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题型:任务型阅读-多任务混合 难度:0.65 引用次数:149 题号:8697106

There are so many expressions in American English that sound pleasant but are not. “Face the music” is a good example. When someone says he has to “face the music”, it does not mean he is going to a concert. “Face the music” means accepting and dealing with the punishment of an action.

Americans often use the word “face” in this way. For example, “I can't face another night of camping! It's cold and rainy. ” or “In life, you must face your fears. ” “Face” used in this way is very common.

But now, let's go back to facing the music. Imagine a friend asks you to take care of her beautiful red sports car. She gives you the keys and says, “Thanks so much for watching my car while I'm away. But please, do not drive it. It is an extremely(极其)fast car. ” But you do not listen. You want to show off to some friends. So, you drive it around town one night. As bad luck would have it, you lose control of the car and drive it into a stop sign. Bang!

When your friend returns, you must tell her what you have done and “face the music”. The “music” here is the result of your actions. It could be losing her friendship or paying for repairs to her sports car or both. Whatever the music is, you must face it.

There are other American expressions that mean the same thing as “face the music”. To “take your medicine” means accepting the results from something bad you have done. And if someone says, “You made your bed. Now lie in it. ” He means you created a bad situation and now you will experience the results!

1. 将划线短语 the punishment of an action 译为汉语。
2. 列举两个表示承担自己不良行为所导致的结果的短语。
(1)____________________     (2)____________________
3. 回答问题。What does“You made your bed. Now lie in it. ”mean?
4. 选出第四段中face the music中the music 指代的内容。
A. Lose the friendship.
B. Pay for repairs to the sports car.
C. Go to a concert.
D. Listen to the music.
(1)____________________     (2)____________________
5. 找出最能表达文章主题的句子。
18-19九年级·山东青岛·课时练习 查看更多[2]
【知识点】 语言与文化 说明文


任务型阅读-未知(约350词) | 适中 (0.65)
【推荐1】配对阅读 左栏介绍了五个人在学习上遇到的问题,右栏是七个教育资源的介绍,请为不同的人找到合适的资源。

    1    Fang Fang is a college student. She failed the English test last Wednesday again. She has trouble learning English. She finds that she always uses verbs in a wrong way.
    2    Tom is 13 years old and is studying in a middle school. He is interested in English news. But he is a deaf boy. 
    3    Fei Fei is a student, and he is studying English. He always has trouble understanding the right meanings of the saying and idioms(成语). He often makes mistakes.
    4    Deng Qi is a 14­year­old girl. She is learning English, she feels unhappy because she is bad at listening. And she doesn't know what to do.
    5    Ming Qing is a Chinese student. He is studying English but he always has some problems in learning English new words, which makes him sad.
A. Welcome to our website. We provide much listening practice for junior students. If you don't understand what you are listening, you can find listening materials. We believe much listening practice can improve your listening.
B. Advanced English Grammar is very helpful for high school students. All kinds of sentences are listed to tell you the grammar and it picks out the mistakes the students are easy to make in the sentences.
C. Longman Advanced Learner's Dictionary of Current English. Explain the use of verbs in detail(详细),with a lot of examples, learners can understand them easily and use them in a right way.
D. Xinhua Dictionary is widely used in Chinese students. More than 5,000 Chinese characters are in it. Pronunciations and meanings of Chinese characters are included in it.
E. Welcome to the After­school Activity Center. We have some educational experts to help you with your study. They can tell you how to remember new English words quickly. Mini flashcards to memorize English words are our specials.
F. Welcome to Daily News Website. There is much latest English news all over the world on it. Watch and listen to the news just like watching TV, or read it. It can help people understand the news.
G. Dictionary of Idioms which is written by many experts for 3 years came out last month. Uses of over 80,000 idioms. Clear explanations.

2021-01-28更新 | 22次组卷
任务型阅读-阅读填表(约290词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐2】"Fall" and"Autumn"

What season is it in October? If you ask people from the UK, they will tell you it's "autumn". But if you go to the US, you will find that people use“autumn" or“fall".

According to Dictionary .com, both words have been around for a long time, but neither of them was the first to describe this season. During this season, crops (庄稼) would become ripe (成熟) and farmers would have a big harvest. So in Old English, this season was simply called "harvest" .

Then, in the 1600s, more people left their farms and moved to cities. With fewer people farming, the word "harvest" became less useful. English speakers needed a different name for the season. They knew leaves fell from trees during the season, so people started calling it“the fall of the leaf", or“fall" for short.

But at the end of the 1600s, autumn, from the French word "autompne" and the Latin "autumnus" came to England. "Fall" as the word for this season disappeared slowly.

At the same time, people in the UK were making their first trips to North America. They brought both the words“fall" and“autumn" with them. That's why today's Americans have two names for one season.

Title: “Fall” and “Autumn”

The names of the season in OctoberPeople in the UK call it “autumn”.
People in the US call it    1    “autumn”    2    “fall”.
    3    of the names for this seasonIn the UK
In Old EnglishIt got the name "harvest" because it was time for farmers to    4    .
In the 1600s"The fall of the leaf" or “fall”    5    "harvest".
At the end of the 1600s"Autumn" appeared in England. It    6    _French and Latin.
In the US
At the end of the 1600s
People in the UK started to travel to North America and brought these two
words there.

2020-02-25更新 | 140次组卷
任务型阅读-阅读表达(约390词) | 适中 (0.65)

Who owns English?

1 English is spoken by about 400 million people, mostly in the US, the UK, Canada, Australia, New Zealand and South Africa. In Ghana, India and Singapore, English is used as a working language, for example, between bosses and secretaries, and between doctors and patients, although there are other languages for everyday use. In China and many other countries, English is the most important foreign language that children learn at school, because when they grow up, it will be quite possible for them to meet people from other countries. They will need a common language to communicate with each other. English is now used by nearly a quarter of the world’s population, and anywhere you go in the world, there is a good chance that you will meet someone who speaks English.

2 The reason why English is spoken everywhere is that in the nineteenth century, English became the language of world trade. And in the twentieth century, the US spread English through newspaper, television and films. It is now the common language for international travel, science, industry, and recently, information technology and the Internet.

3 It is also important to know that English has borrowed many words from other languages, for example, "restaurant" from French, "zero" from Arabic, "piano" from Italian, and "tofu" from Chinese.

4 Will the importance of English last? As China continues to grow, many people think that Chinese will become as common as English by the middle of the twenty-first century. More and more schools in Europe are teaching Chinese as a foreign language, together with some European languages. However, most people still think that English will be used most around the world, at least for the next twenty or thirty years.

5 So who owns English? The answer is everyone who speaks it-the British, the Indians and the Chinese all help make it a rich language. Even though we speak different types of English, we are all part of an international club. We all own English.

1. How many people in the world use English?
2. According to the writer, why do you need to learn English at school?
3. What does Paragraph 2 mainly tell us?
4. Are there any words from other languages in English?
5. What is considered to be the world language before the middle of the 21st century?
6. What do you think the writer’s purpose of writing this passage is?
2020-10-13更新 | 142次组卷
共计 平均难度:一般