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题型:阅读理解-五选五 难度:0.65 引用次数:85 题号:21046642

Healthy food and drink for children

Is your food and drink healthy (健康的)? A lot of ice cream, hamburgers and cola are not healthy.     1     But too much meat is not good for children. Cola and candy are very sweet (甜的), and too much sugar is bad for you.

Eat the right food and be healthy.     2     Carrots, eggs and sweet potatoes are good for your eyes. Oh; have lots of delicious chicken soup!

    3     A healthy breakfast is important. Don’t go to school without breakfast.     4     They can give enough energy (能量) for the whole morning.

It is important to remember: eat well, stay healthy and don’t get fat!

●Eat noodles or rice, not hamburgers.


●Drink juice, water, tea and milk, not cola.

●Have different kinds of foods every day.

A.Have a good breakfast in the morning.
B.Eat lots of fruit and vegetables, not fast food (快餐).
C.Milk, eggs and bread are good choices (选择) for breakfast.
D.Milk, cheese and fish are good for your teeth.
E.Meat is healthy.


阅读理解-单选(约220词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐1】Many people think of ice cream as an American food. Yet, ice cream really came from Asia. It is said that in the late 1200s, Marco Polo saw some rich Asians eating ice dishes. He brought this new dish to Italy. In France, chefs(厨师) changed the ice recipe and made ice cream.

At first, chefs tried to keep the recipe a secret. They wanted it to be a special dish for rich people. By the late l700s, ice cream was popular and sold(售卖) throughout many countries like Europe and America. Some great Americans loved ice cream. George Washington was the first to buy a special machine for making it. When Thomas Jefferson returned from France, he brought an ice cream recipe home. Dolly Madison, wife of President James Madison, also liked ice cream, and she often served it at the White House. In fact, a famous brand of ice cream was even named after her.

In the late 1800s, the ice cream industry began to grow. A new way of keeping ice cream frozen(冷冻的) had been invented, so ice cream makers did not have to worry about ice cream melting(融化) anymore.

1. When did ice cream become popular in many countries?
A.In the late 1200s.B.By the late 1700s.
C.In the early1200s.D.By the early 1700s.
2. Which sentence is wrong according to the passage?
A.By the late l700s Marco Polo saw some rich Asians eating ice dishes.
B.A famous brand of ice cream was even named after Dolly Madison.
C.Thomas Jefferson brought an ice cream recipe home from France.
D.George Washington was the first to buy a special machine for making it.
3. What makes it possible for ice cream to be sold everywhere today?
A.It is easy to keep frozen.B.Many people dislike ice cream.
C.People can afford to buy it.D.There are many recipes for it.
4. What’s the title of this passage?
A.Ice cream is an American foodB.How to make ice cream
C.Ice cream is deliciousD.The story of ice cream
2023-08-27更新 | 14次组卷
阅读理解-七选五(约210词) | 适中 (0.65)

How do you usually decide where to go on vacation? Will you decide where to travel because of the local landmarks (地标)?     1     Recently, a new way of travelling—“food tourism” has become popular.

“food tourism” means that people travel to new places to try the local food.     2     For example, you can try street food, visit food markets, or eat at local restaurants. And a 2023 survey from Hello Fresh found that 74% of Americans who have travelled in the last five years went for the food. The top four countries that Americans said they want to visit for their food are Italy, France, Spain and Japan.

    3     A 2022 survey by Eurostar asked 2,000 people in Britain what their main reason was for choosing where to go on vacation. 61% of people said “the food” and 41% of people said they would travel hundreds of kilometers to find the perfect meal. Some people even like to take part in the cooking themselves.     4    

The survey also found that British people like to try new and different foods when they are travelling. Nearly half of people believe that they are more adventurous (大胆的) with what they eat when they are away from home.     5     Another survey from 2023 said that Italy, Spain and France are the top three European countries that they’d like to choose.

A.You can try the food in different ways.
B.After all, food tourism is for everyone.
C.Or do you choose where to go according to the food?
D.About the food, they have their favorite countries to go to.
E.Food is an important part of vacations for British people, too.
F.Taking a food tour is the most delicious way to learn about a place.
G.46% of people said they have taken part in cooking lessons when travelling.
2024-04-10更新 | 135次组卷
阅读理解-单选(约250词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐3】The skill of making luosifen is an art. It is now on the list of China’s intangible cultural heritage (非物质文化遗产). Have you ever tried this special food?

Luoshifen is also called the river snail rice noodles. It is made by boiling rice noodles with pickled (腌制的) bamboo shoots, fresh vegetables and river snails. The dish is sour, salty and smelly. Some people don’t like its strong smell when they first try it. But many say they can never forget its magical taste.

This dish first appeared in the southern Chinese city of Liuzhou in the 1970s. At first, it was only a local street snack. People outside the city knew little about it. In 2012, a Chinese food TV show, A Bite of China, introduced luosifen to more people.

To make delicious river snail rice noodles, you need to pickle the best sour bamboo shoots. The best time to get them is spring. Peel off their shells (外壳) and cut them into pieces, then pickle them with salt and water in a jar for about one month. You can use them when a sour smell starts coming out.

Over the years, luosifen has often appeared in food bloggers’ videos. It has become one of the most popular online snacks among young people. From a local snack to an “online celebrity” (名人), it has won the stomachs and hearts of many!

1. Luosifen’s ingredients DON’T include (包括)________.
A.river snailsB.smelly vegetablesC.rice noodlesD.pickled bamboo shoots
2. Luoshifen first appeared in ________.
A.1980B.the 1790sC.2012D.the 1970s
3. Paragraph 4 mainly talks about ________.
A.how to make luosifenB.where to eat luosifen
C.how to pickle the sour bamboo shootsD.when to get the bamboo shoots
4. The underlined part “online celebrity” in the last paragraph refers to ________.
A.LuosifenB.bamboo shootC.the food bloggerD.the city of Liuzhou
2024-07-24更新 | 5次组卷
共计 平均难度:一般