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题型:阅读理解-单选 难度:0.65 引用次数:22 题号:21139715

Yuan Longping (1930—2021) is known as a great scientist who was the first person to develop hybrid rice (杂交水稻). His research greatly solved the problem of the food shortage (缺乏) in the world.

Yuan Longping started the research in 1964. He put forward (提出) the idea of hybrid rice, did experiments (实验) on the farm, and succeeded in 1973. The new technology was tested in many areas of South China in 1974, and then he continued to test it in other areas. China has become the first country that can produce hybrid rice and Yuan is called “Father of Hybrid Rice”.

Besides being a respected scientist, he was also a romantic husband and a caring grandfather.

Yuan’s granddaughters remembered that when he traveled to Hong Kong, he wanted to buy his wife a new watch, but it was too expensive, so he bought a candy instead. When he was 90 years old, his family held a birthday party. Hundreds of people came to the party. There was a moving moment: Yuan cut the first piece of cake and immediately (立刻) gave it to his wife. They also said that their grandfather paid much attention to their English and math studies. No matter how tired he was after work, he would still ask about their studies.

Yuan Longping loved playing the violin, swimming and driving. What’s more, he had a special habit—playing mahjong (麻将) with friends for an hour every evening to train his brain. Just like common people, the scientist laughed when he won and didn’t hide his disappointment when he lost.

This is Yuan Longping: an ordinary person who made great achievements.

1. Yuan Longping developed hybrid rice in order to _________.
A.test his ideas in all areas
B.make himself famous in China
C.solve the problem of the food shortage
2. Yuan Longping brought _________ for his wife in Hong Kong at last.
A.a watchB.a candyC.a cake
3. From the passage, we can learn that _________.
A.Yuan Longping tested the new technology in other areas in 1964
B.on Yuan Longping’s 90th birthday, he cut the first piece of cake for himself
C.Yuan Longping paid much attention to his granddaughters’ English and math studies
4. What is the main idea of this passage?
A.Yuan Longping’s different hobbies.
B.A great but ordinary scientist—Yuan Longping.
C.The close relationship of Yuan Longping’s family.
【知识点】 说明文 科学家


阅读理解-单选(约320词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐1】MR. Nature is the greatest artist in the world. It creates many wonders on Earth. Let’s have a look at the six amazing tourism areas around the world.

Cave of the Crystals (水晶洞)
This cave is in Naica, Mexico. All those crystals are 40 feet long.
Sadly, it is said that these crystals are decomposing (分解) in Oxygen (氧气).
Trollstigen (巨魔之梯)
In Norway there is a road called Trollstigen. It is special because its steep incline (陡坡) can lead you to the top of the mountain.
Standing on the top, you can enjoy the amazing views around you. However, you can only visit this place in summer, because it’s too dangerous and cold to come here in winter.
Great Blue Hole (大蓝洞—伯利兹灯塔礁)
The Great Blue Hole is in Caribbean Sea (加勒比海). It’s part of the Lighthouse Reef (灯塔礁). The hole itself is darker than the waters around it because it is over 400 feet deep.
Salar de Uyuni (乌尤尼盆沼)
If you want to find out the feeling of walking on the clouds, you can visit Salar de Uyuni in Bolivia. It’s the largest salt flat (盐沼) in the world. In winter, the water turns into a wonderful mirror. It reflects (映出) the sky and this makes you believe as if you were walking on the sky.
Glass Beach (玻璃海滩)
The beach is in Fort Bragg, California, America. In the 1900s, people were allowed to put rubbish into the water of this place. Glass plates and bottles formed pebbles (卵石). The city is now famous for its special pebbles. It’s not dangerous to walk on them because they are smoothed (使光滑) by the water.
Travertine-terraced Hot Springs (石灰华阶梯温泉)
What you see is not snow at all. This place in Turkey is covered with travertine. The travertine results from hot spring water in this place. The water in the terraced pools is about 100 °F.
1. ________ is the only time to visit Trollstigen.
2. ________ may disappear in the future.
A.Great Blue HoleB.Glass BeachC.Salar de UyunD.Cave of the Crystals
3. ________ is famous for its special pebbles.
A.Fort BraggB.TurkeyC.NaicaD.Japan
4. Which of the following is true?
A.The hole itself is lighter than the waters around it.
B.When you visit Salar de Uyuni in Bolivia, you can have a feeling of walking on the clouds.
C.It’s dangerous to walk on the Glass Beach.
D.The water in the terraced pools is about 100℃.
5. The passage is mainly about ________.
A.Ancient wondersB.Man-made wondersC.Natural wondersD.Modern wonders
2023-04-20更新 | 54次组卷
阅读理解-单选(约310词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐2】When we ask readers, teachers and students what their biggest problems are in reading English newspapers, almost everyone immediately answers “vocabulary”! It is true that some readers are probably to find many new words, but that is not really a “problem”. We hope to show you a good way to increase your vocabulary.

One way to do this is, of course, to make a great effort to learn new vocabulary by using your dictionary. Look up a large number of new words you meet in the newspaper. That is not the method we are going to talk about, however. In fact, using too much dictionary is not good for your understanding of the stories. It slows down your reading speed (速度) so much that it is difficult to see how ideas fit together. Instead, we are going to suggest very useful ways for increasing your vocabulary and your reading comprehension (理解) at the same time.

One of the fastest way to build your vocabulary through the newspaper is on a “topic (主题) by topic” basis(基础). You can do this by reading stories with similar topics. You can also follow an interesting story for several days or more. You will begin to see a group of words commonly associated (有联系的) with the topic.

The other way we suggest is to use context to learn vocabulary. Sometimes you can guess the meaning of the new words with the help of the sentences around them. Also, some newspapers are made to be understood easily. Stories are written for general audience (观众), not for experts (专家). And there are also several photographs besides (除……之外) the stories.

1. What is the popular problem we meet when we read English newspapers?
A.Grammar is the biggest problem.B.There are so many new words.
C.The topics are too hard to understand.D.The writing style (方式) is too new for us.
2. What do people usually do when we meet some new vocabularies?
A.Leave them alone.B.Try to read them out.
C.Look them up in the dictionary.D.Ask teachers for help
3. ________ is one of the ways that the writer suggests in the passage.
A.Reading as much as possibleB.Reading dictionaries
C.Reading stories with similar topicsD.Reading different kinds of stories
4. What does the word “context” in Paragraph 4 mean in Chinese?
5. What is the main idea of this passage?
A.How to use the dictionary.B.How to improve your English.
C.How to read English newspapers.D.How to learn new vocabularies.
2023-06-16更新 | 193次组卷
阅读理解-单选(约320词) | 适中 (0.65)
【推荐3】How did your parents celebrate when you were born? Of course you can’t remember, but they can. They have photos or videos from a ceremony of some kind.
In the United States, the proud parents of a new baby often put something on their front door. It’s an exciting time for them, and they want to share the good news with their neighbors. For example, they put balloons(气球)on their door. Pink balloons mean the baby is a girl. Blue ones are for boys.
People around the world often celebrate a new baby’s birth with some kinds of ceremonies, perhaps a religious(宗教的)ceremony. This perhaps takes place when a baby is a few days or weeks old. Take what people do in Mexico as an example, many new parents dress their babies in special clothes take them to church.In some African countries, the family plants a tree near the house. In Korea, there is a traditional ceremony on the baby’s 100th day. And it’s the same in China. On that day, all family members and friends get together to have a big meal, with all the best wishes that the baby will grow up happily and healthily.
The parents of new babies often receive presents. In the United States, friends send cards, flowers or baby clothes. In China, family members and friends give money or presents.
Presents, celebrations---these are great, but what do most new parents really need? More sleep!
1. If you see __     ___   balloons on the front door of an American house, a boy is born.
2. This passage tells us that taking a baby to church __     ___   is a religious ceremony of celebrating a new baby’s birth.
A.in MexicoB.in Africa
C.in KoreaD.in China
3. According to the passage , __     ___   is NOT a kind of ceremony.
A.putting things on the front door
B.planting a tree near the house
C.having a big meal on the baby’s 100 th day
D.giving new parents more time to sleep
4. The best title of this passage is probably“ __       ___ ”.
A.Photos and Videos of a New Baby’s Birth
B.Proud Parents of a New Baby
C.Ways of Celebrating a New Baby’s Birth
D.Presents for Parents of a New Baby
2016-11-26更新 | 81次组卷
共计 平均难度:一般