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题型:阅读理解-五选五 难度:0.85 引用次数:27 题号:22031240

Do you want to enjoy your vacations? Here are some good ideas!


You can’t wait for the winter season? Winter is perfect in New Zealand in August. It’s famous for bungee jumping (蹦极), and it’s also a good place for skiing.


Nature’s Valley on the east coast of South Africa is a good place for vacations. The beaches and the forests next to the warm Indian Ocean are very nice. It’s great to be close to nature!


The pyramids in Egypt are famous attractions all year round. The Nile Valley is always warm in December. You can pack light clothes up if you go there. Just take a coat for the evening.


Leaves start to fall from the trees in Australia, making it easier to see some of the special animals there. Go on an adventurous (冒险的) tour in autumn!


Amsterdam will have the Orange Festival at the end of April. Thousands of people will have parties and enjoy themselves in a real orange world—orange hair, orange shirts and even orange body paint!

A.Take a warm tour in December.
B.Look for special animals.
C.Be close to nature.
D.Enjoy winter in August.
E.Have fun in an orange world.
【知识点】 旅行


阅读理解-单选(约260词) | 较易 (0.85)

【推荐1】Have you ever been to Wuyuan? It is in the northeast of Jiangxi Province. People call it “The hometown of books”, “The hometown of tea” and “The most beautiful village in China”.

I went there with my friends in April this year and had a wonderful experience. At first, we saw many ancient buildings surrounded by green trees and clear brooks (溪流). It was said that they were built during the Tang Dynasty. Then we visited Changxi village, a place famous for producing high mountain green tea. People lead a quiet and simple life there. They shared the tea culture with us and told us how to enjoy the fresh tea. Next we passed through the oldest lane (空中走廊) to experience the beautiful Rainbow Bridge. Although it was built 800 years ago, it stands as sturdy (坚固的) as ever. So it is still in use by the villagers now. I really liked this bridge because it could protect people from getting wet on rainy days. After that, we had a look at the Yuanyang Lake. It is in the west of Wuyuan and got the name of “Provincial Nature Reserve” in 1997. Along the lake is a forest with about 185 kinds of plants that are green all year round.

1. Which is NOT the name people give to Wuyuan?
A.The hometown of books.B.The hometown of tea.
C.The most beautiful village in China.D.The most interesting place in China.
2. What do we know about Changxi village?
A.It has many green trees and clear brooks.B.It’s famous for producing black tea.
C.People lead a quiet and simple life there.D.It was rainy there when the writer visited it.
3. Which is the right order of the writer’s activities?
① He passed through the Rainbow Bridge.       ② He learnt about the tea culture.
③ He visited the Yuanyang Lake.       ④ He watched ancient buildings.
2024-09-14更新 | 13次组卷
阅读理解-单选(约240词) | 较易 (0.85)

【推荐2】With careful planning we can travel to Europe with less money. Here’re three famous European cities to visit.

Vilnius, Lithuania

The visit to Vilnius, the capital city of Lithuania, is not only cheap but also amazing. Once a Lithuanian friend planned a weekend trip to Vilnius. A four-star hotel for two nights, meals, opera tickets and a visit to one of Vilnius’s world famous places cost less than $500 per person. Sadly, with a baby at home I did not make the trip. Vilnius has many art museums, lovely cheap restaurants and beautiful churches.

Munich, Germany

I am a huge fan of this southern German city. Munich is one of the best cities in the world to live in. The train line is wonderful. There are many cheap hotels. The main train station even offers very clean bathrooms with showers. It's good for those travelling on the night train. There are many inexpensive restaurants and beer gardens in Munich.

Krakow, Poland

Did you know that many Europeans travel to Poland just to see a dentist? My husband has travelled to Poland several times on his hunting trip. Poland also has many boars(野猪). Krakow is an interesting eastern European city with a rich history. There are many inexpensive restaurants and Krakow’s Flamingo Hotel is considered one of the best hotels in Europe.

1. Why didn't the writer go to Vilnius?
A.Because the writer had no time.
B.Because the writer didn't like the city.
C.Because the writer didn't have enough money.
D.Because the writer had to take care of his or her baby.
2. Which is a good way to travel in Munich?
A.The car.B.The plane.C.The train.D.The bike.
3. According to the passage, what can we do in Krakow?
A.Go to churches.B.See wild animals.
C.Meet some famous writers.D.See many beautiful bridges.
2019-11-11更新 | 8次组卷
阅读理解-单选(约60词) | 较易 (0.85)



TimeFlight No.BeijingBahrainDohaAbu DhabiDubaiMuscat
1. What is the flight number from Beijing to Abu Dhabi?
A.F002, F004 and F012B.F002, F008 and F012
C.F002, F008 and F018D.F012, F016 and F022
2. How long does it take to fly from Beijing to Doha?
A.Ten hoursB.Nine hours and a half
C.Seven and a half hoursD.Six hours and a quarter
3. When is it possible for one to fly from Beijing to Abu Dhabi and then to Bahrain on the same day?
A.Monday, Wednesday and ThursdayB.MondayC.WednesdayD.It’s not possible
2022-03-31更新 | 129次组卷
共计 平均难度:一般