组卷网 > 初中英语综合库 > 主题 > 人与社会 > 社会服务 > 志愿服务
题型:阅读理解-单选 难度:0.65 引用次数:63 题号:22192094

In some parts of the world, children don’t have enough food to eat or enough money to buy clothes or shoes. Every year at Sunshine Middle School, we do something to raise (筹集) money for these children. This year we will have a Market Day.

The Market Day will fall on July 8. We are going to make the student center at our school look just like a big shopping center! People can come at any time from 9:00 a. m. to 5:00 p. m. and buy everything from clothes to books, cakes and flowers.

Luckily for us, many volunteers (志愿者) will help prepare for the big event. Last year, Ms. Grant and Ms. Ali made some wonderful cakes for our charity (慈善) event. They will do it again this year. Bill Thomas will visit Bookworm Bookshop and Mel’s Music Shop and ask them to give us things that we can sell at the event. Philip White will e-mail all the teachers and ask them to come to our event. Alice Brown will put a message online telling the public the event is open to everyone.

However, there is more to do, and we need your help. We want you to give us things that we can sell—books, old clothes, anything that we can sell to raise money for poor children. We also need some student volunteers to sell the things we get on Market Day.

With your help, we will certainly have a successful Market Day!

1. What do we know about the Market Day from Paragraph 2?
①When it will be.       ②Where it will be.
③What it will sell.     ④Who it will help.
2. What does the underlined words “do it” in Paragraph 3 refer to?
A.Visit shops.B.Make cakes.
C.Give away books.D.Play some music.
3. Who will invite teachers to this year’s charity event?
A.Ms. Grant.B.Bill Thomas.C.Philip White.D.Alice Brown.
4. What does Paragraph 4 mainly talk about?
A.Why the event is important.B.How to become a volunteer.
C.What help the event still needs.D.How to sell things on Market Day.
5. The writer wrote the passage mainly to ________.
A.teach students about charity
B.talk about an interesting market
C.share feelings about being a volunteer
D.ask some students to help with the event
【知识点】 志愿服务 说明文


阅读理解-五选四 | 适中 (0.65)

I come from Nanchang, Jiangxi. I want to tell you a story.     1    

My father’s name is Li Wenwen. He is a big fan of Lei Feng. And he likes collecting old newspapers, too.     2     He then got the idea of collecting things about him. My father has many old things about Lei Feng. He not only collects those things but also listens to stories behind them.

    3     She asks him to have some exhibitions(展览), so more people can learn from Lei Feng. Now, there is an exhibition room in my house. People can see a lot of old things about Lei Feng in it.

My father wants people to inherit(继承)the spirit(精神)of Lei Feng.     4     On Saturdays and Sundays, he often goes to visit a children’s home or an old people’s home. “Helping others makes me happy,” he always says.

I think my father is great!

A.He also likes to give people a helping hand.
B.My mother always stands behind my father.
C.We should learn from Lei Feng.
D.The story is about my father and his love for Lei Feng.
E.One day, he found some old newspapers with stories about Lei Feng.
2022-12-11更新 | 71次组卷
阅读理解-单选 | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐2】Sometimes children need some help to improve themselves. In some schools in England, some volunteers work with children who have difficulty in reading. The volunteers spend time with them, away from their class, to help them learn to love books and enjoy school. These children can then become more confident about school and learning.

Holly is a 7-year-old student. Here is a report from Mrs. Trent who has been visiting her at school.

When I first started working with Holly, she was very shy and didn’t really enjoy reading. Her class teacher told me she was very quiet in class.
During our lessons we spent lots of time reading books together. We also played word games to help with her spelling and writing. As time went on, Holly began to relax and became more confident. She realized that reading and writing could be lots of fun.
Holly even wrote a book by herself about Beauty and the Beast. She also drew some lovely pictures to explain it.
Her class teacher is pleased with how well Holly is doing. Holly tells her classmates about what she has done in each lesson with me. I think they all want to join in as well!
I’m glad that Holly is also spending more time at home reading with her parents. They all enjoy reading books together! She now even reads to her dog!

1. In some schools in England, volunteers help students ________..
A.get away from dangerB.finish their homeworkC.love books and school
2. Mrs. Trent helped Holly by reading books and ________.
A.playing word gamesB.drawing picturesC.writing funny books
3. Who does the underlined word “me” refer to?
A.Holly.B.Mrs. Trent.C.Holly’s class teacher.
4. Which of the following is TRUE?
A.Holly is a volunteer.
B.Holly’s parents wrote Beauty and the Beast.
C.Holly had difficulty in reading at first.
5. What can be the best title for this text?
A.What great progress!B.What useful advice!C.What a good report!
2024-03-06更新 | 5次组卷
阅读理解-单选 | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐3】You may have heard of therapy(治疗) dogs or even therapy pigs, but what about a therapy horse? Peyo, the 15-year-old horse, spends his days doing the rounds at Calais Hospital in France. He helps provide comfort to patients and their families.

Peyo used to train for giving shows. One day, his owner, Hassen Bouchakour, happened to discover that his horse had a different, magic ability. After shows, Peyo would pick people out of the crowd and remain close to them.

Bouchakour later realized that his horse was instinctively choosing sick people. He decided to use Peyo’s special gift to bring peace and comfort to those who most needed it.

The pair has been began volunteering(志愿服务) at Calais Hospital since 2016. The horse—now called “Doctor Peyo”—tells his owner which patients need attention by standing near them and raising one leg. The horse is especially useful when patients are nearing the end of their lives. Having Peyo by their side brings them happiness in their final moments and helps them have a more peaceful passing.

Since beginning his life as a therapy horse, Peyo has helped more than 1,000 patients. Not only does Peyo help the sick, but he’s also a true friend to his trainer. “Peyo is my life friend,” Bouchakour says.

1. What did Peyo use to do?
A.He gave shows.B.He picked gifts.
C.He carried people.D.He treated animals.
2. What does the underlined word “instinctively” in the text probably mean in Chinese?
3. How did patients feel when staying with Peyo?
A.Tired and worried.B.Angry and hopeless.
C.Happy and peaceful.D.Pleased and excited.
4. Which of the following could be the best title for the text?
A.Doctor PeyoB.A life friend
C.Calais HospitalD.A horse show
2022-04-20更新 | 30次组卷
共计 平均难度:一般