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| 共计 307 道试题
1 . ________ is better worth my respect than our national hero Yuan Longping who helped Chinese and even the people all over the world.
2023-07-12更新 | 118次组卷 | 1卷引用:2023年安徽省合肥市庐阳中学中考三模英语试题
2 . —Have you watched the film The Wandering Earth Ⅱ (流浪地球2)?
—Yes. I have never seen a ________ one than that.
3 . —What do you think of the dress?
—Great. I don’t think I can get a ________ one.
2023-07-11更新 | 50次组卷 | 1卷引用:2023年黑龙江省龙东地区部分学校中考一模英语试题
4 . —How was your vacation in America?   
—It couldn’t be ________! I don’t even want to talk about it.
A.leastB.betterC.worseD.more important
2023-07-08更新 | 161次组卷 | 1卷引用:2023年山东省青岛市市南区中考二模英语试题
5 . Daming thinks that nothing is ________ than playing tennis.
A.enjoyableB.more enjoyableC.most enjoyableD.the most enjoyable
2023-06-16更新 | 212次组卷 | 1卷引用:2023年天津市滨海新区中考二模英语试题
6 . —What do you think of this kind of clay art?
—Great! I have never seen a _______ one.
A.beautifulB.more beautifulC.most beautiful
2023-06-07更新 | 51次组卷 | 1卷引用:2023年湖南省岳阳市中考三模英语试题(含听力)
7 . —You are always so lazy! I’ve never seen ________ room before.
—Sorry! I will clean it right away.
A.an untidyB.an untidierC.the untidiestD.the untidier
2023-05-20更新 | 109次组卷 | 1卷引用:2023年江苏省扬州市广陵区中考二模英语试题
8 . — What do you think of Lily’s speech?
— Great! No one does ________ in our class.
2023-05-10更新 | 237次组卷 | 1卷引用:2023年广西防城港市防城区中考二模英语试题(含听力)
9 . —Lucy, how did your job interview go?
—I received the offer letter a minute ago. I can’t feel ________ now.
A.excitedB.more excitedC.most excitedD.the most excited
2023-05-04更新 | 255次组卷 | 2卷引用:2023年江苏省南通市通州区中考一模英语试题
10 . —Did you have a good sleep last night, Eric?
—Yes, I have never slept ________. Now I’ve got a fresh mind again.
2023-05-04更新 | 301次组卷 | 4卷引用:2023年江苏省南通市启东市中考一模英语试题
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