To introduce what MBTI is.B.To tell whether MBTI is useful.
C.To explain how people use MBTI.D.To list how many people use MBTI.
【知识点】 说明文 外貌与性格


阅读理解-匹配(约100词) | 适中 (0.65)



It’s dangerous when you play with these things. If you see matches or a lighter lying around, tell an adult.


Don’t stay in your house! Although fires are scary, NEVER hide in a cupboard or under beds when there is a fire.


It’s easier to breathe in a fire by staying low. The air is fresher when you stay low.


Shout for help, but do not run. Running makes the flames burn faster.



Find a safe place outside. Then call the firefighters quickly. If someone is missing, tell the firefighters.

A.It’s important to keep cool when a fire comes.
B.If there is a fire, FALL and CRAWL.
C.Don’t play with matches or lighters.
E.If your clothes are on fire, STOP, DROP and ROLL on the ground until the fire is out.
F.Choose a safe place outside and call 119.
2022-01-18更新 | 196次组卷
阅读理解-单选(约310词) | 适中 (0.65)

With our already busy lives, finding time to exercise can be impossible. So maybe it would help if there was “a best time” to exercise.

There are clear benefits to exercising in the morning. Many of us have more free time than later in the day, and it may be easier for us to keep a morning plan. A study found that people could sleep better when they exercised in the morning or had the physical activity during the whole day. Exercising on an empty stomach (空腹) before breakfast could also have less fat (脂肪) and keep healthier.

So, good news for early birds, but what if you’re not a morning person? Working out in the afternoon or evening is also good, but different. For example, your body’s ability reaches the highest level in the afternoon, according to a 2010 study. Also, in the afternoon and evening, your mind is the quickest, and your heart rate and blood (血) pressure are lowest, and you aren’t getting hurt (受伤) easily when exercising.

But can this happen? Deciding on if you are a man or a woman? Our bodies are different, after all, so the best time to exercise may be different too. Want to reduce (降低) your blood pressure and you are a woman? Exercise in the morning. Want to improve your heart health and you are a man? Evening is better for you. But, a 2022 study found that it’s both OK for them to exercise at either time of day.

So what time is best? It seems the answer is: whatever time is best for you!

1. Paragraph 2 mainly tells us ________ of exercising in the morning.
A.good pointsB.the stepsC.some adviceD.the experience
2. According to the 2010 study, exercising in the afternoon can ________.
A.stop people talking clearlyB.make people act quickly
C.lead to have high blood pressureD.get the legs broken easily
3. It’s best for a man to exercise ________ to keep his heart healthier.
A.in the morningB.in the afternoon
C.in the eveningD.at noon
4. From the last paragraph, the writer may think ________.
A.exercising in the daytime is the bestB.people can exercise whenever they want
C.everyone should exercise every dayD.exercising is the most important
5. The passage is most probably from the part of ________ in a newspaper.
2024-03-07更新 | 27次组卷
阅读理解-单选(约210词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐3】To welcome the 2022 Beijing Winter Olympics, Shanghai Animation Film Studio made a special cartoon short video with many Chinese famous cartoon characters in it. These days, this short video once again came into people’s eyes and many felt their childhood come back.

In the video, some of the favorite cartoon characters, like the Monkey King-Sun Wukong, Nezha, Snow Child, and the Calabash Brothers(葫芦娃), play a lot of winter sports.

The lovely Snow Child flies down a hill on his skis(滑雪板), and the Monkey King says Snow Child is really strong in it. Nezha, with lots of great talents, works together with Ao Bing to enjoy the figure skating(花样滑冰), and the Calabash Brothers race to get the first place in an ice hockey(冰球) match.

Shanghai Animation Film Studio made many famous cartoons over thirty years ago. All of the cartoon characters in the video were important roles in those cartoons. So it is not surprising they interested a lot of Chinese who were born at that time.

They rooted for(助威) the 2022 Winter Olympic Games in Beijing and took many people who already grow up back to their beautiful memories(回忆).

1. In the short video, Snow Child is strong in _________.
A.racingB.skiingC.figure skatingD.ice hockey
2. The underlined word “they” in the passage refers to ________.
A.today’s famous cartoonsB.good memories in people’s hearts
C.all the cartoon characters in the videoD.workers in Shanghai Animation Film Studio
3. Many people felt their childhood come back because ________.
A.the short video became very popular
B.many cartoon characters play winter sports
C.2022 Beijing Winter Olympics came
D.the cartoon characters were their favorites when they were young
4. What’s the best title for this passage?
A.Famous Cartoon CharactersB.Shanghai Animation Film Studio
C.Let’s Play Winter SportsD.Come back for 2022 Beijing Winter Olympics
2022-11-14更新 | 70次组卷
共计 平均难度:一般