组卷网 > 知识点选题 > -ing形容词和-ed形容词辨析
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| 共计 20 道试题
1 . From her____ smile, we can see she is _____ with the result.
A.satisfying; satisfiedB.satisfying; satisfyingC.satisfied; satisfiedD.satisfied; satisfying
2024-04-08更新 | 37次组卷 | 1卷引用:江西省井冈山经贸学校2023-2024学年高一下学期第一次月考英语试题
2 . Judging from his ________ expression, the student is confused about the confusing problem.
2021-11-20更新 | 271次组卷 | 2卷引用:江西省遂川中学2021-2022学年高一上学期第一次月考英语试卷(A卷)
3 . At the thought of going to my new school, I felt a little ________.
2021-11-20更新 | 111次组卷 | 1卷引用:江西省遂川中学2021-2022学年高一上学期第一次月考英语试卷(A卷)
4 . It's ________ (thrill) to see people diving into the sea from a cliff. (所给词的适当形式填空)
2021-09-04更新 | 50次组卷 | 2卷引用:江西省新余市第四中学2021-2022学年高二上学期第一次月考英语试题
5 . He is a modest man and never feels s______ with his present achievement. (根据首字母单词拼写)
2021-06-01更新 | 31次组卷 | 1卷引用:江西省吉安市安福二中、吉安县三中、井大附中2020-2021学年高一5月份联考英语试题
6 . I was impressed by his ___________ (inspire) words, and I decided to cooperate with him.
8 . 请根据课文内容,修改下列句子中的错误。每句只有一处错误。每处错误仅涉及一个单词的增加,删除或修改。
1. He became inspiring when he thought about helping ordinary people exposed to cholera.
2. So many thousands of terrified people died every time when there was an outbreak.
3. Dry the burned area gentle.
4. You have three layers of skin what act as a barrier against disease poisons and harmful rays.
5. So we wrote an article suggested he was guilty.
6. Just as I tried to make the necessary adjustment with this new situation, Wang Ping appeared.
7. This is a pity that the industrial cities do not attract visitors.
8. Wang Ping fasten my safety belt and showed me how to use it.
9. He knew that cholera would never control until its cause was found.
10. In another part of London, he found supporting evidence from two other death that were linked to the Broad Street outbreak.
2020-12-22更新 | 174次组卷 | 2卷引用:【南昌新东方】高二西南昌十二中高二上学期期中考英语卷 16
9 . 每题各有一个错误。每处错误仅涉及一个单词的增加、删除或修改。
1. It was yesterday when he met his English teacher.
2. I sincere hope I’ll see her again.
3. We didn’t enjoy the day because of the weather was so awful.
4. Water, that is the origin of life, has many uses.
5. He couldn’t find the house where he bought many years ago.
6. We have been waiting here since the museum opens.
7. They said it was so a beautiful day that they would remember it forever.
8. He speaks English fluently as if he is from Britain, but actually he is from China.
9. She was very frightening when a plane flew over her head.
10. Today we have reached a stage that we have almost no rights at all.
2020-12-10更新 | 221次组卷 | 2卷引用:江西省南昌市第十中学2020-2021学年高一上学期期中考试英语试题(含听力)
10 . 每句话只有一处错误,每处错误仅涉及一个单词的增加、删除或修改。
1. This was a severe attack and the woman is still very shocking at it.
2. They treat me as if I am a native.
3. I will tell you a story which you will find it interesting.
4. Ever since he moved here, he tried his best to help the poor.
5. The girl is hard-working and she is always the first student come every day.
2020-11-24更新 | 133次组卷 | 1卷引用:江西省南昌市八一中学、麻丘高级中学等六校2020-2021学年高一上学期期中联考英语试题
共计 平均难度:一般